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Everything posted by blueskybug

  1. Sorry I don't post often but i was curious if anyone had any thoughts on the following. Would it be good or bad for the country if one party controlled the white house, senate and house ? thanks all
  2. while i usually prefer to just lurk.... i seem to recall there was a plan agreed to by the mayor 13 month ago. it did have in it several good things that were supposed to happen but never did. a little research from someone on the topic may help. it seems to me that all the finger pointing is really a moot point unless you have an agenda or just prefer to stir the pot a bit. Also, professor Kallend please don't take this as a personal reply to only yourself. I value your opinion and while i don't usually agree i find it thought provoking most times. i guess the bottom line is there were several screw ups and preventing the same mistakes from happening is good, but blame for the sake of politics is distasteful....would you not agree ? blues Vince
  3. In response to no one special... So if i understand the people who are against the death penalty. Someone like Malvo who bragged about killing and laughed about just missing a child, death should not be an option ? How do you justify keeping someone like that alive ? If the killer is a minor does that make the victem any less dead ? i think there should be cases where evil is called for what it is and dealt with...period.
  4. If you are really interested i would recommend you contact Alpine Acents or Mountain Madness for detail. There are alot of small details that you would need to know and or have taken care of. As far as price range AA will have alot of info but will run a little more money, but their trips are a little better (IMO) good luck and be safe vince
  5. some people may also follow the old "the lesser of 2 evils"
  6. i'm not trying to be smart, i just want to understand. but what exactly is Kerry going to do to improve these things ? i don't really think he is going to reduce the size of gov. how exactly is he personally going to create more jobs ? how will he increase gov revenue without taxing the middle class ? etc etc. could you provide me a link or 2 so i can see it for myself. i am a consertive i guess, but i am not the biggest fan of the current pres. maybe this is more fun than lurking afterall.
  7. it is probably far better if i remain a lurker like usual.. but don't those rich people who bought that boat buy it from someone ? that person makes a living selling boats. people make a living producing boats etc ...i am far from rich and know very few truly rich people but i think the vast majority do not hoard their wealth. imo,,, now back to lurking.
  8. hi all i am now an ex lurker and i need some info. my wife's job will have us moving to texas around the middle of june and because of my work, alot of my time off is during the week. i was wondering if any of the houston area dz's put up many loads during the week? if it helps any we will most likely be a little to the northwest outside of houston ( i think) thanks for any help vince