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Everything posted by base698

  1. ^ It's not equal to in some SQL versions. That's great unless you only have resources to follow up on 1%. It distracts and misleads from actual police work. That's the actual argument against this sort of thing--nothing to do with feelings.
  2. CEO pay is one matter. But I think what he was originally alluding to is when a bank executive uses mom and pops deposit to make risky bets. When the bets go ok they make 10% and when the bets go sour they lose the whole bank and then have to get tax money from mom and pop to stay in business.
  3. It's still a quarter of the cost of gas and less if you are paying for it yourself. They have a $30K version in the works. They can hit that price point even if batteries don't get cheaper. Buying the Model S is not about saving money. Buying an EV in a few years may be.
  4. It costs under $4 to go 265 miles and free when you fill up at a Tesla station. It's much cheaper than gas per mile even if you compare it to a hybrid. My argument is when they fix inefficiencies in their manufacturing process and have a robust super charger infrastructure. This would enable a cost compatible car and free maintenance. Why would you buy a car at the same price point that has to throw away $30k over the life of the car on gas with oil changes and breakable parts that electric vehicles don't have?
  5. Electric cars are cheaper to maintain with fewer moving parts. The high end ones are fun to drive--emissions impact is somewhere around 10th on the list for me and most of the others that bought a Tesla. I like the idea of using less oil from the mideast and instead use nuke or even coal locally. If early adopters of the Model S and X end up funding a $30K - $40K car that's got twice as much inside room, effectively free to maintain and drive on their supercharger infrastructure that's going to be a huge problem for the current car companies. They have a lot to do to make that happen, but they are attacking the problem on all fronts and have been fairly successful.
  6. The probability of being a victim is likely lower than dying from a no pull. Even if it isn't and it is equal there is some chance of added risk of grumpy old men desiring to be a hero adding risk above that of being a victim.
  7. Research is trending in the pro butter direction. The artificial stuff and sugar is the problem. Anyone too afraid to see a movie without a gun needs to have their Fox News privileges taken away. Everyday life is not that dangerous.
  8. I had surgery this morning. When I get off Vicodin I'll have stories for days.
  9. Getting half a billion dollars in Elon Musks hands is worth what ever crony capitalism took place. I personally would rather live in a country with rockets and affordable space travel where these loans are a multiplier effect for people like Elon Musk.
  10. They're being detained and question because they were unknowingly friends with radicals.
  11. Or to paraphrase: the problem with skydiving is all the damn skydivers :) When I was a young pup all the free fliers would jump with the noobs one on one and then we'd run out and do zoo dives. There are ways to include newer jumpers, but the serious people do 10s of hours in the tunnel and don't want to feel like they are wasting their jump. It took me 400 jumps over 2 seasons to dock head down before the tunnel existed. It kept the experience differential small enough for longer that it was easier to include people. I think the tunnel has been worse for the sport in that regard.
  12. It's also much easier to build a UI that only requires a payment button--no need for people to enter billing address or phone number to prove who they are. All you need is the wallet address, sending the bitcoins to that completes the order. Bitpay already works this way.
  13. The PR department for the show must be getting the biggest fucking Christmas bonus of the decade. Two predictions: A&E planned on selling the show anyway and will get a boat load of money or Phil will apologize and return to higher ratings and greater ad revenue. GG marketing at A&E.
  14. The 500 in a year guy probably doesn't know a dead skydiver but I'd bet the other guy does. Seen a lot of people in the first group quit when faced with that.
  15. About five years ago I was jumping one regularly. I got 1.6 as my best glide but was normally in the 1.3 to 1.4 range. IIRC was not much better than PF track suit. How'd you fair? PS been jumping in your area with Adam quite a bit. Need to make jump together :)
  16. I'm talking once you spend them. The same risks of carrying cash apply and more risk if you use a third party service to store bitcoin. In the current model a third party like Target is a big score. A hacker can compromise everyone's cards if they access Target. The risk is more spread with bitcoin and there are different things to worry about. Delegating the responsibility to an unproven banking system is silly with both bitcoin and other currency. A consumer system like target could store the wallets offline and monitor the payments externally to verify if someone paid. No risk to the consumer and nothing to hack.
  17. I don't agree with the tinfoil hat crowd but do think bitcoin solves some pretty serious problems. The first being data leaks, like the recent Target leak, isn't an issue with bitcoin payments. Once you pay with bitcoin no one can recharge you. As a merchant you don't have to worry about the merchant freezing your account or the buyer issuing a chargeback. Micropayments are the last issue. You could charge .001 to read an article online. It's silly to think of it as a replacement for the USD, but it is a great compliment.
  18. I didn't say it was, that's why I made a distinction between the consumer and the merchant. I would much rather use bitcoin to buy something instead of having my credit card information stored by a third party indefinitely.
  19. I think at current difficulty it would take hundreds of years to mine a block. You'd be better off buying lottery tickets :)
  20. One thing that's gotten lost in the speculative talk is its utility. Buying online is much less of a risk with bitcoin. As a merchant you don't have to worry about charge backs. As a consumer you don't have to enter a long form proving you are the card owner, since it operates more like cash. Consumers also don't have to worry about the merchants leaking their card information. There is also multiparty payment useful for contracts. You can make it so two of three parties have to agree for the transaction to go through. Useful for arbitration in absence of a notary.
  21. I reduced my holdings to 10% of what they were before this run up. I've done this 3 times now, seems like a good strategy.
  22. But they aren't anymore, which is kind of why it isn't as big of a stretch as it would of been if people still used shiny rocks for money. Given shiny rocks are limited it's harder to start trillion dollar wars or use them to finance billion dollar business deals and real estate deals. I know, it's like a libertarian wet dream. Completely unregulated free market. You can easily see the importance of some of the controls we have in the current monetary system as well as supply and demand in real time. Quite fascinating to me, and that's not even going into the technical side which is even more fascinating.
  23. I don't know what this has to do with the discussion. It's a currency, so it has no underpinning of value like the US dollar. The volume I've messed with it over the past 4 years has never resulted in a problem of transferring it into another currency.