Below is a post from (the Aussie skydiving forum). We'd love to hear the opinions of the international community on the proposed demerit point and fine system for Australian Skyiving.
Original post on SS can be found here-
Demerit points and fines coming to an Australian DZ near you
Has the APF gone mad?
Hi all,
Below is the link to a proposal document from the APF. In a nutshell, it details a system of demerit points and fines that will be applicable to skydivers that break any of the OP regs (intentionally or not).
I got a copy of this from Phillipa Bates, who decided to share it. I am posting it here as I think its an important matter we all need to be aware of as early as possible. I'm sure we will hear from APF representatives in this thread that this is only a proposal and it is not in the right stage for public consultation. I don't know who determines what the 'right stage' is but I think we should have been notified the day someone came up with this *insert profanity* policy. - note, this is a link that will download the document in word format.
Now, personally I have always had a bit of a problem with over-regulation of any activity. But this goes beyond anything I could have imagined, even from the APF.
This is hearsay, but someone quoted Susan Bostock saying 'if you don't do anything wrong, you won't have anything to worry about'. I'm not concerned about being fined but I do have a lot to worry about, starting with some of these questions -
Is this the best way to spend the APF money? (ie. Part of this comes from membership dues... so its Your money).
Think of the time spend just compiling this document. Then think of the paperwork and and time policing and monitoring it? And an appeals tribunal? You've got to be kidding me!?
Personally I'd rather see monthly safety training seminars coordinated and funded by the APF at every DZ. Prevention not punishment after the fact...
Whats next? Yearly Registration fees for rigs including pink slips? At what point do we say - enough is enough?
As Phillipa said to me - I hope people are not scared to speak up and post about this serious matter. If we don't it might be approved.
I highly recommend you read the document and start talking about it to everyone you know.
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