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Everything posted by ZeG

  1. I like the article, it is very well written and should give people who have never jumped, an idea of what it is like and why we do it.
  2. I prefer Global knifes. They are very handy, have a comfortable non slippery grip, easy to clean and sharp as hell if you take care of them. Got a little set of them and they are the only knifes I use for cooking. check them out
  3. As the above poster mentioned, for people who grew up with digital readings it is a lot easier to read a digital display instead of an analog one. I changed to a Neptun on my 23th jump (took an altimaster up too, as a reserve.. call me paranoid) and since then always use it. It is actually EASIER to read for me!
  4. The wording sounds a little bit like the Atmonauti articles, do you have anything to do with those?
  5. Haha every time I read these kind of articles, it cracks me up. And yeah I especially liked the part about stopping the fall, I would like to see THAT
  6. Saturday: 2 jumps Sunday: 1 jump; got my A-LICENSE
  7. After 90 days of lying in bed your body will be F****d up! You will need rehab, I didn't read that the NASA will cover that. So it is probably not a good thing (especially for your health!).
  8. ZeG


    Yes, it reminds me a lot of the DZ. Seriously, some people thrive on it, and love the challenge, and strive to improve and do good work. Some folks I work with are scared of the job, but addicted to the pay. They tend to get staff jobs, sitting behind desks, and end up being supervisors and managers. I guess I'm in the first group. Over the years, I've had many offers to "advance" in the FAA, but I'm quite happy being a radar controller. Just like being a skydiving instructor, you're in a position to do a lot of good for a lot of people. I've even got a little collection of thank-you notes that pilots have sent me over the years. The job and I seem to be a good fit. Besides, someone has to do it.
  9. ZeG


    I heard that a lot of them burn out around 50.
  10. I can send you some urine for the test if that helps
  11. ZeG


    I work in Estimating/Project Management for a General Contractor. Basically I throw around hundreds of millions which don't belong to me
  12. I have no idea what you need it for, but here it is: German: "Denk an mich, wenn ich weg bin!" ("Think of me when I'm gone." Miss me doesn't sound very romantic in german.) "Wahre Liebe"
  13. Hm... 260 miles... but I might have to do the drive to deland some time soon
  14. No offense meant, but I think you need to work on your attitude towards motorcycling, or you will wreck for sure. First, CCs do NOT matter at all, it is YOU who makes the bike fast or slow. It is as easy to crash with a 300cc as with a 1200cc. Second, "WHEN not IF I crash...". Totally wrong, I know enough people with over 100.000 miles on a bike that NEVER crashed, layed it down or even scratched a turn signal. Not because they are geniuses (far from it ), but they drive VERY careful and always look around. Or do you approach skydiving the same way? (WHEN not IF I bounce....) Always fight till the end! Oh and last but not least: Do the MSF BRC, it will do a lot for you, believe me!
  15. The caravan doesn't go up if there are not atleast 9 people, there is ALWAYS an instructor of coach spotting. And who said that I am not peeking out of the door to orientate while the plane lines up for jumprun before the door opens?
  16. I guess for the freefall thing you have to be a true minuteman
  17. One of the small girls at our DZ measured her fall rate around 100mph with the neptun She is skinny and of normal height. In order to get to the usual 120 she has to REALLY arch hard, but she manages
  18. Are you guys having someone act as jumpmaster on jumprun? In our caravan usually an instructor is doing it, since she leaves last with the student or tandems anyway. I just get ready in the door and wait for her sign, she checks after every single jumper and has an eye on seperation. Once she gives the ok I am out. Since I know she is very exact when it comes to spotting and looking for separation I completely trust her. The whole thing speeds the exits up since ONE person is looking and not everybody for himself.
  19. Haha that's funny, I didn't know for sure, but I immediatly thought it might be her
  20. The grass is always greener somewhere else
  21. 0 : 3 : 0 Jumped my new pit special suit for the first time
  22. Of course everybody is invited to persuade me with some free samples at the next boogie
  23. If it is american beer don't bother....they can't brew