Okay here goes, I'm a newbie, 27, weighing 180lbs without gear, (200 w/gear). I have over 110 jumps all of which were various military freefall jumps, i.e. HAHO, HALO, Night, Equipment, Water, O2...ect... I'm considering the purchase of my first rig and I am settled on buying a Triathlon, however I would like your opinion on a resonable wing loading. I was considering the 175 (1.14) until talking with some of my buddies who are more experienced in sport jumping who recommend a 160 (1.25). I am soliciting your personal opinions based on your various experiences...also to go ahead and set this aside... all of your suggestions such as: "try before you buy", "ask somebody from your local DZ", "trust your friends who are more experienced than you and are better able to asses your level", have been noted in advance so no need to post. I just feel that by asking you that I will be getting a less "ego" based reason than the ones I may be getting from my buddies, to be quite frank I work with a bunch of egomaniacs and although their hearts are in the right place I feel that a second opinion couldn't hurt. Thanks in advance, best regards, Flee