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Everything posted by smokin99

  1. I don't get the can of clamato. My eyeballs are still spinning, too... I remember clamato...Farflung did was the "solution that never had a problem"...I remember thinking.."dang I've had a rough day... I so needed that belly laugh. So I showed it to several people -- all laughed their butts off except my friend from Arkansas who didn't get it so I told him "there's no hope for you darlin'....if this ain't funny to you, you just ain't got a sense of humor. How about if i tell you a fart joke" Then he laughed........go figure. Here's the post (hope this works):;search_string=clamato;#3804398 but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill
  2. To Sluggo: I hope you're kidding about closing your website. btw...I watched a crime show the other night about a guy named Tim Masters who was targeted by the police, spent 9 or so years in prison but was eventually cleared of all charges partly through the work of a company in the Netherlands who specialize in "touch DNA". As recently as March of this year, U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer announced that he has written a letter to the head of the New York State Department of Health urging him to allow this same advanced Dutch laboratory to perform a new DNA test, “touch DNA”, in the cold case of Kristin O’Connell, who was brutally murdered during a camping trip to Seneca County in 1985. According to the televsion show that I saw, this lab is at the forefront of conducting skin cell DNA analysis Their web site explains "Our Forensic DNA services include: Evidence Examination: Finding the evidence is the first and most crucial step in the whole DNA process. The forensic scientists of Independent Forensic Services have extensive experience in both trace recovery and generating forensic DNA-profiles from all biological traces, with a special expertise on the most difficult ones: skin epithelia cells. This experience, which is of great importance for the chance of obtaining a DNA profile, can be crucial in finding DNA which could be left by a perpetrator. IFS uses all the modern equipment available to detect biological traces and have developed a unique system of special lenses and computer software to enhance the possibilities of trace recovery. Evidence Sampling: Sampling the biological material is the second crucial step. On several occasions it has been the expertise and method used by the scientists of IFS to sample a specific biological trace which generated the decisive DNA-profile. Flexibility and creativity in sampling are important characteristics in the way IFS handles the evidence sampling. DNA Extraction: When samples have been taken from pieces of evidence to perform a DNA analysis, the goal is to extract the DNA and separate the DNA molecules from other cellular materials and from pollutions present. Based on our experience and by closely following the latest techniques IFS is able to choose the optimal isolation technique for the material where the DNA must be isolated from. DNA Quantification: Before the amplification process, IFS quantifies the appropriate amounts of DNA needed for optimal DNA amplification. IFS uses Real Time RT-PCR techniques, which are able to detect as little as 2 picogram of DNA. The advantage is that no precious DNA isolate is wasted. There is less need to rerun samples for DNA amplification, which saves time and reduce costs. Due to quantification of the samples IFS is also able to distinguish samples containing no DNA, male DNA, female DNA or a mixture of male and female DNA. This enables IFS to increase the throughput of samples taken by trace recovery, make a pre-selection of samples and choose the appropriate amplification method. DNA Amplification (PCR): Subsequently to the DNA isolation and quantification, a method is used in which specific regions of DNA are multiplied. This is done by means of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). During this process, the target DNA fragments are replicated over and over again using the enzyme DNA polymerase. In general, 28 of these multiplication steps are performed to yield many copies of the DNA fragments, resulting in the PCR product. In addition, IFS use the Low Copy Number (LCN) technique to increase the amount of PCR product when needed. IFS is able to amplify very low amounts of PCR up to 2 picogram successfully. By using commercially available validated kits, IFS effectively amplifies both autosomal and Y-chromosomal DNA from various samples. DNA Analysis: The length of the multiplied DNA fragments is established by means of capillary electrophoresis (CE). During the amplification steps, several colour labels are attached to the DNA fragments. Consequently, the length of the DNA fragments can be established precisely by separating the different PCR products in an electric field and capturing the data using a CCD camera. IFS uses of a very sensitive Genetic analyser which, has been proven to generate high quality profiles. DNA Profiling: For forensic applications, several amplification kits are available. Using these kits, several DNA loci can be investigated simultaneously. These loci can be found on both the autosomal chromosomes as well as on the gender chromosomes. The DNA kits frequently used by IFS are the Identifiler, Minifiler and Yfiler Amplification Kits from Applied Biosystems. Using these techniques, 16 locations (loci) on the DNA can be investigated simultaneously. If a full DNA profile is generated, it can be established with great certainty whether the cell material in a specific sample could or could not originate from a certain person. DNA Profile Interpretation: Experienced IFS personnel are trained to interpret results obtained from DNA profiling. Based on results obtained from complex high-profile cases, IFS has proven to effectively and thoroughly analyse profiles, including partial and mixed profiles. Furthermore, IFS is able to interpret these results in the context of the case with the information provided. Wonder if there is any further and more viable/definitive DNA that could be extracted by this company from any items that the FBI has, such as the parachute supposedly left, the tie, etc. Just curious.... Since many are skeptical of the DNA results that the FBI has in relation to DB items, I'd be willing to contribute to a fund to have these people go over any items left or touched by DB if the FBI was willing to let them have a go at it. Any thoughts by the "dorkzone" experts? or is this totally off the wall? Putting it out there anyway...maybe someone will be interested. And I promise to ease off of the the incredibly long posts ....
