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    Skys The Limit
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    Freefall Photography

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  1. I'm still new to all this but this is the configuration my rigger and a few people recommended. Javelin + PD canopies, price sounds really decent. Just make sure that the harness fits you, I'm 6'6" and nobody had anything used for me. 6'+ people tend to have some trouble finding used containers. On the other hand sometimes it pays to get something made to fit you... it is a matter of choice (and money) though.
  2. When you get it together please lemme know where I can get a copy... I'm especially looking for the part on traditions, it took me about 12 jumps to figure out when I owe beer ! I'm curious where it came from anyway. Either I'm not a social animal or I don't look like someone to talk to but I missed out on a few things as far as rituals, and things that skydivers do ... but once again I'm REALLY Polish !
  3. Metric system rules, the problem is that when you go to europe and jump with european skydivers, how do you agree on the brakeoff altitude and stuff... Everyone carries calculators ? (I started skydiving in US and somehow 14,000 feet seemed so much higher than 4k...) I like it simple, 0 is when everything freezes, 1km is a 1000 meters, and so on.. The English system still confuses the crap out of me, but I'm a born Polack though...
  4. Do you treat all your boyfriends this way ??? If you're looking for a new one lemme know ;-) . No seriously if you don't depend on him in any way quit NOW ! The longer you wait the worst it'll get...
  5. My Rigger told me once... Their (Racer) reserve deployment results are not all that accurate. It has been observed that parachutes tend to open faster when wet (I never jumped a wet canopy, but...), and that's what I overheard was done with the Racer reserve deployment. Believe it or not... As for the container itself, I heard multiple negative opinions about all the Velcro. What's the red one for ???????