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  1. Thanks for everyone's advice. I had considered a tandem as a way back in but I talked it through with my Instructor and we decided some coaching and a radio would be a better option. I have no issues whatsoever with going back on radio and was planning to just focus on hop and pops and canopy work for now until I get more confident. I hadn't considered working on PLFs but you're spot on about how my accident happened so that's definitely something I'm going to put serious work into. I'm also going to be more picky about the condidtions I jump in, I was injured on a nil winds day so I'll be waiting for some wind before I jump again in the forseeable future. It's good to know that others in a similar position have come back from an accident and are still enjoying the sport. I've spent a year so far alternating between wanting to jump again and not wanting to jump again and I have considered the fact that skydiving is not for me but the fact is that I enjoy it a lot, its something that gives me a really good feeling about myself and something I want to go back to despite the heightened risk of my injury. If I'd given up every time somebody told me something wasn't for me I'd never have got past my first jump. I've made my mind up to do this, if I decide after a jump or two that I have't got the confidence to continue then at least I can say I've given it a try.
  2. I'm a low level ~100 jumps skydiver who had an accident over a year ago and fractured three lumbar verterbrae. I've been given the all clear by my Doctor and want to return to skydiving but I'm understandably terrified. My accident was caused by a mistimed (ie.late) flare. I had been feeling insecure on my canopy since I bought it several weeks before and felt I was getting no effect from the brakes so had been taking a wrap on them, I've since learnt that my breaks were too short as opposed to too long, hence why I was getting no flare but I was too scared to ask for help. Obviously I won't be making that mistake again, I'm planning to return on a bigger canopy and take instruction from a canopy coach and ask for assistance or radio instruction during my first few jumps back. I also plan to concentrate solely on canopy work at first before I return to FS but I'm just wondering if there is anything else I can do to help protect myself from a repeat injury? Is there a form of back protector I can wear to minimise the risk or anything else anyone can suggest? Any information or advice would be appreciated. Thanks.