  3. ....and Shirley McClain...LMAO. I just kept pushing pause. This is priceless. but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill
  4. BruceSmith said "I really like Petey, and would love to chat with him about his life. However, I don't think he's DB. More likely, he might be some kind of CIA guy and leery of guys like me. (His poppa was an operative of some kind in China before WWII....) Or Petey is really one-way-out-there character who just floated into the scene when the bullets were flying in Tianamin Square. Either way, I'm eager to listen and learn." When you guys first mentioned Peterson way back when, I looked him up and found this candidate bio from when he was running for a school board office in 2006. (If this is the same Sheridan Peterson - it mentions a brother named Alden) Old news i know -- maybe been presented here before by snowmman or someone?? so sorry if it's rehash...but Aside from DB, I got interested in his great grandfather's name - unusual and, if memory serves (been a while since I looked this up) his ggf named his sons after Civil War generals, Sheridan and Ulysses which was also interesting to me cause I'm currently reading Shelby Foote's civil war books. All that to say...During this time I found an interesting side note about Sheridan's father. The linked bio above mentions his father, "Captain Chauncey Peterson, a combat veteran of World War I, was sadistic. Constant beatings hampered Peterson's will to learn. He drew back within himself and spent much of his time alone finding solace in the hills behind his home" In looking up his father I found this interesting tidbit, Peterson's father, the Captain had two WWII Draft? Registration Cards at the age of 46 in two different names. Chauncey Weaver Peterson is the name on one and James William Mason is the name on the other. The other information on the cards is identical. In the margin, written in pencil on the Weaver card is the notation "This man changed his name from James William Mason to above (Chauncey Weaver Peterson)" While on the Mason card, it just has handwritten in the margin "See Chauncey Weaver Peterson". Though it would make more sense the other way around (Peterson changing name to Mason since the Chauncey name is well documented in other sources prior to 1946) What does this have to do with DB.....Not a darn thing.....just thought Peterson's bio and this historical info was interesting.......something to read about while I lament the current lull of DB direct news. The site above has other links as regards Peterson's philosphy on education, a timeline resume -- If half of his bio is true, he's had a life of adventure and travel ... makes for a fascinating subject even if not DB. This is the short version :) "Bachelor Arts & Science, University Missouri; Post graduate studies, creative writing, mentors: Pulitzer-Prize winning author, Walter Van Tilburg Clark and literary critic Leslie Fiedler, University Montana; Lifetime teaching credentials, Washington; Community College credentials, Napa Community College. Associate Professor, Akita University Law & Economics, Akita, Japan. Sixteen years designing & implementing corporate training programs, middle & upper level management, & technicians. Developing & conducting skills training courses. Designing & supervising needs analysis & conducting instructor training programs. Seven years as technical editor/writer, reports officer, journalist & feature writer. Wrote four corporate textbooks. Ten years' secondary teaching experience, Washington; two years', Montana; upward-bound coordinator, under-privileged youth, Watts, Los Angeles; technical writing instructor, Northrup University; Instructor, Riyadh University; Saudi Arabia; University of Finance & Banking, College of Economic Management, 2nd Foreign Language Institute, & Civil Aviation Institute, China; & University Rio Grande, Tokyo; Director, English Studies, Caledonian International Language School; & Manager, Tesco International School, Tokyo; Director, Learning Center, Bell Helicopter, Iran; training supervisor, Bechtel, Papua New Guinea; training supervisor, curriculum designer, refugee advisor, reports officer, Vietnam. Fourth generation Windsor resident, Attended Hill School, Windsor Elementary, Healdsburg High; Marine Corps veteran, licensed USPA skydiving instructor; USFS Smokejumper, civil rights activist, Mississippi." this quote from his bio (this was in 2006) "What would he like to do now that he's back in his hometown? For one thing he'd like to make a skydive on his eighty-first birthday, May 2nd. He has kept his membership in the U.S.Parachute Association current in order to qualify for freefall status. He'd