I was on this jump ! I try and avoid commenting on stuff like this ! but would like to clear up a few things !
1) yes we had a safety briefing, I remember the number one rule stay the f#@% away from the kite!
2) this was investigated by local police and the FAA, I'm almost 100% sure we filed a incident report!
they confiscated the injured jumpers video equipment and my video tape of the incident ! and reviewed, no one was found negligent !
3) it was a slow day at our drop zone, only a few people on site, no S&TAs on site.
4) the video you see has been edited , the wrapped jumper did have a good main canopy over his head, he performed his emergency procedures.
and deployed his reserve canopy into the wrap .
I don’t remember if he had an RSL .
5) the injured jumper had CRW training,