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Everything posted by base698

  1. Also, tend to get multiple opinions from anyone whose opinion you respect. If you ever think you are doing anything right you likely are not, so ask other peoples opinion about your performance (this can be frustrating). People have a tendency to talk shit behind your back more than to your face, so quiz people about what you are doing wrong and really examine your abilities before trying new things. That is just unfortunate but it is the way things go sometimes. CSS person #3
  2. You know what they say: "The lottery is a tax on people who are bad at math."
  3. 0:9:1 :) no money left on the jump account for me...
  4. De-interlace the f*#*#* pictures :)
  5. base698

    Carolina Sky Sports

    If you have a rig to borrow I can take you around :) Email me if you need local jumper contact info. Justin.
  6. Yes almost exactly that, but I don't think he invented it :) I think they've been doing this in BASE since the early days.
  7. Don't know if anyone has ever seen a BASE jumper do this. Basically its a mushroom made out of the pilot chute and the bridle s-folded on the inside of the pc pack job. I've been doing this skydiving now for about 200 jumps. Some advantages I've noticed: * Quick inflation (more prudent to BASE) * Easy to extract but not easy to come out prematurely, unless... * pull on the bridle (ie a horseshoe) which would make that malfunction more likely to clear. * I've noticed less wear than the burrito folding in the same number of jumps. What are everyone else's thoughts?
  8. Go to all the local spots you frequent and tell them your dilemma. Selling donuts and showing video in a populated area of campus might also work too
  9. Because of the F*#(*#(* east coast weather thread. Should have got on at least a few of the 8 loads yesterday but I knew today would be good. *doh*
  10. I always back track until i've found everyone on my jump. I don't think I was clear on that. At which point I flip belly and finish up. I think that is the optimal thing to do. If you don't do that someone could be above you and then you dump in their face. Also about when someone is above you while back tracking (kind of following you) just turn quick and kick it. I've never not figured out directions when that happens almost instantaneously.
  11. I rarely go flat on my back.. Its very east to maintain a steep back track as it is a normal steep track. Good points though.
  12. I usually back track away whilest finding everyone that was on the jump with me and making sure i'm going the right direction in relation to the flightline and where everyone else is going. There is no way to see above you on your belly, which is where people tend to be if they left the formation before breakoff altitude. I then roll on my front to check for canopy traffic and look around before i pull.
  13. I did a 27 way for my 600th jump I think. It was some multiple of 100....
  14. Nah it was a Manta 288. I figure might as well go for the Velocity because I wanted to jump it anyway.
  15. Also... Heroin only came about because opium was illegal. In a situation where you outlaw a drug it makes more sense to condense it. It is 1) more profitable and 2) easier to transport. A lot of our modern drugs sprung about from similar issues.
  16. If memory serves correct... MJ was made illegal starting with the El Paso City Ordinance of 191x (sometime in 1910's). This snowballed from there, but the original logic was to stop the damned, dirty Mexican's from immigrating as they liked the dopey weed. Similarly, opium was originally made illegal to stop the damn, dirty Chinese. In 1912 a 12 year old could buy morphine or opium over the counter in a drug store. Was there a rampant opium problem with 12 years olds???
  17. I've done very little of both. I have gotten the best with a light front riser 90. What techniques have others used to start?
  18. First off the war was really more like 3 days. Nasser did that (that being moving troops to the Sinai considering he had world Israel was to invade) purely as a political move considering the Suez crisis of 56 (he had to appear tough shit). He had no intention of attack and Israel knew this. They used it as a move to gain more territory of the Sinai and possibly their sought after Golan Heights... Both the US and Russia told Israel the attack was not ok but they went ahead anyway.
  19. Unfortunatly these don't take into account most of people that were found to have marijuana in their system also were drinking There is an interesting thing regarding medical usage that was brought up. There is a drug by a leading pharmaceutical company that was 100% pure THC (I think it is called Cannibol or something). The argument is then why not use that instead of toking a joint? Well I'll you why: why pay $300 a bottle for something when you can grow it for free in your home?
  20. Governments... not necessarily the people. In many cases its because we want something they can provide. The money is also quite frequently in the form of military aid that is used to keep dictatorships in powerthe people are not at all for. See Saudi Arabia, Israel (in the case of the Palestinians), Iran (until the people revolted) and Venezuela. We do not have a crystal clear image in the world and especially the Middle East and I believe this crucial to understanding the concerns of war. Ironically, one of the worst oppressors of the region was France. I seriously think their main problem with war is that they aren't getting a cut of the pie...
  21. I was doing 270s on the Stiletto and coming out of them I could no longer hold down the riser. Hence the etc. Yes I realize I probably did this a little premature now, but I'm careful about it as I'm not going out and cranking 180s and have no intention too until everything is dialed in. I jumped several canopies in that wingloading range and liked the Velocity the best. And of course I'm not absolutely sure, but my judgement about not doing things I know I couldn't pull off 100 out of 100 times has been pretty good. I can swoop the canopy with no input, turn and carve during that minor swoop, hit within 5 feet of the target every time, braked turn and avoid traffic. I am completely confident in my ability to fly the canopy safely (not swooping) 100 out of 100 times. My post is mainly directed at learning what other swoopers have done in their progression to swooping their new lower wingloading canopy.
  22. base698

    Who here...?

    Also very important... Don't capitalize PERL. Its always perl or Perl. If they are a geek you will never get hired as its not an acronym :)
  23. No, I meant how many jumps on a canopy (roughly) before they safely start swooping on a smaller canopy. Assuming they knew the previous one.
  24. I respect all the opinions of people I know with one exception. I'm just trying to get a feel on a larger scale for how people have downsized.
  25. When to start hooking in though? I mean eventually that's what I'm aiming for. I've just started to mess with double fronts and carving during my double front swoop. Nothing too dangerous. My current progression plan is comfortable with double fronts (and perfected). Then 90s etc. I did the same progression with the Stiletto.