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Everything posted by marks2065

  1. i guess apples and oranges are kinda hard to compare, lets try just apples. lets list McCain against Obama since they are running for president, but then again that would look fair to the democrats would it?
  2. Brilliant idea, Mike, as we've come to expect from you. After all, why should we be concerned about whether or not kids actually learn anything at school? --------------------------------------------------- i think the question is, shouldn't we be concerned about the low quality of teaching in the schools?
  3. ok here it comes, the race card. could only use it once so they start to pull this shit 6 weeks before the election. heard it all over the news this morning about the poll. We have a senator with no acomplishments in time served, 2 senators with alot of time and acomplishments(both good and bad), and govenor with some good and bad and all we hear about black white, male female, and lipstick on a pig? I guess this is a typical election.
  4. Obama doesn't want to give specifics "because of how touchy the economy is" or some shit like that. probably doesn't have any good numbers. he won't get elected if he actually puts his ideas on paper for people to see and study.
  5. why is everyone so afraid to compare apples? lets put Obama and McCains list together? or are we afraid ?
  6. I'm not sure 7-Eleven or Burger King franchises are generally good examples of places that hire undocumented workers. That notwithstanding, you're right that some businesses cannot move jobs out of the US because their location is an inherent part of their business. However, other businesses can, and often do, move jobs and operations out of the country. Manufacturing, phone/computer based services, software development, etc. can all be moved out of the country. Fortunately, Obama wants to give tax incentives to companies that expand or start operations in the US, as well as ending current tax incentives for companies to move jobs overseas. Illegals usually work in jobs that are menial and under the radar. any of the jobs you listed usually not based with illegals(although a small perdentage may) tax incentives to the companies that invest in the US is good but not going to offset the labor price difference.
  7. Which one? Both Iraq & afganastan. and if they get the support and tools they need it will get done alot sooner and better
  8. Jesus. A good choice? She's a puppet dreaming about beeing the US president. The World Power No. 1 will be represented by a completely unexperienced, uneducated woman. Again a 1st class choice Is this all the mighty USofA have to offer? An old veteran, dreaming of former times. An absolutely short-sighted woman with more than nothing to show on political stage? I just try to imagine the next G8 summit: Sarkozy and Medwedev: staring at Sarah's legs and cleavage, Akihito looks scared as she's so tall, Angie is turning her back at her, the rest is sleeping. She's talking about controlling sex-eds in schools .... Holy Cow. That might be the next representative of the USA. Or McCain. The oldie. Fine choices you have there. Impressive.
  9. More likely is that many of the companies that hire undocumented workers would follow their cheap labor out of the country, rendering most of the Americans currently employed by those companies unemployed. Capitalism and national borders (and the associated working restrictions), in their current form, are not very compatible. ---------------------------------------------------------- sorry but lanscaping, burger king, and seven elevens won't be going anywhere
  10. I haven't been talking about forcing anyone to be abstinent. And as far as what needs to be taught, education about how women get pregnant and how STD's are spread is what needs to be taught. I think a teenager who understands those things is a lot more likely to remain abstinent (or at least engage in safer sex) than a teenager who is simply told, "Don't have sex." The indisputable fact is that abstinence is the best way to prevent pregnancy or STD's. But if you're not going to remain abstinent, then there are ways for making sex safer. These are the things that kids should be taught. And that's what I plan on teaching my kids (if I have any), whether the schools are teaching it or not. ---------------------------------------------------------- to bad the rest of the country's parents won't sit down and talk to the kids about this. this is how the problem starts and spreads, the parents won't educate or be accountible for their kids.
  11. were is the one that says " I AM A DEMOCRAT AND SUCK OFF OF WELFARE:? with a plate that says LAZY
  12. Typical. Retreat into the fetal position and edit my post accordingly. True or false. The dems critisize the Republican VP's experience while nominating Obama for President. True or false. I said Palin is not ready for President and neither is Obama. True or false. I never said anything about sex or race and it was brought up entirely by you. True or false. I directly adressed your claim that both sides see Palin as a presidential candidate (even though she's running as VP) and you turned in into a race and sex issue. --------------------------------------------------------- I think Billvon needs to enter the no spin zone. haha
  13. no one is starving to death in this country unless they want to starve to death. to many free lunches given out by this country for anyone to die of starvation. hey maybe if we send illegal imagrants home we could give those jobs to the needy and wow no more unemployment or welfare.
