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Everything posted by marks2065

  1. you sound alot like a person that like the democrats but isn't thinking what the effect of Obama's policies will have. you are a no war no driling lets buy a hybred car type of person. I have no problems with people believing or thinking what they want if they are willing to look at the facts and reprocussions of the actions they want taken. lets vote in Obama. tax cuts for the majority, higher taxes for the big companies, 10,000,000,000 preschool program for all kids, and cheap health care for all. this all sounds good but lets look at the cause and effect that will happen. preschool for all at a cost of about 10,000,000,000. paid for by who? the companies that will leave this country for cheaper labor? I think not. paid for by everybody. Higher taxes for companies = less jobs, less raises, less benifits, and more labor going overseas. lets face it you make companies pay more they will raise prices on their product or go were it is cheaper and that isn't here! not to mention the stock of that companie will drop and that means your stock divendends will drop and you will have less money at retirement.(your retirement is in stocks and bonds right because you can't count on social security) early estimate depending on Obama's time in office and programs he gets passed is 10-15 percent less money at retirement. cheap health care for all = less pay for doctors = less doctors = less health care. just ask the canadians what the health care situation is up there. long lines for health care. hard to find good doctors because they leave the country for better pay. My brother is a doctor and he is deversifiing to make money elswhere for when we get a socialized health care program.
  2. i don't have the details but the news is saying 13 years of elected sevice of which includes mayor and govenor. she also was apointed to the alska oil and resorses counsel.
  3. Palin has 13 years elected experience running governments from mayor to govenor. the state she is running is larger in population than 36 countries. she has taken on the oil companies and won. Obama has 3 years in senate and over half of that has been campaining. sounds to me Palin has alot more experience than Obama. and she has done an excelent job! can't say that abput Obama.
  4. Post: I live in Illinois and realy think Obama isn't doing a good job. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is it that you don't like about the job he's doing? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maybe he a few of these facts below: (read the rest in ) In 1999 he was the only Illinois State Senator to vote against a bill barring early release for (criminal) sex offenders. He voted against filtering pornography on school and library computers and he voted for sex education for kindergarten children through the 5th grade. Also, in 2001, he voted “present” on a bill to keep pornographic book and video stores and strip clubs from setting up within 1,000 feet of schools and churches. Just as unsettling is his voting record on abortion. Twice, Obama voted against bills prohibiting tax funding of abortions. In February 2004, his wife, Michelle, sent out a fundraising letter, which actually stated her concern over the rise of conservatism in the Country, and that the ‘so-called’ partial-birth abortion was a legitimate medical procedure that should be protected. ----------------------------------------------------------- sounds good if you are an unemployed, sex offending illegal alien that needs a place to look up porn while getting an abortion
  5. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And attempts to make it will make the claimant look like a bit like a partisan hack -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As will the claims of Obama's people saying that exp does not matter for President, but it does matter for VP. ---------------------------------------------------------- Palin will be gaining experience while she is VP instead of Obama gaining experience while being president. I would rather have someone getting the lesson from someone that is experienced than someone that is inexperienced giving the lesson to someone.
  6. >Higher taxes? Hot DAMN will that entice corporations to >base themselves here in the US! Lower taxes actually. ---------------------------------------------------------- Obama said last night higher taxes for large companies. exp those that send jobs overseas. he said he was going to cut out the loop holes that protect larger companies from taxes. now that means to me, since a company must have profit, they will need cheaper labor, higher prices or less employees to make a profit. sounds dismal to me. I know that everytime springfield, Il has raised my buisiness taxes i have passed that on to the consumer. sure they paid less on taxes but more on goods and services. either way the average joe pays the increase. evertime the democrats increase tax to the companies the consumer pays the increase or someone gets laid off to offset the increase. the reason the republicans lower taxes to the companies is so they retain employees and grow the buisiness. This policy wirked great for Reagan and clinton looked good because of it.
  7. 2. She is pro-life but has recently given birth to a child who has Down's Syndrome. It will therefore be harder to attack her pro-life views than with most candidates because she practices what she preaches. ---------------------------------------------------------- How can you support the democrats with pro choice on abortion and pro life on the death penalty ? sounds kinda hypocritical that you can kill an inocent baby but not a mass murderer. this is just on of the issues i have with some of the politicians, especially the democrats. I am glad that McCain picked someone that is not hypocritical on the subject.
