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Everything posted by marks2065

  1. sounds to me like this is more double talk by Obama. but then again politicians are good for this crap. this is a perfect example of why a line item veto is needed for the president.
  2. i say the people are stupid if they don't make the gov hold the ones resposible that caused the mess. the fat cats that walked away knowing what they had done should be partially responsible for the cleanup. Handing one person a $700 billion check book with no oversight is stupid also. this whole mess is getting more stinking as it grows. everyone in congress is screwing this one up.
  3. After reading that, blood is squirting from my eyes! Fixing banks that aren't broken? We really do, need to 'clean house' and get rid of these guys! If, my wife and I, ran our house the way the government runs this country... I'd either be in jail or living under an over-pass. Good Lord! Chuck to many degrees and no comon sense. i guess that all the education in the world can't fix a lack of common sense or poor morality. i guess you can be book smart and stupid at the same time. (both sides have fucked up and are in the process of making it bigger, i have faith in the abilities in washington.) haha
  4. 2 kids in college (one paid for by the person that ran her over with a car) the other the first $20,000 i paid the next 45,000 still working on paying.
  5. come on only 6% ? its time to step up, it's time to be patriotic, lets get with it, it's our duty. (as Biden said) Before 2006 i donated more making 30% of what Obama made. what he donated was probably close to the max amount for his church to operate (don't know who he gave to) not for people that needed help.
  6. so since Obama earned $991,000 in 2006 and gave $60,000 that would be slightly over 6% just like reported Year Total income Gifts to charity Federal taxes 2000 $240,726 $2,350 $63,732 2001 $275,123 $1,470 $86,072 2002 $260,824 $1,050 $68,958 2003 $238,327 $3,400 $51,856 2004 $207,647 $2,500 $40,426 2005 $1,670,995 $77,315 $545,614 2006 $991,296 $60,307 $277,431 suprisinly the donations didn't increase till he started to run for president. must have wanted to look good
  7. Hey.. where is all that much vaunted rePUBICan personal responsibility?? How about taking care of yourself and not expecting the government to take care of you. I don't expect any help nor do i want any from the government. just thought it was funny / and sad that on the radio show I was listening to they were taking up a collection for Obama's half brother and had raised well over $2,000 in a matter of minutes, to send to Obama's brother. then they talked about Obama saying how we should take care family and the less fortunate and it was our duty to do this, but they questioned if Obama really believed in what he was telling us because he hasn't even, at any time, helped his brother, or practiced what he preached with his own family. then they covered donations and reported biden's donations at about $300 a year, Obama's was a little over 6% last year and McCain donated over 23$ of his salery last year. I do believe in giving a helping hand to those that need it, but only when they try to help themselves. I have donated several thousand dollars in the last couple years to my local community and I am a little guy. makes me feel sad that the people that want us to be Patiotic and support those in need have given very little themselves.
  8. from: here. But go ahead and continue to talk about how cushy teaching positions are, and how teachers are the cause of poor education. 51k$/year after 15 years of employment does not sound good to me at all. .jim 51k with 2 1/2 months off and full benifits? sounds good. alot of people would love that. with teaching summer school could get a few thousand more and still have about 30-60 day off every year. rest my case school teachers are whiners!
  9. I don't think most people would consider me "the far left." I'm ready for a leader who acts like one. A leader who doesn't say stupid shit like, "Bomb, bomb, bomb...bomb, bomb Iran" on camera. A President who makes me proud rather than embarasses me. Obama ain't perfect for me on policy stuff, he's just less unattractive than McCain. But on character and leadership ability, I'd consider him FAR better than McCain. Remember what McCain did to his first wife? How's that for character? On the leadership end of things, I'll admit that I don't think McCain would be as awful as Bush, but does ANYONE believe that fake smile of his?! It's almost as bad as that smirk of Bush's. Blues, Dave well if Obama gets elected i hope he is better at taking care of us than he helps his half brother.
  10. the people that work hard and do things right have alot fewer problems than those that whine and say it's the presidents fault. like Katrina those are the biggest whiners of the decade.
