Let the teams have the option of bringing their own videoflyer or pick one up from a pool provided by the organizer. If your team videoflyer gets hurt, use your alternate or pick one up from the pool (or elsewhere).
What if we just get rid of the NJ and rejumps? A bust is a bust.
If the videoflyer blows the video, the team loses points. If you brought him, he's part of your team and you deal with it the same as any other teammate that makes a mistake. If you picked up the videoflyer from a pool then that was your choice to use a hired gun; everyone makes mistakes.
Obviously the organizer should make the best efforts to offer the most qualified cameraflyers but that should be as far as they need to go. Whether the videoflyer is with the team or from the pool, you (the team) live with the results.
So what about re-jumps? If a camera shuts off - tough luck; hopefully a second camera was being used. You don't get a rejump for a premature deployment or other equipment problems why should there be one for cameras? If it was your camera flyer that decided to only use one camera that was your/his choice. If you picked a pool camera flyer with only one camera, that again was your team's choice.
In reality the top national teams will bring their own camer flyer and have a qualified alternate on the team. The option to use another camer flyer in case of injury allows these teams to continue to compete.