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  • Home DZ
    Texas Free Fall, Stephenville TX
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  1. Ckret - Don't get me wrong,, "Maybe if you read the posts using a mirror you might come up with a different conclusion." I'm still laughing at that. I apologize for the rude entry I made, I have already attended "Angry Email" counseling for crap I have sent out at work. I have a theory in refference to the "catwalk" that raises and acts as a ceiling when the airstairs are dropped, whether the pressure controler was in automatic or manuel, packs running or off, and position of the dump valve..... You guys have a great discussion, I'll try to catch up, with as painfully slow as that may be. "Man could die eatin nothing but rabbit." - Patrick Foley
  2. I don't know who here is a skydiver and who isn't. But I can tell you this; 200 grand wasn't worth jumping out of an airplane, into the clouds and rain in freezing temps, only to land in the trees, while wearing your bussiness suit. Whether he jumped or not, DB was not a skydiver. I work for an airline, have talked to personnel that have serviced the 727 and mechanics that have worked on it. In many of those airplanes, the panel you speak of were merely "cloth" shielding. Snaps, Velcro, Hell, I don't know. The air stair itself was not a pressure bulkhead door...You claim a pressure bump "only by someone jumping." Well, thinking like that only leads to dead ends, and DB Cooper has been nothing but one big dead end. Were the packs running? More than likely. A pressure bump could occur simply by a fluctuation in the position of the "pressure bulkhead" door....you can leave the air stairs out of this, they've got nothing to do with it. They can be open in flight, and that cabin fully pressurized. Don't mind me however, I've pulled silver many times, going to go pull one now. "Man could die eatin nothing but rabbit." - Patrick Foley
  3. I have a little crawl space in me, that says DB didn't jump. I cut against my intuition in two mariages, I've learned to trust my gut. I am a little affirmed by the fact they were thinking that way as well. All in all, it's a wash. Ps mr snow - I didn't say there werent any dogs, I asked.... "Man could die eatin nothing but rabbit." - Patrick Foley
  4. The space between the pressure bulkhead, and the airstairs....not in cabin. ps - don't mind me, I have pulled the silver handle, and Mr. Miller is grateful. "Man could die eatin nothing but rabbit." - Patrick Foley
  5. It is my understanding, there is a way to access the number 2 engine in the space between the pressure bulkhead and the airstairs....a space "up above" where the normal human train of thought might be looking, If something had been found on the ground, other than a mysterious bunch of bills on the banks of a river, I wouldn't consider it....but since no other alternative has yeilded anything, time to get outside of the box..... Me, I think he lived one way or the other. And if he didn't, what a damn shame. "Man could die eatin nothing but rabbit." - Patrick Foley
  6. Sky-jacking is a high risk enterprise, don't you think? "Man could die eatin nothing but rabbit." - Patrick Foley
  7. The definition of insanity is to repeat the same thought process over and over again, yet expecting different results for some irrational reason. If DB jumped into a heavily wooded area, a canopy in the trees would have been found decades ago. I doubt ole DB could have pulled off getting his canopy out of a 40 foot sapling. Perhaps he didn't pull at all (some suggest), and made a tasty treat for the local wildlife. That may be the best answer yet. Keep looking in the woods my friends.......you will be special, and find what no one else has, for no reason at all. Did they bring dogs onto that airplane in RNO? No, lets talk about a rust stain on some money, and a parachute harness buckle. Do you know what they are made of? Do they corrode in that fashion? Do they "rust?" Continue your circle jerk, I'm perverted enough to enjoy the show. "Man could die eatin nothing but rabbit." - Patrick Foley
  8. LOL - your attention to all of the wrong details is why, DB walks today..... The FBI made the same mistake. The Forest For The Trees. Good Night. "Man could die eatin nothing but rabbit." - Patrick Foley
  9. It all comes down to illusion. Mr. Cooper wanted parachutes, he jumped in unsurvivable conditions...no one can connect him to any jumper anywhere. Ever been in a 727, in that tail section? DB made the Flight Attendant go sit in the cockpit with the crew, no one, no one saw him jump. So, did a man with no jump experience at all really jump? A man who had executed a plan flawlessly, screw it all up at the end? I don't think so, but that's just me. What was it one of our politicians used as a "talking point?" A Rush To Judgment.... LOL The other question is, "Would the FBI ever admit they screwed up?" Like I said, "I don't think so. but that's just me." "Man could die eatin nothing but rabbit." - Patrick Foley
  10. OK, OK, Damn, I never could keep a secret....point is, if you get laid and I don't, I'll tell on you (it's in the book) Runway 48R is what has got your attention. I work for an airline as an Aircraft Dispatcher. One year, during recurrent training, a guy was reading NOTAMS and miss quoted a restricted area, 48R, as runway 48 right. He caught so much shit about it, I photo shopped that pick (actually 13L at Dallas Love Field) and gave it to him....told him next time anyone gave him any shit to tell them that he had been there, and seen it, and then to tell them about all of the abandoned UFOs parked off on the taxi way.... I have been reading this whole thread, it is so great. And, if you are a jumper who experienced anything written here, and you find yourself in Texas....Doc's place at Stephenville....He and his staff will have feeling at home in no time at all. You know, I started skydiving at 17, was Spacelands "first, first jump student." It blew through my life in an instant, and I never got to be a great sky diver in the two years that I jumped, (a few jumps after that to keep the soul alive) and I know I probably never will....but....I love to sky dive anyway.....nothing in the world beats climbing out of an airplane in flight....nothin (a few of those women Bill mentioned tried, I have to admit, but none can compete with the bruises of a terminal reserve opening). And Fast Phil,,,,...how the hell are you, where the hell are you, and why aren't we getting drunk? Jimy "Man could die eatin nothing but rabbit." - Patrick Foley