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My theory is he was abducted by bigfoot. Same thing happened to Elvis.
Wow...anyone thought about doing a brief on the sum total of these posts so its comprehensible?
Yeah it woulda been cheaper to hire a prostitute. Costs less per minute on average.
Question for those who don't believe in a higher power.
BClear replied to gonzalesna's topic in Speakers Corner
I still don't get why people are hung up on the idea that the universe has a beginning or ending as far as creation goes. Granted everything we experience has a visible beginning and ending, but its akin to thinking the world was flat. I find it humorous that those who believe in a "higher being" accept the notion that something could exist forever in some unknown place without ever being "created" and have all sorts of superpowers, but refuse to admit there is the same possibility the universe could simply just be infinite. Mathmatics has the concept of infinity, we teach kids in highschool/middleschool about the "line" and since math is really technically just another language used to describe observations I would have assumed the concept wouldn't have been too hard to have grasped. -
Hey, don't think I've met you yet but I'm sure we'll run across eachother at the dz. Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself and plan on coming back :)
Depends on how you drive, what your driving, where your driving, when your driving etc and lets face it how often/long you do it for. And skydiving is no more optional than driving. The difference is the risk your willing to take vs. the rewards for the action taken. It's like saying the risks of dying from skydiving far outweigh the risks of breathing or screwing. Statistically doing either introduce you to a host of risks we don't think about that on average kill more for less enjoyment. Furthermore to offer a video like the one suggested to someone asking about whether the sport is for them is like offering a new recreational diver a video showing Andrea Doria dive fatalities. Why not just post some videos of jump planes crashing before 1000'. Too much ego.
If you were my tandem instructor
BClear replied to farmgurl's topic in General Skydiving Discussions
My guess would be take the money and show you the show. Only equation I know in skydiving is person or persons + parachute + jumping out of plane = skydive. You did a skydive, you just didn't make it one you could repeat. I don't mean that in a negative way either, you experienced something most people won't in a lifetime; and you want to do it again. And who cares if all you do is tandems all your life as long as you love what you do when you do it. -
There is a lot at stake in driving a car as well. And while there are a ton of AFF fanboys theres nothing wrong with static line, not that I'm saying anyone has a problem with it just that its usually a little less expensive to get those jumps inbetween 30 days as opposed to the sticker shock of AFF.
Kinda bad when all the subject headings in the forum could fit that subject in there one way or another. Then again maybe not so bad.
I recently had a conversation with an individual about global warming. The overall defense was how dare human beings be so arrogant as to think they could affect the entire planet. I think the reason the entire argument has so much effect is the overall jawdrop an ordinary human being would have upon such an answer. Hrm...human beings so weak...we could never alter the entire face of the landmass on the planet or polute the "massive" ocean. Much less *gasp* come up with the invention in the 40's that could annihilate life on the planet for the most part as we know it. And when we all know the sun will eventually expand, I just don't get it. Global warming here and now ok, whatever argue about it, but the rocks going to go and the decision most people make is who cares, I won't have to deal with it. And just to call some popular religions into play, while your sitting around arguing about the economy, I'm sure God will understand saying fuck it I'll sacrifice my childrens childrens childrens childrens etc. because there's "nothing I can do about it now" and "well that's someone elses problem" I'm too stupid/lazy/blind/fat/republican/democrat, to actually address the issue. But jee what's the entire species when it comes to the price of a gallon of gas and a lattee. Don't care what religion your from, the rocks gonna go and we have the knowledge to be aware of it. That makes us responsible. We might not be able to change it, we might not be able to cure it overnight, but we damn sure are responsible for holding our own self pleasures as more important.
I'd love to know why so many Americans turn a blind eye to reason or are more willing to because they affiliate with a team. I mean democrats and republicans have literally turned into the equivalent of a football rivalry. It's not what your party thinks, it's what you think. And if your too weak to think for yourself then we're pretty much all fucked. Then again it looks like we're already there. Just remember what happens now doesn't matter, it's history that makes self-rightous self-promoting folks into the jackass for centuries to come.
It seems that they have forgotten the meaning of the term. We're bombarded everyday with political speeches that weren't written by them about viewpoints they don't entirely control about issues they have no personal direct bearing over. And yet somehow the people we think of as leaders don't have the balls to stand on their own two feet and speak to us with their own words and their own mind. Obama has his 26 yr old writer, no wonder the younger crowd adores him. America has ignored issues to a point that later generations expect them as a norm. It still amazes me how many people on either side of the political spectrum bash a politician who made mistakes or turned back on campaign promises. Well no shit, the man couldn't even tell you what he could do for your country for himself by himself. We don't accept plagarism in highschool but we turn a blind eye for a better show on the political level. Riddle me this, when's a good LEADER been in office before the Kennedy/Nixon speech? Much less in times of war.
Ok lets see here. We have a group of people who would have stated jee lets wait till we have proof of Hitler exterminating the Jews until we do something because the ONLY reason ANYONE could EVER have with developing NUCLEAR POWER in one of the most OIL RICH nations in the WORLD is purely peaceful. Give it a rest, life isn't fair, death isn't fair, and international politics sure as hell ain't fair but if you threaten an entire nation of people with extermination and start up a nuclear program at the same time your either an idiot or you want to experience a nuke firsthand. Hoping the man with the finger on the trigger knows when to pull. And here's to hoping Israel knows to pull the trigger sooner.