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Everything posted by mraviation1

  1. I don't know anything about the scientific end of all this, but I have a friend how conducted a real world test. He took several samples of canopy fabric of the same type, the only difference was the color. He made sure of the age, type and kind of fabric. The samples were placed in the desert sun in an unshaded place for 2 weeks then retrieved for a pull test to test the integrity of the samples. to my suprise the black fabric held up the best. I am not sure why. The person who did the test is very educated in gear and a master rigger. Just my 2 cents
  2. Hey Y'll, Just wondering if someone could give some info on when exactly the pilot chute retracts in the opening sequence. The reason I ask is a friend of mine had a high speed and the chopped main was found undeployed, but out of the bag and the pilot chute was not cocked. does this rule out forgetting to cock that dang thing in packing. Thanks for any info
  3. I have a J-3 That used to have a spectre 170 and It fit perfect, I have down sized to a 150 and thats that smallest I would put in a J-3 Just my 2 cents
  4. The comp suit is great, I got it in 4 weeks and am very happy with it in all regaurds except the colors are a little different between the poly and cordura. The FX style booties are the best. A must have for serious RW
  5. I am looking for a little advice. I have about 500 jumps on my heatwave 150 and am getting pretty comfortable and confident with the canopy. I have demo jumped a cf 2 139 and really liked it, but I would like to know if it would be too much to go directly to a 129. any feedback will be appreciated
  6. I am wondering if anyone can help me find a new line set for my Heatwave 150. I have heard you can have riggers make them, But I am not sure how accurate this would be. Any input will be apperciaited
  7. I have a heatwave 150 at 1.5 and it is great for swooping and the openings are very nice. I thing it is a good canopy for camera fliers as well. I have jumps some other ellipticals and for a novice i think heatwave is the way to go.
  8. 2-way exit, one person dumps and the 2 geeks fly tandeem on one canopy
  9. Message for Steve1, I'm from MT too, I live in L.A. now and jump every weekend. but montana sure is a nicer place to live. Kinda miss home I guess. Go check out the DZ at laurel and tell em Jay sent ya write me back at
  10. I think everyone learns at different rates and speeds, I have seen very good jumpers with 200 jumps and very unsafe jumpers with thousands of jumps. Everyone needs to learn at there own rate and do what you think is best for you at the time. Use people that have been there, done that in the sport. If you want to learn high performace canony flight and landing dig into it and learn from others don't be the ginny pig it WILL kill you, or seriously injury you if you are lucky. Blue skies, black panties
  11. This may be a little hard to descibe but I'll do my best. I have a J-3 container (D.O.M 1996) and I am a little conserned about the main release housings. All of the javs I have seen have both housings routed to the inside of the chest straps, mine has one routed on the outside and protrudes past the chest strap. I don't like the idea that it could get snagged on something. I cannot change this because of a bar tack that is is routed though. Any advise with be apprietated
  12. I like the method that riggerob suggested, I call it folding it into the bad instead of tring to fold everything up in a neat stack and then the hard part of sliding it into the bag. This is the way I learned and to be honest I can't even do it the other way after tring many times. be patiant and learn from others Don't turn too Low