jump on a regular bases if he could only afford it; however unfortunately it has become a rich person's sport. He would also like to find a job. With such a broad diversity in the fields of education and writing, he feels that he should be of worth to some company or institution. Besides with a well paying job, he could afford to buy one of those four-thousand dollar rigs with all the state-of-the-art gimicks and make jumps on a weekly bases." [this was cut and pasted from the above link] Keep trying Bruce...that would be neat if he would agree to some indepth conversations about the biography of his life. Would make for some interesting articles. My mother-in-law and her twin sister are 91 years old and I keep saying we've got to document these stories they tell before it's too late...but, alas, I never do. but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill
  5. Another possibly dumb question though not about the chute...Since so much importance (and exclusion from further fed study) is placed on the suspect's physical characteristics, does anyone know how tall Flo and Tina and whoever else made the ids are? I know that when I'm estimating someone's height I instinctively compare it to my own or my past knowledge of someone I know who is a certain height, or my perception of "so-called" average heights in general. Of course, I'm kind of short so anyone taller could easily be mistaken by me for 5'10 - 6" when they might be actually be shorter than that. I know i've guessed at my own kids heights and find i'm off by inches when I actually measure. Or was the id complicated by other variables such as whether the subject was sitting, or how distracted the observer was when looking at the person or shoes with tall heels ( see pic). Just wondering if they made the determination based on comparisons with their own height or in relation to other variables, such as his height in relation to the overheads, whether he had to stoop to go in to the lav, etc., etc. Also - I've read somewhere that he never took the shades off (or is that a myth) - so how could they distinguish between, say brown, dark brown, or even hazel? but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill
  6. Yeah, this IRS article was from November 1976, and I think that's when the indictment was done also. Seems Like I remember reading they got the indictment right before the statute of limitations expired. So either the author didn't know about the indictment or it wasn't official yet. Just thought it was interesting that the IRS weighed in for their pound of flesh. I guess the government wanted to cover all the bases.
  7. I thought this article from 1976 (before they indicted him, I guess) was funny. Another reason for DB to lay low... "Skyjacker Who Disappeared Owes for Back Income Tax PORTLAND, Ore. (UPI) — "D.B. Cooper," wherever you are? You're in trouble with the tax people. The Internal Revenue Service disclosed that the parachuting skyjacker who disappeared between Reno, Nev., and Seattle in 1971 owes the government $295,900 in taxes and penalties because of the S200.000 he extorted from Northwest Orient Airlines. But "D.B. Cooper" can take some comfort in knowing that the statute of limitation for his Thanksgiving eve caper runs out in November. The IRS computed the amount owed the government on the presumption he was single and had no other income during the period. The agency said he would be taxed $53,090 on the first $100,000 and $70,000 on the rest of the money. Civil fraud penalties for failure to file would be 50 per cent of the tax due, or $61,545. Interest at seven per cent per year on the amount due would he about $34,000, bringing the total to $218,635. This would not include, however, a possible late filing penalty of $30,771, plus a late payment penalty of $7,300. This would bring his bill to $295, 906." Leader-Times Kittanning, Pa. Wednesday, Mar.24,1976 but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill
  8. Like Hotel California I'm not rolling on the floor cause i can't get up if I do, but I really am laughing out loud. but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill
