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Everything posted by deefly

  1. I really should be working instead of playing solitaire and surfing the net! Deefly
  2. I saw the place you got ran over! Jonny stopped the gator, later that night and we had a moment of silence for the accident! Wait…maybe it was a moment for the lost beer! Yap…that sounds right! Sorry, Kelly! I think everyone enjoyed your water skiing on Friday! You guys had some great wipeouts and nice shorts!!!! I had a great time at "it's a different kind of boogie" Thanks to everyone! Deefly
  3. Thanks! The butterfly to me is a beautiful skydiver! DeeFly
  4. deefly


    They just like to have fun! Nothing bad! I know some of the jumpers were from ParaSport. I've talked to students from there and they enjoy it at the DZ.
  5. A friend and I were partying with jumpers at my old DZ, there first year they were open. The owner came over and asked us to pack for them. After one summer packing they let us jump! The rest is history! Deefly
  6. deefly


    A few of my friends who jump there and they like it. I've never been there yet myself but I’ve never heard anything bad said about the place. I know the jumps there are a little crazy but fun! I would stop in and see what you thing. DeeFly
  7. I got my tattoo this past June. I love it! Deefly
  8. Glad to hear your doing well! You’re a strong person who will be back in the air in no time! Speed recovery!!!!!
  9. Here is a link to a collection of pictures of the coalition forces. There is one pic that might be offensive to some showing a soldier standing next to a pin-up poster - I thought that was a relic of the past but go figure. Anyway, if you find that sort of thing offensive, don't click. Here is the link: deefly
  10. I'll be snow skiing that weekend! But Voshi, can you tell Jonny "Hi" from Deanna? Thanks! Have fun and a safe trip! Deefly
  11. My hero is my father. He is a very strong person who showed me working hard will get you what you want. He also showed me that you can have fun while working towards your goal in life! He is also very tender when you need him to be. I couldn't ask for a better father! DeeFly
  12. Maria Stein, OH Skydive Wayne County Deefly
  13. deefly

    why Zeemax?

    That would be cool to see! You should post a pic! Deefly
  14. deefly

    why Zeemax?

    deefly...A friend calls me that because I skydive and my first name is Deanna(but everyone calls me DEE). He also put it on my cell phone bill as my real name. I didn't realize it until I got my first bill! It kind of stuck to me after that. Deefly
  15. 1. I check with my husband first to see if we have anything planned. 2. We plan to save for our kid's college education once we have kids. Every kid needs a little help for there future! 3.Intimate matters are kept private. 4. My husband comes first because you put the ones you love first! DeeFly
  16. All of my jumps for 2002 were memorable! They were with old friends, new friends and loved ones! Can't wait to do it all over again in 2003!
  17. Wings w/cypres Spectre 150 Tempo 120 I just love my gear!
  18. Richmond (Skydive Wayne County) in Indiana has showers and you can camp on the DZ. Or Green County in Ohio but I don't think they have showers. These are just some ideas. DeeFly
  19. Count me in on a boogie in the midwest. I would like to meet some of the DeeFly
  20. Black with red and yellow tie-die! I love it
  21. John Hemker who use to fly for Grand Lake Skydiving! DeeFly