  8. he has voted over 90 time to raise taxes. thankfully not all that he has voted for has become law. he voted against keeping violent offenders in prison longer. he has not voted on alot of issues that could come back to haunt him in this campaign, he has punched in as present but not voted alot. I think with some time and experience he might make a good president, but out side of what little we know, there is alot that he hasn't shown to the american public and i think it is important to know alot about the person berfore they should be elected president. I feel that a trac record of what he/she has done speaks volumes about a person and we just don't have that with Obama. All smart people that follow elections know that getting elected and being president are 2 different things and rarely does a candidate follow thru with all that he promises. saying what you are going to do and what you get done are 2 different things. Last night in Obama's speach he mentioned cutting the fat from the government by going line by line through the bills and vetoing the fat away. Presidents have been saying they wanted this power for years and saying they wanted this ability but it will never be voted for by congress. getting things done takes alot of patience, knowledge, and persuation on capital hill and Obama doesn't hasn't proven he can do this. Palin has proven in her short terms in Alaska she can get things done and weed out some of the crap that is found in government. this alone i think makes her a better candidate the Obama. Palin's record is better than Obama's.
  9. you can't get elected president to do a good job unless you can get the shallow, easily moved and generally stupid people to vote for you. it doesn't matter how good you could be at being president unless you get elected. unfortunatly a great number of americans are to ignorant to be won over with the facts and truth so most candidates use several tricks to get people to vote for them. I like the choice for VP. She has a good record and very little in the closet. she is not going to be the president right now but can be groomed for it over the next few years. Unlike Obama he could be a good VP and Biden could groom him but not the other way. I live in Illinois and realy think Obama isn't doing a good job. to many people like him because of his quick rise to were he is now and his celebrity status. obama actually has a bad record for what he has voted on. he voted to not lengthen prison terms for violent offenders. he has voted for raising taxes for all the little projects. All that i have heard over the last month about Palin is good stuff and that she is well respected for what she has done. sounds like a goo choice to me.
  10. if dzo's cry broke they think they might get a little less crap from the jumpers when they raise prices. it takes a plane running all day to support a turbine. A dz that runs $500,000.00 in credit cards has about $10,000 - 15,000 in credit card processing fees. these processing guys have the ultimate scam. money from both ends of the transaction.
  11. Again guys you gross $200 for one tandem one time. And at 100 jumps per year you net $592 per the fun jumper. ----------------------------------------------------------- the net for one tandem is less than $100 . you charge $190 for a tandem less $40 for instructor, $10 for packing , $46 for 2 slots and $5 for cc charge that leaves $89 profit and then you subtract gear cost and maint leaves you with about $40 profit per tandem so yes they are more profitable than a fun jumper but not by much. and they won't come back and spend more but a fun jumper will
  12. students have added expense that they have to pay for that is why they pay more. as to your discount for cash , my credit card prossesing company has in the agreement that i will charge the same for cash or credit and i cannot discriminate against credit card customers, and that means credit and cash customers pay the same and it needs to be the advertised price. it doesn't say anything about giving discounts to cash but after discussing it with them they can take away your credit prossesing ability if you don't follow the guidelines set up in the agreement. if someone disputes a charge with you and you get investigated you could be black listed by the cc companies and then how will you get business?
  13. what's wrong with you? can't handle 2 chicks beating the crap out if you when they find out about each other? (and they just might) ps don't turn your back on the red head they are really underhanded (i know this from experience) really though just test drive both and see what one rides better. you might find out the blond is a dud and if you do have to piss her off she is leaving in a couple weaks. that means only having to hide for a short time. Haha
  14. if this is true that the experienced jumpers don't have profit, then how does an airplane owner that rents his planes to a dz cover his costs? he doesn't get the profits from the dz only dollars per slot regardless of the type of jump that slot is used for. this alone shows that the experienced jumper does make a profit for the dz. the tandems and other students do give the dz a greater profit per jump but this profit has to be split with the costs of jumping the students like gear costs, instructors, class rooms and other things needed for students. without students the dz would not need alot of stuff and that would greatly reduce the costs of doing business. what does 10 tandem rigs, 10 solo rigs, 500 square foot of building for classrooms, and instructors cost? now back to the topic, students average cc charge is higher and that reduces the charges from the cc company. the higher dollar sales and total dollars rang up reduces the percentage that the dz is charge to complete a transaction. at $500,000.00 anual sales at $300.00 per transaction visa mastercard, and discover charge about 1.7 percent plus the trans action fee for standard cards and about 2.5 percent for rewards cards. Amex sucks at over 3 percent plus transaction fee. so in most cases the dz is making a profit when charging 3 percent for cc use. just a little info to piss off the cc paying jumpers edited to ad : you don't need a phone line to accept credit cards they can be handled on line and almost every dz has internet.
  15. Obama has voted in favor of the war and to raise taxes several times. what bothers me about Obama is that he can't even get his own party to back him. he has wrote or cowrote several bills that have not gotten past his own party. If the Democrats in Illinois won't back him what makes anyone think that he can get things done in the whitehouse? I know Obama wants to put through several things that on the surfcae look good but after finding out about some of the details i think we would be in trouble. one is the 10 billion dollar preschool program that he says has been proven to work. preschool doesn't work for educating in most cases. Oklahoma has seen a decrease in test scores after putting in preschool programs. the countries with some of the best education programs in the world don't even start school until 6 or 7 years old. they fund more on the finishing school. I feel Obama has good intensions but not the experience or the knowledge to make the correct descisions that will give this country the best chance to improve. As some one pointed out earlier, Biden for vice president only points out his weaknesses and shows that he is not ready for the big chair. Maybe later on he will be ready but not now. I don't think that we can afford, as a country, to give Obama on the job training. Does anyone out there realy want Obama making descisions about Russia, China, India, or Pakastan with the track record he has?
  16. 280 lbs does put a damper on things because of safety with the gear. what i would question is why would most dz's say no, most likely because of safety with the gear, and ACS says yes even though they have the same gear restrictions. my recommendation is to loose 35-40 lbs and go to a dz closer to you. just think the money you save by eating less can go towards jumps. i am not trying to say anything bad to you about the weight but all gear has weight limits that need to be followed, your life is more important to us than a jump.
  17. i just saw a tandem video that was done in florida. bad TI position, and alot of potato chipping. the student leg straps way to loose, laterals loose, and dearched. the chest strap became a choker strap on opening. this was a very skinny girl. i found with the leg straps and laterals tight and a good arch the student would arch better and the video looked better because it looked in control instead of waffling around the sky.
  18. i lost my first canopy to this. battery acid eats the fabric. leaves acid burns in material. the acid even messed up the paint under the carpet. since then i always make sure my rig is packed and in the gear bag and i never trans port a battery in the trunk without putting it in a plastic bag. if the car has the battery mounted in the trunk i would only put the gear bag in the back seat.
  19. its not the jump #'s but the opening altitude that is important
  20. what is the exit order at your dz. jump #'s should never be used for exit order. type of jump, group size and opening alyitude is what matters.
  21. one thing that bothers me here is not that you jumped but jumped without knowing what county you were in. the pilot my have turned on the green light but he could be an idiot or doesn't know how to operate a gps. otter brats just don't know how to spot. they have windows on the planes , why not look out them ? if you leave the plane without knowing the spot and get out in a strange place it is only your fault. also if you jump somewhere enough you should know the surrounding area. land marks at least 3-5 mile away. i started spotting from my 2nd jump not because i wanted to but i was made to by by instructor. even if the instructor doesn't make you you should learn anyway. at no time do you leave the plane just because the light was on ! remember it is up to you to save your life and you should know what is under you leaving the plane on everyjump ! n ever trust the person near the door he may be an idiot.
  22. they consider that they are drug free because they only test to get hired, after that its all fair game. i feel as long as you are sober and rested for work, no problem. as far as dzo's go they shouldn't be able to advertise drug free unless they do random testing on all staff.(including thier pets)
  23. i don't like that thinking. if i get told one thing and find out the dzo lied to me i'll just have to take my $ to some other dz. along with friends. dzo's that are looking short term will find themselves constantly short money to pay bills. all students help the sport but it is the repeat jumper that continues the sport.
  24. i know that every business owner makes mistakes, I have made alot, but i try not to make one for money now. I give away alot of little things to get business down the road. i have seen a couple DZO'S make the choise of a couple tandems now that have cost them a couple fun jumpers. all jumpers are important and it is a balancing act but a long term view is needed. if you loose 5 fun jumpers you loose alot. 5 jumpers 200 jumps a year $23,000.00 + new gear sales over several years $20,000.00- ? students brought in for tandems ect 10,000.00 + free beer to drink for all the firsts PRICELESS what does all this cost ? a smile handshake and a little time spent laughing. fun jumpers may not bring in a large chunk of money at once but over the long run they keep you going for a long time. up north when it gets cold and nobody is jumping how does the dz get money? people buy packages. if i had a choice on who to bump it would be a couple tandems. the $200.00 profit i lost doesn't sound to bad now. besides give the couple tandems a couple t-shirts or a meal at the local watering hole and a half price 2nd jump now you can start it all over again with new blood. 2 new aff grads $5000.00 used gear sales $5000.00 more free beer PRICELESS
  25. i have never been to cross keys but i know a couple dzo's that wanted to be like them and ran things the way cross keys does (from what i am told). they want the tandems and have very little tolerance for fun jumpers and our antics. that being said there are more dzs to jump at and do like our stupid skydiver shit.