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Everything posted by ailithir

  1. Military jump at Ft. Campbell in mid-60's...I was standing near the door of a C130 about three minutes from the DZ when somebody near me lost his balance and falling, pulled my belly reserve handle. The canopy was flopping around in the breeze near the door. I jumped on it and got it bundled up in my arms and watched as everyone else jumped. I always figured that the reserve could have enabled my body to tear off a chunk of the door frame had it started to inflate.Quote
  2. does it occur to anyone that (from what I've read) the main information on this comes from FACEBOOK!!??
  3. I am impressed with the answers...thanks
  4. excellent answer(s)...thanks My son is closing in on his A-license and there's no money right now to buy him his own gear. I consider his DZ to be professionally run (Sky's The Limit...Stroudsberg Pa) but have no way to judge the competency of the packers who, as is pointed out, are in it for a quick $7.00.
  5. Considerate, good answers...thanks. While an external inspection of the webbing, cables, etc. should be/is performed when picking up the rental rig, anything having to do with the canopy, lines, etc. that only the packer (who really may not be paying attention) that has gone amiss (line over, burning a hole, fraying lines, pilot chute problems) will not be seen by a rigger for 180 days...this is a little troubling. If the jumper is packing himself he must know what to look for and that (I think) would be fairly difficult. Do you think that (generally speaking) a packer will do this kind of over-all inspection each time the parachute is packed?Quote
  6. I was wondering how often a rigger checks out rental there a reg, or just every so often, or whenever, or never?
  7. ailithir

    First Rig

    I like this approach...would you mind saying how much you paid?
  8. what's the practical difference between these two devices? I want to buy my son a beginner rig...should I look for one in particular or install which one?
  9. My son is about the get his 'A' license...I'd like to buy him a used rig...he's about 220 going out the door and I'm sure that I want a 190 or 210 but don't know what to look for manufacturer-wise, model-wise. He's 5'7" are harnesses sized? Thanks
  10. that's funny! I grew up in Garrettsville,....haven't lived there in a long time and never heard of this
  11. In 1965 at Ft. Campbell I was doing a 5 second delay. I counted to 5, pulled the rip cord, counted, 6 thousand, 7 thousand 8 thousand 9 thousand 10 thousand I remember perfectly thinking "fuck it!" and pulled my chest mounted reserve only to have a perfect main open and two out. It was the closest I ever landed to the target with absolutely no control. The jumpmaster said I had a pilot chute hesitation because of my stable position and as soon as I bent over to pull the reserve. up it went. Not scared at all...from good training.
  12. what kind of money can you make in the skydiving business as an instructor, tandem instructor or photographer?
  13. The equipment is complicated; we are in agreement about his learning to do it himself...the checklist is an additional tool. He has had instruction but I'm not comfortable with the intensity of the instruction so I want him to do it with a checklist.
  14. Thanks for the posts...he did get instruction about this but I wanted something just like the Safety Day check list. We haven't talked yet about his own parachute but clearly that's the way to go. Regards, Barry
  15. can anyone post a checklist of points to cover when renting a parachute. My son just started jumping solo and he is going to rent equipment for a while. I want him to know how to check the thing over VERY carefully.
  16. Brendan did 3 jumps on Sunday and his graduation jump (which prompted the case of beer) is:
  17. EXACTLY this kind of posts I figured I'd get...definitely beer-centric! Thanks; I'll pass along the info.
  18. My son is about to graduate AFF...I've seen various notes about buying beer...I don't want him to commit a faux this an 'A' license thing or also an 'AFF' thing?
  19. fantastic thread and yours is the best! Thanks everybody
  20. sorry guys...I don't think it's a dumb question but I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. Thanks for the (generally!) polite and informative responses,
  21. "what is the approximate flight speed of X canopy at Y wingloading in strait and level flight, relative to the air?" Thanks...this is how I should have phrased the question! I jumped MANY (also a 101st Airborne paratrooper) years ago with modified round canopies and chest-mounted reserves. My son is currently doing an AFF program (look at video Brendan AFF 3 on here) and his instructors BURN their landings. One of them told me that he thought he was doing about 70mph (before flare) and I wondered if that was ball-park (I'm not accusing him of blowing smoke). I can see an A license being kind of snotty about my question but not a 'D'. I've seen a note about a small parachute whose forward speed is 100mph...tracking with a wing suit jumper.Quote
  22. I don't know why it's a retarded question...I think you are both jackasses for your assumption that this is my canopy . Thanks for nothing
  23. How fast does a 98 sqft canopy land? (175 pound jumper, very experienced)
  24. I'm very pleased with all the helpful suggestions: just to say that the advice hasn't been in vain I've purchased a big exercise ball and signed up for yoga. Blue skies!