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  1. I have to say thanks for this article. On the fence but certainly more for skydiving while pregnant. Especially now that I've read the part about hypoxia which was a big game changer for me. I think you bring people into this world to show them the joys of life and raise them to be good people. No reason to stop your life just 'cause your pregnant. I could die tomorrow in a car accident, does that mean I should quit my job so I don't risk driving? After a tour of duty in Afghanistan, and seeing death on tour, in hospitals, working as paramedic and in the skydiving sport. When it's your time, it's your time. Be safe and God will take care of the rest. Pregnancy is a healthy part of life, not a sickness, too many people treat it as an excuse. Live life, have fun. Give your baby those happy endorphins! Physically fit women have shorter labours and recover faster too. "Take risks not to escape life, but to prevent life from escaping" -unknown
  2. I have to say thanks for this article. On the fence but certainly more for skydiving while pregnant. Especially now that I've read the part about hypoxia which was a big game changer for me. I think you bring people into this world to show them the joys of life and raise them to be good people. No reason to stop your life just 'cause your pregnant. I could die tomorrow in a car accident, does that mean I should quit my job so I don't risk driving? After a tour of duty in Afghanistan, and seeing death on tour, in hospitals, working as paramedic and in the skydiving sport. When it's your time, it's your time. Be safe and God will take care of the rest. Pregnancy is a healthy part of life, not a sickness, too many people treat it as an excuse. Live life, have fun. Give your baby those happy endorphins! Physically fit women have shorter labours and recover faster too. "Take risks not to escape life, but to prevent life from escaping" -unknown
  3. Mia and the Cat Women are an inspiration to Skydivers across the country... You will be remembered by many, even those that barely knew you. As one person said... The sky belongs to you!! Bon Voyage and Blue skies