  14. Quote>just that alot of teachers are outdated and don't have a clue what's going on >in the real world. Calculus teachers don't teach you what's going on in the real world. They teach you how to do calculus. Signals and systems teachers don't teach you what's going on in the real world. They teach you how to manipulate signals and design systems. --------------------------------------------------------- thats good for grade school and junior high, high school should be the transition to starting to achieve sucsess in real life and college should teach you how to do a job in the real world. or do you believe that spending 20k-200k for higher eduacation and still not have the skills to do a job is good teaching?
  15. the only good thing is that it may pay itself back if it doesn't get fucked up
  16. OBAMA'S got our money?!? Are you shitting me? Have you seen the nearly 1 TRILLION dollars in bailout money for the banks? And you say OBAMA has our money? Fuck that . . . rich, bullshit, bankers and investors in other countries have your money. THAT'S who fucked us over . . . AND Bush was asleep at the wheel when all this happened! How the FUCK can you say that OBAMA has the money?!? ---------------------------------------------------------- rich bulshit bankers? you mean the ones that ran fannie mae into the ground? Franklin Raines the friend of Obama? the one that may or may not be giving Obama economic advice(depending on what newspaper is reporting) no democrats and republicans asleep remember the dem's control congress
  17. sorry but i believe what we are doing in Iraq & afganistan is the right thing to do. It may not be the popular thaught but i believe it is the right one. I also believe in finishing what you start. I have three customers that served in Iraq and all 3 believe we are doing the right thing there. mistakes have been made but fixing those and moving forward is the correct action. To bad the press don't show the people the good we have done over there, but then again the press wants ratings and good things don't promote good ratings.
  18. I don't think teachers are supposed to teach religion in public schools. If they are, it seems they'd have to teach ALL religions, leaving no time for math, reading, writing, science, history, know, the stuff that we're actually paying them to teach. If you want your kids biology teacher to explain the wonders of creationism, you don't get to bitch when he also teaches them about karma, reincarnation, and the reasons why cows should be revered as holy rather than eaten. Blues, Dave they don't need to teach only evolution, they do need to teach and/or offer different basic teachings and let the person decide what way they want to go. I am not religious nor do i want to be forced to be religious, but i am glad that i was given the ability to know both side and make a decission that was best for me. about half the people believe one side and about half believe the other, is it not descimination to not allow what about half the people believe?
  19. I didn't say cut and run. is said bring back only 20% of the troops and not just from Iraq but from all posts outside the US. i still feel we need to complete what we started and secede at what we are doing there.
  20. --------------------------------------------------------- again i didn't say eduacation wasn't needed, just that alot of teachers are outdated and don't have a clue what's going on in the real world. In my field if you have been teaching for 10 years you realistically couldn't teach someone to do my job. As i stated in one of my other posts, my brother, got most of his needed training and information from currant doctors, books, equipment companies, and assisting in the field. most of what he was taught in med school was old outdated information from instructors that were to long in school to be effective with todays procedures and technologies.
  21. Wrong. She insists teachers of science include her religious views. ------------------------------------------------------ and they should. how would you feel if they taught her views and wouldn't let anyone teach your views? in this country you have to allow both / all to be taught wether you agree or not. you saying you don't agree with Palins views is fine. you saying they can't teach them is wrong. ultimately it is the individual that decides for themselves what views they feel are right for them. Teachers are supposed to teach not impress opinions to influance children.
  22. i think that's double talk for "we are fucked and Obamas got our money"
  23. --------------------------------------------------------- Fucked? you want 2 lawyers? have you been in court lately on followed what happens in the court system? talk about fucked up, maybe you want another added pile of shit in the white house on top of the one we have now. I think an education in and understanding of constitutional law will be a lot more helpful to the position than an education in flying or journalism. Blues, Dave mark doesn't believe in formal education. Even for medical doctors, engineers and lawyers. i didn't say education wasn't needed, just what you learn in college from outdated instructors doesn't do much good. self eduacated and motivated people impress me more than a college graduate. at no time would i pay a person more for being a college grad. effort and ability matter not a college eduacation.
  24. Did anyone see the interview last night ? she said she believed in teaching evolution, she is religious but not to force anyone to her beliefs, and she did not try to ban Harry potter (book wasn't wrote yet when she was mayor)
  25. --------------------------------------------------------- Fucked? you want 2 lawyers? have you been in court lately on followed what happens in the court system? talk about fucked up, maybe you want another added pile of shit in the white house on top of the one we have now.