There has been alot said here, I've kinda lost track. There is a lot of talk about love and when you feel it and stuff but that can be all a bit abstract for someone who doesn't 'feel it'. How about looking at history and facts?
You talk about a 'mythical Jesus'. We know Jesus existed. He was recorded by Romans as not only a priest in Israel, but somebody who actually healed people and stuff. And if we know he died then why wasn't his body in the tomb? Surely his body wouldn't have been stolen because everyone would want it as proof that either he was dead or alive. And he showed himself to at least 500 people after he rose again. The records we have of these events were all written within 60 years of his death and some of Paul's letters were written within 3 years. These can't have been tainted by time. The only records of Alexander the Great were written 400 years after his death and we take them as fact.
How about Florida? Did you know 13 people have been raised from the dead in the past couple of months in Jesus' name? You can't just ignore that. Just yesterday people were healed in my church in a normal service. And it's not a big church. These are people everyone there knows. God moves today in amazing ways. Not just mysterious ways . In reply to that comment a while back the mysterious ways aren't like sending all serial killers to heaven! His ways are the ones that we might not understand when they're happening but we can see were good when it's all over. And they never contradict what God says in the Bible. So that's not gonna happen...
On a different note.... I've just signed up to and was wondering how you add an avatar? I can't seem to find it in my account settings...