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    SKydive San Diego
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  1. I have been jumping for three years now, but only this year did I start using this forum when I was in search of used equipment. In fact I have used it successfully to buy and sell gear for myself and my lady. But I am finally using the forums for deeper reading about skydiving, in fact I am usually on the incident reports. I find it a smart way to learn from others, and make myself more aware of what can happen while I have some time to think about it. So hello to everyone, even though I am not new. I started jumping at Skydive San Diego but last year I moved to Italy. I currently jump at a little DZ in Cumiana with some very good people at Skydream Center. Hoping to make it to some Boogies this summer in Italy and Spain. Hope to meet some of you out there. Blue Skies Maurcio
  2. Sorry Johnny, diablopilot had gotten it. It was Dark Side of the Moon................... ooooooooooooo.................... I sense a bunch of sour faces, I know I know, Im not saying its not the best album ever made, I just dont want it on my canister. I might try that Naptha Soap. Might try steam or hot water. But I think in the end I will just replace it. My concern is of course making the rig dangerous or unflyble. Picture is attached. The black on it was me seeing what it looks like with black paint over it. Some of the missing color was me scratching at it with my nail.
  3. If it was embroidered on, or a good patch, then yes, it would be sooooooooooo coooooooool. But it was painted on with nailpolish. No rig worth 2 grand should ever be painted on by hand by an amateure. NEways, thanks for the suggestions everyone. I have contacted Mirage and I will see how much it costs. But I really might just paint over it because if i replace the closing flap, I will have a white line on the left, a rainbow on the right, and no prism in the middle to connect the two
  4. HAHAHA! Plil Collins............ NEways, I got the same message today. On 30-Jan-2010 someone submitted their contact information in response to your ad in the Dropzone.com Classifieds. Please reply to this email to contact the person directly. Username => philcollins Name => Simon Johnson FromEmail => simonjohnson98@yahoo.com City => Leeds Country => United Kingdom Comments => Hello How was your weekend ? I am much interested in it and i want to know if you still have it for sale and also I want you to mail me the last asking price you have it for sale and more pictures . Last price ???? I hope to read from you soon.
  5. and I thought the color and drug references would give it away! I will throw in Wizard of Oz as a clue, but this should make it a dead give away. And people HAVE told me that its sooooooo cool and i should leave it :P I will post pictures when i have a minute to do it. Its not done very well, and i dont like seeking every time i close the rig. Mike, thanks for the tip, i will look into it. Sadly the rainbow colors of the album cover carried onto the side closing flaps also, but at least bulk of it could be remove. For now im thinking of just painting over it with a black permanent. Bad idea?
  6. I bought a used Mirage G3 that was perfect for me in every way except................ the previous owner had painted a music album cover of his favorite band on the closing flap or the container. Would be great if i was as old as him and loved his music too. but no! So i was wondering if anybody could help me figure out how to remove, cover up, or get out this paint job, It seems to be an acrylic based paint, maybe nail polish, colors: white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple. (can you guess the album yet :P) Any help would be great......... any advice short of going out and buying the LP of said album. Because I have listened to it all the way through...... when I was in college and experimenting with herbal medication.
  7. This was my first canopy purchased after finishing my AFF course. I felt super comfortable on this canopy right away. The openings were always great, and my landings were very very fun. With a wing loading of 1:1 I was able to get the canopy to slide me horizontally for 10 to 15 feet no problem. The only downside is that these are hard to find and most people do not know or appreciate this great canopy, and stick only to high marketed consumer canopies.