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  1. Downtown or burbs? And if you wait until next week, you can just go to Taste of Chicago and try a bit of everything. Oh, sure - you'll get run over by a bunch of sweaty midwesterners, and charged an arm and a leg, but that's the price you pay...
  2. Maybe we should all just wait until about 7:00 P.M. on Friday...let the shirtless tool think he's safe...and then have a Chicago-style mass voting party.
  3. 1/8" aircraft cable...tied to the axle of the C-Mobile... Just a thought...(Sorry, Sunny...but you could sell tickets and get a ton of cash from it...)
  4. It's been 25 minutes since my last post - which you MIGHT want to read...just saying... There are about 149 more votes than there were earlier...interesting... Oh...and by the way...Shirtless Tool is trailing now... (If only the Midwest could affect Presidential Elections...)
  5. As a Chicagoan, I feel I should point something out... Someone, who shall remain nameless, had two different browsers open simultaneously (I.E. and Mozilla). Browsers and cookies be damned - they got to vote twice. And after hitting the back button, clearing the private data (including cookies), then hitting vote twice...I…they may have been able to vote a third time. Not that I'm suggesting the impropriety of a mass effort to defeat the shirtless tool or anything…I’m just saying certain people may have a couple hours of work at the puter to do, and the 55% - 44% (Vitamin Water Math?) lead could potentially get smaller as the night progresses. Just an observation… And always remember the words of former Chicago Mayor, the late Richard J. Daley: "Gentlemen, get the thing straight once and for all — the policeman isn't there to create disorder, the policeman is there to preserve disorder." EDITED to fix: Don't need to close out the browser completely...I mean...so I was told...
  6. Branson, Missouri 1971 – Darth Vader’s illegitimate children wait to meet their estranged father for the first time…
  7. I know none of the parties involved...but like a true Chicagoan, will vote as often as I can. Do you think the guy knows we're calling him a shirtless tool? And if not, how do we ENSURE that he knows?
  8. When we left Earth? I thought it was an update from those Heaven's Gate people... Move along...nothing to see here...
  9. What if you were the only person there and that person's life depended on how you responded? If they had a bad cold would you let them die for fear of catching it? What if it was oral herpes and mouth to mouth was required? Halitosis? Or bubonic plague? Just using hyperbole of course...still...interesting dilemma... I think most people would do what was in their power to help someone. Obviously the rules change based on the severity of the situation...we all have that line we will or won't cross...
  10. I wasn't necessarily saying what the outcome was or wasn't....I was just curious if it was tacky/a faux pas. Figured this crowd would be pretty honest...though I'm now envisioning a boogie funeral...hmm...
  11. My dad, who died when I was six, somehow managed to instill the values of hard work into me. (He did third-shift to support his wife and three kids.) I've been salaried for over 10 years, but I don't think I've worked less than 60 hours a week since then. I take work home, stay late, ALWAYS lose vacation days that I'm entitled to... I just don't sit still well. So many people judge you on so many different things...I think people, to a great respect, are only worth the work they do. Then again, I don't have a degree to get me in the door anywhere, so I think I've had to work that much harder to stay "VALUED". (No one's fault but my own...I'm just paranoid...) Then again - I don't have other people to take care of...just me... I'm proud of the fact that I've taken one sick day in almost 15 years of work...and that was because I was discharged form the hospital at 6:00 AM and didn't want to go to work in the same clothes. (Okay, the Vicadin MAY have been a factor...) I'm one step short of indentured servant...
  12. Jew Tube?!?!?!? So...no posting on Saturdays? It's not my cup of tea, but it's nice that people still have the desire to create something...even if it does drive the OAP's/Blue Hairs crazy. All that's needed is a blacklight, helicopter, a disco floor, and a bunch of drunken college kids - then the vid is complete. I live near Northwestern...I'm sure I could find all of the above without difficulty. And I don't love ya...but I don't believe in love...so all is good...
  13. Haven't met you, RMH, but I have participated in at least 2 of your threads about crappy 80's music. Happy Birthday to you...many more ahead...hope it was a good one...
  14. For the record...on my first tandem...they made us watch the flick about liability waivers and all that... Is it just me, or did the dude speaking (USPA I think) have a beard just like Gene Hackman in Young Frankenstein? I tried so damn hard to focus, but couldn't get over that... I vote for the inclusion of Blazing Saddles and The Twelve Chairs...for what it's worth...
  15. Yes, but most people don't give a rat's ass... Hell no...as Tennyson wrote, "'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." In this day and age? Hell...I could be a damn saint. But again...no one gives a rat's ass...