  11. no stand up and tell the truth and face the music. here is the president telling every kid it is ok to lie
  12. the pay sounds pretty good to me $40,000 - $80,000 a year with full benifits and 2 1/2 months off. alot of people would love that kind of pay. Source: OECD (ea. in US-$) *) Country Starting Salary Final Salary USA 28693 49728 Germany 39853 51210 Finland 22320 32429 England 23297 36864 Korea 25045 68449 Netherlands 28498 43552 France 24016 45501 Spain 30228 43790 Who told you about US$80k/yr? We're talking about school teachers, right? Illinois Contacts: State Student Leader: Kimberly Gray Illinois Education Association Student Program Student Organizer: Meredith Byers (866) 690-3876 ext. 312 Career Outlook: Beginning Teacher Salary: $30,939 Average Teacher Salary: $57,819 Job Market: Shortages in across the board, but especially in special education, math and sciences. For current job openings visit Certification Requirements: Illinois State Board of Education (866) 845-8749
  13. no i blame Clinton for being a liar and causing the mess in the first place. a little backbone from the president would have been nice
  14. only in your eyes and a few others from the far left
  15. Since then he has been saying that all our economic problems are just in our imagination. In July 2008 he said "You've heard of mental depression; this is a mental recession. . . We have sort of become a nation of whiners, you just hear this constant whining, complaining about a loss of competitiveness." what he said may be not popular but he is correct, the US has become a NATION OF WHINERS
  16. who was the president that signed it?
  17. That's probably why the teachers got into the teaching profession in the first place, the excellent pay. the pay sounds pretty good to me $40,000 - $80,000 a year with full benifits and 2 1/2 months off. alot of people would love that kind of pay.
  18. the blow job was not the issue it was the millions spent to make clinton admit he got a blowjob. i personally don't care if he got one or a hundred, especially having to be with Hillary. what i do care is what we got for the money spent. we got a confession, doesn't really seem worth it.
  19. Like that 'understanding of constitutional law' that said that the DC ban was constitutional? I don't think education is as important as the person. Remember Reagan was "just an actor" and he did pretty good. . Iran-Contra. "I'm sorry, I can't recall" Biggest deficits in history up to that time (Bush, of course, broke Reagan's records for debt and govt. spending). Of course, being an actor, he managed to fool lots of people into thinking he was a good president. name one president, in the last 40 years, without a scandle. Biggest deficits in history are a disgrace, not a scandal. Reagan was NOT a good president. getting a blow job in the oval office then lie about is a disgrace
  20. Well, maybe he should appoint a commission to tell him what to do Vs. just flapping his jaws over it? Absolutely. Perhaps McCain will put GWB on his commission. There's a fellow who knows his economics. And Rick Davis, McC's chief of staff, who took $35,000 a month for several years to lobby for Fannie and Freddie. As I recall, Obama already has some of the money men from Lehman on his staff - maybe he should ask them what to do. --------------------------------------------------------- so McCain has a couple lobbiests on his staff and Obama has the people that actually made the bad descissions hhhmmm i'll vote for McCain
  21. well you are in a minority on that opinion and that is your right to have that opinion. that's what makes this country so great and thanx to the military and the people that have given the orders to the military so you can have that opinion and spaek it freely.
  22. Wow - you're absolutely right, professor. I mean, what does ACT know about students being ready for college, anyway? A great deal more than you. However, the issue was "outcomes", but you seem to have quietly dropped that topic. Sorry, I thought it was apparent that the 'outcome based education' that leaves 50% or less of students ready for college would be apparent to someone as learned as yourself. I'll make sure to drop ACT an email and let them know that their information is obviously wrong. If you want to be laughed at, go ahead. You do NOT know what you're writing about. Rather like when you pontificate on statistics. ------------------------------------------------------------ maybe everyone needs to drop all the bullshit in the schools and just start to teach. why do schools use round tables? 1/2 the kids have their back to the teacher. why does my wifes kids have 5 hours a week mandatory spanish starting in first grade but only 3 hours of math a week and no art class? why do teachers teach how to pass a test to look good for the government but not how to read and add? why do the teachers blame the parents when a student can not read? Why? because teachers care about a paycheck and not the job. teachers are afraid to fail a student because they have to pay for tutors to catch the kid up and the district doesn't want to pay that. Maybe we need to start fining teachers that fail the kids.
  23. Like that 'understanding of constitutional law' that said that the DC ban was constitutional? I don't think education is as important as the person. Remember Reagan was "just an actor" and he did pretty good. . Iran-Contra. "I'm sorry, I can't recall" Biggest deficits in history up to that time (Bush, of course, broke Reagan's records for debt and govt. spending). Of course, being an actor, he managed to fool lots of people into thinking he was a good president. name one president, in the last 40 years, without a scandle.
  24. I agree but i would take Palin over Biden just because of the bad choises Biden has made over the years.
  25. Like that 'understanding of constitutional law' that said that the DC ban was constitutional? I don't think education is as important as the person. Remember Reagan was "just an actor" and he did pretty good. Good character and good leadership skills are more needed to be president. A good staff will iron out the details. A good education is a plus but not at the cost of giving up the other tangebles that make up a good leader.