I finished my AFF jump 7 in September. After that I was supposed to be able to jump with out an instructor, just have to bring a coach here and there to accomplish certain objectives on my yellow card. I don't know if this program is necessarily AFF or AFP or what. Well I switched jobs and did not have health insurance for a while, so I was forced to take a break from jumping. I have health insurance again, and come April, I want to continue jumping and get my A license. Anyone know what I should be expecting as fa as when I start jumping again. Am I going to have to repeat the last level, level 7, or am I going to have to take a re-currency course, and do a re-currency jump? I can't afford to go through the whole course again. I just got to the point where jumping was cheaper, and to start all over would kill me. Also, I'm very nervous to start again, I know I just need to get back up there. Thanks.