Who decided on the spot for the two who landed on the base. Did they check the spot? What happened to there training? Winds aloft? Jump run? Give corrections to the pilot, 5 left, 5 right. Do a go around? You are not in the otter. 7 years ago the first ride to altitude and my Jumpmaster said to me "who is responsible for your skydive" 3 weeks prior to this off landing, me and my friend did seven jumps at St. Marys. two of those jumps back to back with the same pilot (not Cathy). Pilot called door and the airport was on the other side of the plane. I gave my corrections, which were several. Lined up jump run and all landed on. The next load, same pilot called door and the airport was behind the tail. Told the pilot to do a go around then made a couple 5's left. (Cathy was on the load behind the pilot) we exited and all landed on. Cathy takes you to altitude that is her job the rest is all you. Throw these guys under the bus not Cathy. Shouldn't have done the video though.