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  1. Not to be pedantic, but it's "America's Cup" named for the schooner America. The technology is very cool, but the race has devolved into a "my billions can buy me better legal whores and a bigger penis substitute than yours," prima donna rich arrogant asshole contest. Let me know when it becomes a contest between sailors on an even playing field and maybe I'll give a shit
  2. Look at anything Asus makes (I usually buy from newegg.com). Most modela are currently shipping with a 3-year warranty with 1-year accidental damage warranty included in the price. Great gear from one of the largest manufacturers of PC equipment out there. FYI all laptops are made by a handful (IIRC 7) manufacturers. Apple, Sony and a lot of the other "big names" do not make their own laptops. Don't believe the marketing hype and BS
  3. Akita

    So what.....

    Then there's the old adage: "No matter how hot and good looking they are, somebody, somewhere is sick of their shit."
  4. http://www.amazon.com/Mobile-Office-WM-01-Laptop-Steering/dp/B000IZGIA8/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top
  5. The same thing you do skydiving: Keep your shit together. Do what needs to be done when it needs to be done. Remember that a good plan now beats the crap out of an excellent plan too late. Puke, cry, scream, rant, whatever it takes to unload the pressure AFTER the call .. but do it. Not unloading leads to burnout. Oh yeah .. smile
  6. That's great news Dave! No offense to anybody intended, but one of the great things about SkydivingMovies was the quality of a lot of the videos. If all anybody wants is YouTube quality Flash crap, why not just post to YouTube? It's free and nobody has to maintain it. OTOH a site that lets people upload and download high-quality videos would be, at least to me, worth a subscription. Just MHO.