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Everything posted by Gravitymaster
Never have I ever indicated I did not support our troops. So Kiss My Ass. When is Obama going to Fire Shinseki?
So your solution is to start wars with no intention of paying for them? Don Pretty stupid statement, Don. Show me where I ever said anything even remotely close to that. http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=402438#402438 Gravitymaster (D License) United States Send a Private MessagePM Add to FriendsFriend Registered: Mar 4, 2001 Posts: 13070 Mar 2, 2003, 11:37 PM Post #19 of 30 (363 views) Shortcut Re: [FallRate] GWB rebate v. war budget ... odd coincidence [In reply to] Quote | Reply In reply to: . I also get a kick out of those who whine about the cost of going to war and how much the long term cost will be. After the Gulf War in 1991, 80% of the 80 Billion the U.S. spent was reimbursed by Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Remember, Iraq is not without natural resources. I'm sure going to enjoy filling up my SUV with that $.49 per gallon Iraqi oil. Hmmmm......... I kinda like that idea.Cool In defense of Gravity, he doesn't really seemed concerned about payimg for the war then either, but rather reaping the benifits in the form of $.49 per gallon Iraqi gas. All the dead and maimed are but a small price to pay if you can fill up the SUV for $10 bucks. Greeted as liberators, the Iraqis will pay all the cost, and we will stabilize the Middle East... To be young and naive again. I accepted long ago the intellect and motivations of some on here. I just quietly laugh at their weak attempts to stretch the truth and split a hair. Never have I ever indicated I did not support our troops or wish we would not pay for their healthcare. Anyone who thinks I said that can kiss my ass.
So your solution is to start wars with no intention of paying for them? Don Pretty stupid statement, Don. Show me where I ever said anything even remotely close to that.
You have to remember... and take note of the FACT that our Patriotic GOP congressional members has shot down any funding for veterans over and over.... their usual treatment after their hollow mouthing of the words "thank you for your service" homilies where they talked the talk.. while refusing to walk the walk. No jobs for vets allowed.... less funding for the VA...... way to show your support ( no not you TK) Speaking of Rubio and the gang... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zk5ZJ6uVO9Y&sns=emut to dry What govt. programs are you willing to reduce so there is money to commit to our Vets? That's nice, it seems like lately there's never been an issue of putting wars on the credit card, while simultaneously giving out huge tax breaks. Wasn't there once a time in this country when paying a war tax was considered Patriotic? If your not prepared to pay the complete cost of going to combat, perhaps that war is unnecessary. So your solution is too raise taxes and spend more money?
You have to remember... and take note of the FACT that our Patriotic GOP congressional members has shot down any funding for veterans over and over.... their usual treatment after their hollow mouthing of the words "thank you for your service" homilies where they talked the talk.. while refusing to walk the walk. No jobs for vets allowed.... less funding for the VA...... way to show your support ( no not you TK) Speaking of Rubio and the gang... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zk5ZJ6uVO9Y&sns=em What govt. programs are you willing to reduce so there is money to commit to our Vets?
I'm pretty sure it's quite different than yours.
I guess that depends on your definition of "Enemy".
Yes, I think veterans should get healthcare. I'm just not so much an ideolog that it prevents me from admitting when it has become very apparent that the government shouldn't be managing it. Unlike some that we know. Not that I expect you to answer, but do you or don't you have a high level of confidence that the government can properly manage a large healthcare system. And if you don't why do you support government run healthcare? Edited to add: How does it make you feel that the Terrorists at Gitmo get better healthcare than American G.I.'s
It's no real surprise you don't want to answer the question. Believe me, I can understand exactly why.
Where did I say he was not? Grav was wrong in his position that being CiC has anything to do with the VA. I stand by my post. JerryBaumchen Of course you do. No surprise there considering how you support the IRS targeting political enemies of the President, murdering American Citizen with no due process etc. NSA spying on American Citizens and in fact the leaders of other countries like Merkel etc. People who continue to support that are most of the problem. They are the enablers and we are paying a dear price. So please pat yourself smugly on the back and take pleasure in every hair you split. Continue to blind yourself to what's been going down and the long term damage you are doing to all of our children's future.
That's not what I asked you. Let's try it this way: Given the long history of bureaucratic FU's at the VA, why do you thing Govt. run healthcare will be any better. If you don't think it will be any better, then why do you support it?
Emphasis mine. Actually, the VA today is not the VA of the '70s. The VA today was created and signed into law during Reagan's term, although technically only took effect under Bush 41. Before that, it was essentially a disorganized mess of bills and catch-as-catch can offices going back to the Revolutionary war. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Department_of_Veterans_Affairs#History (Reagan -- secret socialist -- probably never even realized it.) Yet, you still want the govt. in charge of your healthcare?
This is exactly what will happen when the govt. takes over healthcare. Exactly!!
Yeah, and don't even get me started on the pack of lies regarding healthcare. And then the left wingers wonder why we don't believe anything he says. Yet they would feel completely different if they knew someone personally who lied as much as Obama. They would completely shun a pathological liar in their daily lives, but they accept it coming from Obama and his administration. I emphasize "Administration" for all the race baiters.
Mark, in the future it would appreciated if you kept things on a more emotional than logical level. If we don't have the left vs. right arguments; why whatever would become of SC?
Got it. The buck stops with Obama, but Bush wasn't responsible for anything because his subordinates lied to him. I don't defend everything Obama does, but blaming him personally for every government failing dilutes the legitimate complaints, such as not acting on Gitmo. Dude, he hasn't even fired Shinseki. WTF. If this was Bush, your heads would be exploding by now and you know it.
Uh, how about that the VA is not part of DoD. http://www.va.gov/explore/?gclid=CjgKEAjwnfGbBRDlxoHrl6uikyESJAD-nzCF8kXgyKtyWcDAg70PluLSQoVzdWEIqBG0c1QY5Wh4RvD_BwE What part of how the US gov't is organized is that you do not understand? JerryBaumchen What part of where the buck stops is confusing to you? I really wonder what it's going to take for you left wingers to stop defending the indefensible. IRS, NSA, Bengahzi, V.A., Guantanamo, Fast and Furious, killing Americans with drones with no due process. Exectutive Order after Executive Order because he knows he could never get his ideological agenda through Congress. Lies, lies and more lies on top of more lies. I swear, if he pulled a gun out and shot someone in the head on live TV, the left wingers would claim the deceased deserved it because he was probably a terrorist . Speaking of terrorists, how's that Guantanamo Bay closing going? How about all those shovel ready jobs?
Um, no. What does that have to do with Obama? Uhhh..How about he's the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces?
As opposed to "Obama didn't know anything about this until he read about it in the paper".
Can you imagine any scenario where you would be happy with something Obama said or did? Can you imagine a scenario where you would be happy to be treated like this?
Yes, that is exactly what "liberals" think. Well, to be accurate, it's what idiots think "liberals" think. Yeah, like the "morons" who think individuals represent all Republicans.
Commissions will never work. Liberals hate anything that requires competition because the people who are better at something don't deserve to make more money. They think everyone should be paid the same regardless of job skills. The better you are at something, the more they want taken from you to support those who are not.
Don't believe we've had any past events where a near 50% increase was enacted. In any event, isn't the burden of proof in the other direction? Shouldn't the SIEU prove that this won't fall under basic supply/demand graphs? NO, the burden of proof is on those who make the claim. And right now the claim is from the right that raising the minimum wage will destroy jobs. Where's the data to support that claim? Let just raise the minimum wage to $100 per hour since that won't destroy jobs. Then we can rid ourselves of all the government poverty programs you left wingers cherish so much.