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Everything posted by redrocka528

  1. in the ukraine, killed 78 I believe
  2. yeah, he's in alot of them but look at dawgjump2 (on the right) or beforemolly (on the left). just look for the tallest guy in the pic and you've got him, can't miss that smile either. Tony, I'll miss you bro....
  3. I'm going to be in Thailand for awhile next spring and I'm having trouble finding DZ's any closer than singapore. Does anybody have any ideas? If I hang out at the airport with my rig on and 10 bucks in my hand will that do me any good? what about exceptionally tall trees? There's no way I'm going 3-4 months without jumping.
  4. 184 since my first freefall on 29 mar 98, kinda fell out of the sport for a while (no pun intended) but I'm back with a vengance... and I'm gaining on you tony
  5. anybody have a clue where nationals are going to be held next year? trying to beat some money out of my school and I need to figure out some numbers this week, those bastards. if anybody has any ideas that might help they'd be much appreciated.
  6. just look for the siu skydiving club flag. should be a whole crapload of us down there, ready to get it on. it's my first time at mardi gras so I'll have the case on ice...
  7. any idea how long of a ride it is?
  8. hey all, I'm from the SIU skydiving club and we're on a 24 hour call for the ride to moss point! I'm wondering if anybody knows what the deal is with transport from moss point to new orleans friday night? I could swear somebody said something about a bus...
  9. It's got some pretty cool stuff on it but it's long as hell. And old, got some nice early eighties haircuts goin on there. Hah, and that chick looking all serious, tying on ribbons, too funny
  10. not from miami are ya? If so I was on your right, bitchin about the skimpy ass meal the whole time. we promoted him to club fire-marshal.
  11. got mine for 240 from sunshine factory... and I thought I got a deal. Doohhh!