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Everything posted by kewlf

  1. Thank you all for sharing your experience and for the encouragement! Yep, I'll definitely take it with less ambition next time and will try to enjoy myself more
  2. Hi all, had my AFF2 today, managed the program except the left turn pretty well, still it made me feel I screwed up because of the left turn. At 6.000ft, as supposed, I gave the "no more work" head shake and watched my altimeter, supposed to wait until 5.100ft, then wave off and pull. So far, so good. Next thing I consciously realized is the index finger of my instructor stuck close to my face, and the needle of the altimeter approaching what I thought is 3.000ft (actually it was 3.600ft). I pulled immediately, the canopy ride was fine. What kinda freaks me is that I'm totally missing 1.500ft of freefall, I've got no memory at all, and obviously I was stable but just not acting properly. Of course I felt anxiety in the plane, but it was only approximately half compared to my first AFF jump. And I do feel time is rushing in freefall and I was so focussed on my tasks that I didn't see and notice much other stuff compared to when I was on my tandems. So, what do you think? Sensory overload? Did anyone experience something similar? Do I have to be concerned about this?