I’ m not in the condition to talk technically about the physics phenomenon , that’ s why I just want to ask for opinion and feedback , posting some concrete example of the fact that I believe that in atmo we generate lift . This having , any way , really clear the aerodynamic lift concept ( exactly the same concept applied to the wing canopies that don’t fall making resistant work , but FLY generating lift).
First consideration would be more as personal sensation when I fly atmonauti in all the different angle (from 45° to 20-15° ) and different speed . What I can fill is no air impact on the body from below ( I really don’t fill to deflect any air from below , as it was happen in track) , and I feel the air on the head , on the shoulders , on the arms and hands (bord of attack) , and on the lateral outside part of the legs (they work as breaks to regulate the speed) …. What I felt really well , is the rig going up and forward ( giving a strange sensation the first time , as do not have anymore the rig on the shoulder …. Luckily is just a sensation ) and I feel a very light body sensation too.
The air is coming from the head to the feet , with an inclination of the fluid in relation of the “angle of attack” and speeds of the atmonauts ; with the air coming in this way , is exactly the same air flow as in free fly …. That’s why we can observe atmonauti flying with shape position like in head down ( with daffy , legs close , etc. ) … that’s way we can free-fly in atmo with footmonauts as the free fly stand-up formation ( impossible in track !) . That’s way in atmonauti we built three-dimensional formation flying one on top of the other in head level multi-layer , with flowers and star formation , with person fly tight and close one on top of the other one ( if we was deflecting the air we was not able to fly so close one above the other ). That’s way the tandem atmo with out drogue fly at vertical speed of 170-180 Km/h ( if he was deflecting the air , without drogue will arrive around 300 or more Km/h)
Second consideration : Analysing the flight data , we can assume a vertical speed lower than in all the other know disciplines ( with out any accessory) from 140 to 170 km/h ( … to …. Miles/h ) … an horizontal movement in 10.000 feet of flight altitude , estimate with out wind influence , around 2 miles in a high speed ( as we do in the airshow www.youtube.com/vinsmedia …..).
Already from this two consideration about sensation and datas analysis , I consider that my personal point of view when we talk about atmonauti , is that we are talking about real human “flight” in the real aerodynamics meaning of the term .
But I repeat is just a personal very strong opinion and I not pretend to convince somebody with this my arguments. I still believe that the best thing is try it and felt or not what I’m talking.
I just want now post some concrete example about what I’m talking , suggest comments from who have possibility to explain in a serious way , if this concrete facts can be related with other different explanation different from the “lift” one .
Another question is related to the word “trace” “tracing” that Piers Roberts often nominate. Can somebody explicate what it is ? who create it and when ? where the theory , angles explanation ? Where we can found articles and pictures made by his creator about the “Trace” ?
Considering that Marco from 2000 define the atmonauti angles (from 45 to 15-20°) , considering that we have see the atmonauti fly from 2000 in all this angles and different speeds ( in free style, following airplanes , in smoke airshow , in big formations , in circulars and varies trajectories , in games , etc. etc. ) , considering also that FAI define from 2003 this following description , I’m really not understand what is this “Trace”:
FAI definitions :
B-6 Diagonal orientation
- “Tracking” is horizontal movement with the torso predominantly horizontal with respect to the ground
- “Flock” is horizontal movement with the torso predominantly vertical with respect to the ground
- “Atmonauti” is horizontal movement with the torso at an angle between a “track” and a “flock” , but preferred to be close to 45° with respect to the ground.
Ceck on http://www.fai.org/parachuting/system/files/artistic_adb_2007.pdf
Can somebody answere this questions in a “concrete” way !
Picture n° 1
Tandem atmonauti with 4 way atmo-formation in line
In this picture we can observe a tandem atmo with vertical speed of 170 km/h docking in a normal atmo flight formation … we can also observe very well , the rigs going up and FORWARD from the shoulders , INCLUDING THE TANDEM RIG !
Picture n° 2
Atmonauti formation with 4 way flowers , with frontmonauts fly very close above the backmonauts in a link formation , with-out felt any burble zone because of deflected air.