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  • Home DZ
    SkyDive Spaceland (Rocks)
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    Formation Skydiving
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    Freefall Photography
  1. Does it resemble obama? Ha that was a dumb question I guess. Off with his head!
  2. You remeber that old joke huh coach? Bad business decision? LMAO :)
  3. You have a pick of the tees? Can't wait for Labor day!
  4. FREE Tshirt? Wouldn't that be a bad business decision or what?
  5. I'm taking my trailer up a week early, then coming back and flying up with Dave. Gonna get atleast 2 hours to my credit. 15 more hours and I'm on my own. Can you say solo?
  6. Hello to good times again! I have 5 possible tandems in the works. Chopper Daves already packing and ready to chop chop:)
  7. John is a good guy with a unique personality, let's don't pick on the dude ya'll, be cool!
  8. We "defiantly" had a great turn out, and very good time. It's so good to sit under that tree and chat with everyone, and listen to everyone's BS! Plus, watch everyone have a blast! Like to say thanks to all, and deeply regret the negitive things that were said!
  9. Man, you up on crack or something? I defiantly wish I was. Run it like you rented it, and dfiantly sneeeze on everyone. Yo Brandy, where you be Brandy?