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Everything posted by DARK

  1. why are you not milking that for all its worth your going to be miserable because of it for long enough. i have a list as long as my arm of things ill never be able to ask a girl to do until her judgement is impaired by the fact i just asked her to marry me. seriously though.......congrats
  2. DARK

    fucking women

    lol he is neither and she dosnt hate me. its amazing how just typing something to get it off your chest can make it better
  3. DARK

    fucking women

    Is it wrong that I can't quit laughing at this ?? no fire away my dad found it hilarious too lol
  4. DARK

    fucking women

    you got the whole me being a hypocrite part right? and the general tongue in cheek/ironic tone of my post I DONT GET IT EITHER
  5. DARK

    fucking women

    oh ye i havnt been fuck buddies with her for a hile as her new years resolution was no more me and its not that shes pissed me off its that i have no idea why im pissed off i cant wait to get drunk its been about 26days and thats too long for an irish guy
  6. DARK

    fucking women

    i cant im on antibiotics and the last time i drank on antibiotics it ended in tears back to college on sunday though cant fuckin wait away from reality for another 12 weeks
  7. shes practically pregnant now man good luck with being a grandad
  8. DARK

    fucking women

    right im posting here as im a little off my face on pain killers and the only other forum i post on people know me personally and know im being a hypocrite. but how do ex's instinctively know the exact right time to do something apparently innocent but at just the time they do it its enough to piss you off. just now for example someone i havnt been with(beside fk buddies) for over a year and who i broke up with posted up a picture of a night out with a fella i know she now hates. iv had a pretty shitty week(not by third world children standards but still i want it to be over) and i come to bed and grab the laptop for a bit of general catching up and chilling internet time and this is the type of inconsiderate crap she has posted up. FUCK OFF /rant over
  9. while the pixel count means very little,your right when it comes to skydiving the 450d is probably better i havnt started thinking like that yet as i wont be needing a camera to helmet mount for quite a while
  10. a google on the rrp puts it at only $100 cheapr than the 40d so surely the 40d is by far the better option for that price difference
  11. im only a novice in the market for my first slr but in the other thread it was mentioned that most p+s cameras seem to be sd so it makes the camera more appealing to them and also most laptop card readers can read sd but not cf. as far as i know the 1d mk3 can read both so i doubt they will change their entire line exclusively to sd if there are rakes of professionals with hoards of cf cards
  12. saw this in another photography forum it looks gorgeous with the new big screen but hopefully one of my offers on a new 30d will accepted so i can stop shopping around and being tempted by more and more expensive toys. anyone know when the 450 is due for release?
  13. why would you advise getting one with no booties? i notice at my dz aswell if a student or low number jumper is using one of the dz suits with booties they are made tape the booties around the ankles instead of just using them over the shoe
  14. well it looks like its going to happen anyway have got even more replies and two more guarantees of work. one even said they would train me so dont worry if i cant pack when i get there. hmmmmm now i gotta keep my end of the bargain i suppose and get practicing. states on my own = daunting
  15. cheers man i sent an email off to taupo tandems so well see if they get back to me they are looking for workers from their site alright but i can get to boston for 350euro return were as ireland to new zealand would be close to 1000euro for flights alone but i do really want to go to new zealand in general so i might push the boat out if they can give me work any other advice greatly appreciated
  16. ye thats one thing im worried about. i want to contribute without being relied upon i suppose. Iv been very clear about my inexperience so i hope its as clear to them what they are hiring as it is to me what im "selling"(which is a hardworking "sponge" who wants to soak up as much info as possible) im not trying to pull the wool over anyones eyes.
  17. All it take is $ Scott C. thats what im thinking alright which is why i wana work at the dz and get cheaper if not free jumps. iv found a dz that is having a wingsuit first flight course right at the end of the summer so if i was working there it would be a perfect thing to aim to get the numbers up for......unlikely ill admit but ones gotta have goals sorry for ot carry on on topic............now
  18. the only thing ill comment on is how silly did you feel when you got to 20/21/22 and saw your little sister/cousin/whatever arguing with their parents about how they KNOW they should be allowed do this or that and realise how immature they are and how you were the same at their age? the only difference is now there are no parents around to stop you. edit; im assuming that your out of your teens if your not i
  19. thanks man i doubt ill be thinking of shortcuts safe or not for quite a while. I didnt know that about tandems and riggers, I assumed they wanted me to be packing tandems as they askedme how many id packed already. I understand speed = money but i understand im going to be slow to begin with also(especially with models iv never packed before) but if the dz dosnt mind me being a bit slow thats all that matters for the moment. i just want to be in an enviroment were i can learn as much as i can, have fun and then jump as much as i can and i cant see that happening in ireland this summer. btw if anyone thinks this is a really bad idea feel free to chime in im not sensitive. better now than after iv spent a grand on flights etc
  20. arrrgh im so jealous as you can see im a ickle bit short of the recomended jump numbers and although really into the wingsuits i have the patience i think to not kill myself. anyone know the chances of me getting 200 jumps this summer if i emigrate for 3 months to sunnier climates? havnt posted here before btw but keep up the good work loving your vids and pics
  21. right so as you can see from my numbers im a complete beginner. i would have maybe ten jumps if the weather in ireland was not so shit but here we are all the same. one thing the waiting has allowed me to do is learn to pack. now i still havnt done "the test" to allow me to pack rigs to be jumped but the instructors intend on myself and a few other to be ready to pack sport and tandem rigs for them by the end of march/april. so here is my question. i decided id chance my arm and look for packing work in the states for the summer(i can get a working visa no problem) and i got quite a positive responce and one almost guarantee of work from a dz. what i want to know is what level of knowledge will i be expected to have and how efficient will i be expected to be on a busy dropzone? do i need to learn some/all the different packing techniques we have only been shown one(for sport packing anyway)? might i have to re-learn tandems from the start when i get there if they use a different manufacturer? will i be expected to do ten an hour(or some other high number)? I have no problem working my ass off and i am a fast learner I just want to make sure im not getting myself completely(and expensively) out of my depth. thanks
  22. and now i have a name for it learn something new everyday
  23. if your not doing it already this might help http://www.dropzone.com/classifieds/images/ad_classifieds/8/33888-largest_Base%252520Rig.jpg see how the lines are wrapped? I have no idea what its called but if u see someone at ur dz doing it you can ask them to show u its not hard. i got screamed at before xmas for not doing it after my 2nd jump i was just like "no1 told me or showed me to do it sorry" but it does make things MUCH easier sorry for ot and ye i still get scared but then im still on static line
  24. firstly i really feel sorry for you if you believe it was all a conspiracy(i cant figure out if your taking the piss or not) secondly, and i dont know much about it but from my own observation, if you stand on a beach and jump as high as you can the sand will have be back on the ground before you will(assuming you have an average jump) even though. suprisingly enough the same gravity is acting on you and the sand. as i said already i dont know much about it but saying two completely different objects should have the same fall rate in the same gravity sounds strange especially coming from a skydiver but i could be completely wrong and if i am i apologise. this is off topic so i wont comment again
  25. HA! Oh man I wish I did tandems at that DZ. Just so you know, instructors are well underpaid for what they actually do. thats mad that it isnt that much(in my uninformed opinion obviously) im in ireland were there are ony 2 dz's at the mo and the one i jump at charges 320euro for a tandem so about 400dollars. i think that all the instructors have a share of the dz tho as its only new so it could be very different to how things are normally run. gl in the future ill bow out of this instructor discussion