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Everything posted by coconutmonkey

  1. Need a new one with a TAZER so you have a REALLY good reason to find it when it hides Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  2. coconutmonkey

    I'm back!

    Musta missed that one... what did ya say?? Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  3. another here, why? Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  4. Well, this explains alot... Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  5. I'd be more concerned about hte fit. Looks a bit tight from here and you're a big feller. Test jump it as check your fall rate... me thinks you're gonna leave a smoke trail... Otherwise, hey, they'll at least see ya comming Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  6. John Winger: C'mon, it's Melbourne. We zip in, we pick 'em up, we zip right out again. We're not going to Moscow. It's Melbourne. It's like we're going into *Wisconsin*. Russell Ziskey: Well I got the shit kicked out of me in Wisconsin once. Forget it! Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  7. Congratz! Don't feel bad about having watch, promotion party will catch up eventually... Remember, it's on month base pay difference for the bar tab at the party Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  8. Not like USPA... Their membership is in Canadian $$ so it's only gonna get, like, half the service.... Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  9. Deuce! Just talked to him a couple weeks ago about heading up to see him now I'm on the same side of the country as soon as finals were over. Gonna miss ya man. Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  10. No real problems... unless you count your boat captain leaving you in the Pacific as lost... Stick to your dive plan and make sure someone else knows the plan back home... Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  11. CHeck the TSA website for prohibited items. Think this is still in effect Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  12. That was amusing Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  13. Take a ride with him until you cut a deal to get him a really big diamond... That way ya don't get fed to the pigs... Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  14. IT IS TIIIME! To take your squirrel.. to the Bagel Shop! Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  15. Do not mock lest you tempt my Squirrely Wrath! Squirrely Wrath! Squirrely Wrath! Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  16. coconutmonkey


    Actually, I believe it's the calibrated air speed velocity of an unladen swallow.... Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  17. Charlie Bronson always had a rope. Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  18. Is it dead???!!! Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  19. More often heard is: "Get yo knees in da Breeze, Monkey!" Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  20. Yeah, Isn't that just what FBI Agent Paul Smecker said about the hit on the Russian mob guys? Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  21. Yeah, Remo Williams had that in the movie... really thought that old guy Chan actually ran on water... you have totally burst my view of reality Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  22. Oddly enought, NPR is great for long trips. Enough variety to keep ya awake (where that blasted 8 track keeps skippin the same song for hours). Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  23. Did I say two fingers? Better make it three... Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range
  24. The dude just wanted his rug. Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range