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Everything posted by coconutmonkey

  1. Lance got back last week for school and has done all teh maint required (I think) for a fully armed and operational battle Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  2. YEEE-HAA! Got one night to play on the net, gonna make it count! Besides, y'all missed me, right???? Hey, wher'd everybody go..... Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  3. Gee, sounds like a reason to party to me! I'll have to do some work to get the firing tables computed for the new charges and improved munitions (can make some grape shot now!). Otherwise, we can tap into the new keg-o-rator that Lance is puttin in the CML&S next to teh new (old) bar. Should have the bonfire pit done by then as well..... Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  4. Yeah, well, USAF has been pretty good so far so we'll see if they finish strong or just peter out If I sneak away to WFFC (going thru Change of Command, might have to pass the hat) then I suppose the cannon would have to make it's report. Unfortunately, my limited access to the net has postponed the order of it's big brother, which should arrive in time for PK weekend (double the caliber, double the Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  5. Leave??!! Five months w/o a weekend means lots of leave buddy! Still, the usual decompression time before time off means a week or so before playtime. Still, could be worse, could be gettin shot at! Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  6. Yeah, that would normally be cool, but my rig is in NC! Seriously jones-in for a jump right now! Besides, I need to get more info on this whole 'Rantoul' phenomenon..... Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  7. Hey Guys! Thanks for all the well wishin & support for the guys n' gals over here. It's true! I'll be back for last call Fri Night (as long as the plane don't break, come on USAF!). Playin with the 1 MEF has been real fun (not) but it's time to let go of the sand storms and 140 temps. See y'all soon and we'll give 'em double canister in the back yard! Coconut Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  8. Howdy Y'all from the Big Sand Box! Tried a call today to see how things were going, but the phones just weren't cooperating. Fortunately, the net came up again tonight and I finally got to see the pics. Looks like things are grat back there. Would say I'm green with envy, but as everything is sorta dirty tan here I'll just say be safe and don't break the CASA! See y'all soon and then the CML&S will have a blowout party! Till then! Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  9. 1) Who's 2) The 3) Monkey? I AM! Firewall is down so the monkeys in the sandbox will play! Hope y'all are fine back that way and I'll see ya soon! Then Nignoggery will be in effect! Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  10. Gotta update from the new arrivals gate! Mouth * Phree * Merrick Pammi SkyMonkeyONE and Billybob * Kris * Sunshine * SlotPerfect * PLFKing CoconutMonkey * Le Roy and ferret * Raefordite and Lil' King * TonyT * MattM * Droopy* Amy * Jabelin79 Dragontail* Brisco Sunman * BootyMonkey * Fulk USskydiver Colbrodie Hommymedina Somebody MonkeyLip* SeaMonkey We are having a blast. Hurry and come on down. Hootie-Hoo! * denotes already here nig noggin' Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  11. Given the option between staying for the inflight meal and jumping..... Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  12. Pain is temporary, Chicks dig scars, Glory is forever! Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  13. The door was open. Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  14. Flinging Oreos at cars? Hey, didn't you ever learn not to waste food! Roman candles are MUCH more fun. Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  15. Gimp, get back in the cage! Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  16. Thanks, I'll check it when I get home Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  17. Ee's got them wee beady eyes. Ooh, your gonna like my chicken! Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  18. Tree SM1, not twigs! Must be part of the unfreezing process has disabled my inner monolouge..... Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  19. Leeoook at eet! Eet's freegin huge! It 'as eet's own weather pat'erns! Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  20. Mouth, if you're in the back, you'll have to be on somebody's shoulders... or dangling from a suspended harness from a tree Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  21. PLFKING - You are my personal hero! I'll have to buy stock in ice from the looks of it! Have several coolers at the house so chillin is no problem! Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  22. Since when did you strat drinking from a glass. Thought we just put a nipple on that beer for ya Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  23. Kate! You're my hero! Oh, n' TonyT, mix in some green bottles with those Bud Lites! Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  24. Yell, scream, sing Kum-ba-ya, just don't forget to get out when the light turns green! Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  25. It's not the size of your canopy, it's what ya do with it, right? Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range