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Everything posted by SkyAnvil77

  1. 4T, fo t, 46, forty six....mofo almost forgotzzz, fordee 6
  2. 46, forty six, FORTY SIX, forti six, fortee six more days mofo's
  3. I defiantly like your picture coach Chris, you bezz one cool mofo. Walk like you stold it up outta there mofo!
  4. 78 days and counting till the DEADMAN-BOOGIE-2! Casa, chopper, otter, free beer, free Texas style Bar-B-Q! Ballons (still working) The Deadman boogie idea was conceived while drinking ICE COLD beer last year, and the rest is history! Deadman boogie 3 is in the planning stage already, third times a charm! Stay tuned/logged in for updates!
  5. *** 78 MORE DAYS and counting till the DEADMAN BOOGIE!
  6. Try the Deadman boogie at Skydive Houston in WALLER TX Call 1-800-jump-out! The boogie will be June 25th-27th. Check out the thread on Deadman boogie2. We'll have a Casa, Chopper, Otter, and working on Ballons. There's no boggie fee! we'll have food, drinks and much more! You might want to think about moving over here! This boogie is only about having fun with good people.
  7. Very niclely put! and a great memorial page. I didn't know Jason, but I'm sure he was a great guy, and man that cat could fly!
  8. I think it's ride it like you stole it, and defiantly deny any wrong doings!
  9. My vote goes to the majority, the two number one reasons for the boogie? #1 is to have fun, and jump stuff we rarely jump in memory of our fallin, fellow skydive brothers and sisters. And #1 again, is to make money for the DZ. to keep the doors open and the operation running. Can we support 300 mofo's at one time??? If so, I vote yes! The more the merrier! I defiantly deny any wrong doing, coach Chris!
  10. Welcome MadMaxipad, you from round here? Any relation to Mad Max?
  11. I didn't do it! I defiantly didn't do it! MOFOS
  12. It's Thursday night, Me and my dogs started howling for no reason, and I couldn't figure why! Then I realized as I gazed towards the heavens....yep, a full moon! woof woof! night jumps anyone
  13. Rusty MOFO, you are the greatest mofo ever known to man! You was great before the term great was even invented, just like tumbling is great! The corn is perfect like me, and I hope to spare and share with my good, and bad friends. Life in tha sky is a beautiful thing, defiantly for sure. Later MOFO, over and in!
  14. Man I can't wait...GEEEEEZZ hurry up! Deadman boggie is gonna be the best this year! How many ballons and choppers are going to be there? Hey RustyMOFO you one cool cat.