  9. It's easy to go wrong when you're doing this in a hurry and have no knowledge of the people, area etc. so I'll lay out what I came up with Kenneth P. Parents: Edwin and Ida May, m., 5/28/23. Iva originally from Iowa but lived with her brother William in 1920 in Minn. Father: Edwin Christiansen, b. Minnesota, 3/16/1895 - 1/21/1987 Father's father: Claus Christiansen, b. 6/16/1842, Germany. Province of Schleswig-Holstein, Husum, Germany. Parent's Hans and Minna, also from Germany Father's mother: Johanna C. Koos, b 1854 in Iowa. Parent's Peter and Henrietta Koos, Germany. Same general area as Claus if I remember correctly. Joanna was 16 when she married Claus. He was abt 28. Kenny C's Mother: Ida May Mullins, b. 6/14/1899 - 2/26/1987, Ohio Mother's father: Gordon Mullins, b. abt 1865, Ontario, Canada (English), Can't read my scribbles whether his parents, William and Ann were born in Canada, but they originated from England. Mother's mother: Fannie Radcliff, b. abt 1866, Ohio, I think her parents are Richard and Elizabeth from England. Regardless, she notes that her parents are from England on census. I have no idea why I looked this up in the first place, **slapping self silly** but now that you've said it's incorrect, my OCD is kicking in :).....So where did I go wrong? but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill
  10. Question: what's your understanding of Kenny's family lineage? Any idea? Scandinavian of some kind I would presume. I have a reason for asking. G No expert on geneaology (half the time can't even spell it :) and this one was a drive-by - but I love to dabble in it so I'm just gonna jump on in the water even though the question wasn't directed at me :) Kenny Christensen Paternal grandfather side - German, not sure where, only went as far as KC's Grandfather who immigrated from Germany. Paternal grandmother side - German. (All from Rensdburg, Ekernforde, Schleswig-Holstein area of Germany so could be some Danish connection in there somewhere? Also Steinfeld-Osterfeld, Germany Maternal Grandfather side - England / Canadian Maternal Grandmother side - England but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill
  11. Thanks for the welcome. Yeah, I tried to save relevant posts, files, and attachments from different sites on my computer so I could go back and forth but I just can't keep up with you guys without printing -- especially when you get into the technical jargon. I have to say that I admire you all for your tenacity in trying to unravel this mystery. I dare say that if the dropzone gang had been around together in 71, we'd all know who Cooper is even without the technology and internet we have today. Maybe it's just Monday morning quarterbacking and everything was done that could have been, but you guys seem to hone in on relevant questions and what-ifs that possibly could have been answered back then..... of course that is if some of the gang didn't kill each other first . j/k...good debates are never as interesting if spirited passion for the subject matter isn't there and DB definitely inspires that. but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill
  12. Hi. I've never posted but I've been reading this forum on and off for a couple of years. Just someone who has been interested in this story forever and got re-interested when i found this forum and other web sites. I stayed away for awhile and am trying to catch up and re-read some old stuff - which is proving to be rather daunting - so, forgive me if these questions have been answered. Just a couple of the many things that have bugged me... Has anyone ever been given access to the actual "in their own words" FBI interviews/debriefing? The reason I ask: I read various posts where ckret "debunks" myths but then I find info in the transcripts from Sluggo's site that seems to contradict ckret. It's little things that might not add up to anything one way or another, but is interesting if you look at in the whole. For example: ckret says in a post refuting tosaw's accounts that "The fueling is part correct, a third truck was on standby, never used. There was not a frozen nozzle". Transcripts, however talk about a third truck being used and a fourth truck on standby because a "vapor lock" on the second truck wasn't allowing the fuel to come through (Could vapor lock be synomous with frozen nozzle in a stressful situation)? Then I hear on a news video of Rataczak's retirement that he helped write Tosaw's book. No real opinion..Just curious why would Tosaw's information be so quickly discredited by folks when he is in direct consultation with someone who was there and who can confirm or reject his account. Also .. one news article of the day describing the press conference has Tina in quotes as saying soft white cloth laundry bag when describing the money bag, but nothing I can find in the forum references the FBI material as using that description. Is that news conference available anywhere? I've googled ad nauseum but I can't find it. thanks for any responses in advance..and again sorry if this has already been laid to rest. I'm trying to print out the thread but I keep running out of ink :) but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill