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Everything posted by mikrowavemikey

  1. Instructers #1 Internet people #2 got it! I agree with you completely though, I would never find myself taking the advice of people on the internet over my instructers. thanks for the advice.
  2. Hi, I did my first AFF jump on Sunday, and I have to say, it was some of the most fun in my life. I know that there is probably a billion students posting their videos everyday, and it's probably a chore to have to read through these posts, but, here is my video. http://youtube.com/watch?v=lBVBnSGMjJ4 If there is anything that the more experienced skydivers can see that could of improved this jump, let me know. All my JM said was that the exit may of been a little rushed. Thanks Mike
  3. Hi Couple of weeks ago I did my first skydive. It was a tandem jump, so nothing impressive. BUT, I must say, it was the best moment of my life. I really beleive I will dedicate my life to skydiving. Before the jump, I was super keen, couldnt wait to get out the door, and this remained the case through the duration of the whole experience. I wasnt scared, I get more nervous going to a job interview, which is why I just can't understand why, when we left the door, I seemed to just forget everything my instructer had told me to do. As soon as we were out, I spread my arms out and adopted the freefall position he told me to. It wasnt until I felt a firm push on my arms that I realised I should have the crossed, head back, back arched etc. Does this happen alot? I want to begin my AFF course soon, but I'm not sure what may happen should I forget everything again, maybe I should do another tandem jump before? I'd like to get some opinions, and figure this would be the best place to do it. Thanks Michael