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Everything posted by GroundZero
I know of the change... this will be #3... 25 year old son (who has my 6 year old grandaughter), and 6 year old daughter... Kinda versed in the field, but looking forward to sleepless nights again...oy! Chris
Chromey, I hope you're not implying... Triplets! Chris
on my next trip south, i'll pick up some cubans... Chris hehehe I'm still on cloud 9.... (let's see, diapers.. I can do that ooh... she(or) he'll be class of 2020, that's kinda cool!)
This tool has just been released after beta testin... as you can see we have a positive... Chris hehehe (I'm happier than even Kristi!!!)
No... what's your address... I send the cigars...(proud papa-to-be!) Chris
no... you people are jumping the gun... this is actually a new rigging tool to test for acid mesh on round canopies... this positive test result came from a 1963 t-..... oh shit, i can't deny it, I'm gonna be a Daddy! Yeehaa!!!!!!! yes it was planned and practiced heavily and often!!! Chris (and Kristi!)
Could this have something to do with the "Cloning" thread? or maybe the political threads... That's it...
"Well assuming your not trolling,.......someones going to be a DADDY!!!!" WOW! that's news to me! Does it tell who? I mean ...like... is it ... Beezy? or oh shit... George? Do you read this like tea leaves or what? Chris
Hey... I'm new to this stuff, but I figured that you all would know... This morning my wife, Kristi, brought me a tray with a great breakfast, including that fresh ground coffee and... get this... flowers! Pretty nice, when I asked her "what's up?", she just giggled and wandered away.... There was this plastic stick-like thing on the tray, I don't know just how to descibe it... white, plastic... flat with a cover on one side... two windows... the print is "e-p-t" and in each of the two windows are a red vertical stripe. Any help here? I dunno know what it is but it makes her real happy... I'm really enjoying her enthusiasm. I can't wait to find out. Anything that makes her this happy makes me even happier! Help me figure this out. What the hell is this e-p-t thing and what does the striping in the windows mean? Chris
Sheeit... I've always thought that an eight-way goes together quicker outa 2 (close) 182's than anything else... Chris
Chopping from a mal with your wingsuit on
GroundZero replied to SkymonkeyONE's topic in Wing Suit Flying
A malfunction presents special challenges with a wingsuit. Chopping a violent spinning canopy can toss the jumper into instability world, wearing a wingsuit can add time to regaining stability. Deploying a reserve in an unstable body position can cause some real problems... (remember pull priorities, though.) No rsl's with wingsuits, please... Chris -
Bill, oops, maybe that was a bit confusing... The girls both had medical insurance which allowed them to be treated by hospitals, doctors, therapists, etc... The airplane insurance refused to pay for anything..(seems that the quick thinking insurance rep, found a far violation... you'll appreciate this, being a pilot... the pilot/owner had performed oil changes -allowed - and logbook entries were correct, except the signatures only stated "pilot/owner" without certificate number. And this alone made the aircraft "unairworthy"... no payments to anyone from the aircraft insurance company.) Their medical insurance did not exclude skydiving, so they were covered. After the expensive legal battle, they collected the settlement money from the defendents. Their lawyers took their share and their medical insurance companies had subrogation rights, thus claiming the portion they had paid, leaving the girls nothing after the 3+ year legal battle. Just ain't right for any involved... and yes they did sign waivers, one was a first time jumper and the other was an experienced jumper (with a brother-in-law/lawyer who started everything)... the defendents lawyers never produced the waivers or motioned to dismiss because of them. They wanted to save their "ace-in-the-hole". (And continue to rack up years of billable hours!) My blood's boiling just thinkin about it! Chris
Geez-us! Here's my take on a lawsuit I was involved with... (this may be a long story, so grab a beer then continue reading...) .... ... Good, you grabbed a cold one from the back of the fridge! A skydiving related lawsuit... (plane crash-no jumping involved)... occurred a few years ago. After reaching an altitude of a few (maybe hundred) feet, the twin lost one engine, continued south until a vmc roll into trees. As the plane rolled through the trees, one engine was ripped off, prop and gearbox from the other side was torn away, fuselage was opened entirely...(everyone exited through the side of the opened aluminum... i.e. no need to go out the door.) Result: there must be a God; no fatalities, everyone but 2 walked out of the airplane. My dear friends who were injured most severely found the resources of our legal system. This is a good thing because the insurance company was not willing to pay anyone for anything... (I like our legal system in the United States!) Lawyers were hired and the story begins..... The Defendants were being sued for 6-million dollars! In the beginning there were 27 defendants (wrong-doers), but because our legal system assures that the innocent will be proven innocent, only 13 remained at the end. The process lagged on for more than three years after the crash... (I'm beginning to think that these lawyers are not considering my friends who have been injured...) To speed up the process, all parties agree to something called mediation. This is an imitation version of justice where all parties (and respective lawyers) meet to agree on a settlement. (I'm glad these lawyers are focusing on my injured friends! They must be ok after all!) By the end of a long day, a settlement was agreed upon. Victim #1: $155,000 Yehaa! that should help, she was really injured in this mess! Victim #2: $60,000, I was hoping she'd see more. It was her first jump (to be, first time Tandem student, shit first time airplane flight!) Because I'm from an engineering background, I felt the need to translate those "small" settlements into real-time money. Shit we started at $6,000,000.00 U.S. money! Victim #1: Start with $155,000 dollars, pay the laywer one third, net about one hundred thousand dollars! Yeeha! Wait a minute, she had $110,000 in medical bills... her medical insurance company has "subrogation rights". They can be repaid for any collected money. Lucky for Nancy, they agreed to take the ~$100,000 and drop the remaining few thousand. She did not have to pay the balance, she received NOTHING! Victin #2: $60,000.00... YooHoo! big bucks!!! Same story... one third to her lawyer (ambulance-chasin mutha fu%@er), leaves ~$40,000 for her to enjoy.... WRONG! SUB-RO-GA-TION. Her medical insurance company claimed the balance. Last I heard, she's still trying to correct her credit history for the balance due, (her medical was higher than the balance). Being the "engineer-type" i am, i decided to probe a bit further. I saw two girls seriously injured, then try to recoup their losses through our "system". I saw huge expenses in the legal side. So I had to ask... and you know what? Every law firm was more than happy to document their "expenses" and charges. Total billed legal related to this case: ~$2,100,000.00+.... Who won? Chris p.s. ever wonder why it cost so much to skydive?
OMG....What is wrong with everything today?????
GroundZero replied to Michele's topic in The Bonfire
hardly, Michele's my buddy! never met her, but I don't think they come much nicer! Chris -
OMG....What is wrong with everything today?????
GroundZero replied to Michele's topic in The Bonfire
My mother always said "Every dog has his (her) day." Michele, today may not be your's, but that means that the possibility for tomorrow is lookin' good! It's all a matter of timing. Chris -
Chopping from a mal with your wingsuit on
GroundZero replied to SkymonkeyONE's topic in Wing Suit Flying
Good answer... rsl and wing suits don't need to mix... if you need to ask "why?" perhaps you're not ready for wingsuits... Chris -
hehehehe... i need to write those down.... hehehehehe
Ann, Send one my way (the resume), we always want the very best people, and I have an idea that's a person like you... Chris Precision Aerodynamics, Inc. chris@precision.net
I got plates ansd screws on radius and ulna... no problem til the plates broke. They had to be replaced... but had to be installed at 90 degrees off on bones... now those bones have enuf holes that i'm afraid it's pretty fragile... i'm leaving the hardware for additional strength... And yes, it's true, I can forcast rain in 24 hours with uncanny accuracy! Chris
Vy for the older straight tailed Cessna 182's... 89mph at sea level, 85mph at 5000 msl, 82 mph at 7500 msl, 80mph at 10000msl... The service ceiling on my 1956 is 20,100' and they do go that high... I ve dropped jumpers from flight level 210 at least 10 times... quickest time to 210 was 42 minutes, longest was 50 minutes... all with 4 jumpers. Everytime I file to drop jumpers, the controllers always challenge me and make bets, etc. (I do let them know where I can no longer maintain the 500 feet per minute... (usually around 13-14k). Gotta love them old 182's! Chris (Vy at 20,000 is about 60-65 mph, best I recall...)
8.8.... shit i'm proud and NO ANIMALS.... pure depravity... geez, i gotta work early...
wow 8.8%... but i said NO to the animal question.... did you answer the same way, LISA? Chris
At one of my favorite boogies ... (Marvin's Boogie in Tennessee...) a long story, and I'll try to tell it appropriately... It was the end of a long week and I was able to sneak out midday Friday to the boogie... My sweet wife would meet me about 6:00 that evening... she showed up and as she was walking from her car, I met het half way.. we hugged kissed , etc.. and I noticed that we were standing right next to Fast Eddie (Grantland)'s NEW van. Well you know we couldn't pass this up... we climbed in and "cristened" his new ride. After we got out, we spread the news among other people. Everytime Eddie would grab a tandem student, some lucky couple would sneak his keys outa his gear bag and rock Eddie's new van. Before long we started giving "F.I.E.V", (f***ed in eddie's van) numbers. After a long weekend of good times and jumps, we opened beers gathered everyone together, including Eddie and I told him that we really liked his van. Once he figured out what I meant, I asked everyone else who had done his van to hold up their hands. Seems like about 10 different couples had claimed it... but the best part was one male jumper holding up his hand, then his wife said "We did not, and you had better not have been with someone else.." To which he replied, "No dear, I did a solo in Eddie's van!"
Dan, I was hoping to see the results of the Nasa tests first... but looking forward to the tests from the other space agencies also... _____________________________________________ "another space agency is performing crossfire tests scheduled mid april. results will not be released till after then" _____________________________________________ Let's see, NASA tests... just a moment I'll find a quote.... ____________________________________________ "5 crossfires were tested by nasa in a windtunnel. the report should be published next month.... sincerely, dan" ____________________________________________ Geez Folks! I'll gladly accept anyones' practical experience to be quoted, but searching for failures in a completely different application... What gives? I think I'll replace the aluminum on my airplanes because Stainless Steel appears to be less corrosive. Paragliders spend HOURS per flight.. we spend minutes per flight. HMA has been demonstrated for a number of years on skydiving canopies. Have you ever noticed that there is no use of Performance Textiles "Soar-Coat" used in the paragliding industry. Soar coat uses DuPont's additive "Solar Guard" to extend the life of this zero-p fabric. Soar-Coat with Solar Guard is used by both Precision Aerodynamics and Performance Designs for their highest performing canopies. This fabric has increased lifespan when used in parachute applications. No paragliding manufacturer has chosen to use it (that I'm aware of...) because it is not designed for that application. Dan, As your competitor, I have refrained from commenting on your products and until now, your practices. It would serve the viewing public better if you would wait until you CAN document your statements. What do I need to do? "In the interest of safety in our sport, I am securing motor vehicle and arrest records of all (insert competitors canopy type here) pilots to demonstrate the nylon/drug relationship"... This is how I read your posts... is it this silly or just me? Chris
Nice job! sweet ending!!! Chris