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Everything posted by Danger

  1. Another concern. Would this person be able to fully pull the cutaway and reserve handles?
  2. Because you teach the student one method not multiple ways to do the same thing. The student is being overloaded for the most part in taking a first jump course. When you teach getting out of line twists you provide a simple method for getting out of them. Giving them other options will only confuse them. Imagine teaching the student 2 different emergency procedures. One hand per handle vs two hands per handle. They may spend the rest of their lives deciding which version to use.
  3. I remember Stef showing me how to pack that damn thing years ago. Weird canopy. I also have video of her chopping it.
  4. Not a reserve based on the condition of the lines. I say it's a Super Evolution. Danger
  5. Thanks for the comparison. Makes it easier to decide which lense to purchase for my newly aquired HC5. Danger
  6. From B&H ... The DVDirect MC5 Multi-Function DVD Recorder from Sony is a stand-alone DVD recorder that lets you easily transfer home video and digital photos to DVD discs without the need for a computer. The DVDirect supports Sony's AVCHD high-definition video format. It can capture and compress this video format using H.264, allowing you to put up to 95 minutes of HD video onto a standard DVD. This disc can be played back in 1080i resolution on Blu-ray disc players.
  7. I do recall one of the inquests recommendations was for all skydiving training in Canada should be provided by the military. The oganization approved by the Ministry could be the Canadian Armed Forces. This would kill all civilian skydive training in Canada.
  8. Don't forget Niagara Skydive Center
  9. The 12 year old girl (Tracy) weighed 40 lbs at the time of her death. She could not walk, talk or feed herself. Tracy was in constant, excruciating pain. She had been operated on repeatedly and was due for an operation to remore part of her femur. The anti-seizure drugs she was on would interfer with the pain medication hence the Tylenol. See http://www.robertlatimer.net/story/tracysillness.htm
  10. The jury recommended he serve one year and another of house arrest. The judge imposed a 2 year sentance. This was overturned by a higher court to the minimum of 10 years. The daughter had the mental capacity of a six month old. She was about to go for another surgury to remove 1/3 of her femur. Due to anti-seizure medicne the most powerful pain drug would by Tylonal. This guy deserved to be punished but I think the jury had the right sentance.
  11. "In Canada we are all covered by Workman's Comp." FYI, you are only covered if your DZO pays into Workman's Comp. Thankfully mine does but most do not. If I remember correctly it costs well under $1.00 per Tandem jump. All Staff is covered where I jump.
  12. I luv it. A guy with barely 100 jumps loading his canopy at 1.3 and already jumped canopies loaded up to 1.6. And he wants advice to go faster. Danger
  13. Danger

    FJC Lesson Plan

    You may want to contact your Chief Instructor @ SWOOP. I believe it is still Scott McEwan. He will have the necessary documents for you. Your numbers are a little light to take the course, but perhaps your profile isn't up to date. To take the CSPA course the prerequesites are: Coach 1 trained CSPA B CoP 200 jumps Posses a set of FJC plans Completed SSI Pre-course Journal to include ... observe 2 full FJC within the past year, taught 2 modules of the FJC under supervision and complete the course preperation review.
  14. Here's a better idea for your rubber bands. Buy some small plastic bags (like sandwich bags). Put a small handful of rubber bands in each bag (30-40). Hand out the bags to other jumpers in the beginning of your skydiving season, maybe during Safety Day. Everybody needs them and the cost is cheap. Remember to keep some for yourself.
  15. 1st rig: Bullit container Cruiselite 220 Phantom 26 2nd rig: Racer (purchased used) Viper 120 - 1000jumps Micro Raven 150 3rd rig: Reflex container - 1300 jumps Safire 109 - 700 jumps Micor Raven M 120 Safire 10 swapped out for Katana 107 Katana 107 swapped out for Katana 97 16 other types of canopies including Sabres, Stilletto's, Batwing, Jonathon''s, Jedei's, Perche, 2 experimental PD canopies and others
  16. Chuck, Do you know if they are able to reproduce their posters? I remember 2, "The Boogie" and "The SkyGod". A website would be great. Danger
  17. I wear a Bev Suit /booties with the large wing. I put my rig on top of the wings to choke them down to a medium wing. On the occasions I have to film a small tandem or AFF I unclip the wing and bring it over the leg straps to utilize the whole wing. Danger
  18. Go watch Patrick passe's video Antigravity. Great photage of a couple of the best skysurfers coming over the waves.
  19. Dear Teds Aunt/Uncle, Please go read the entire thread in the canopy control section titled 120 Velo. The OP of that thread is following in Ted's footsteps. Nothing said to him has sunk in either.
  20. Very curious ... typed adventurize into google and the first website that popped up was www.adventurize.com. I went as far as the payment details in ordering myself a skydive. I was not going to provide my credit card. Seems to me like the website if fully functional.
  21. My PC9 has lasted over 1000 jumps in the past 7 years and is still going strong. Mounted on a FTP with no protection.
  22. Back in '99, CSPA (Canada) gave each member of the 4-way team a whopping $187.00 each to go to the Worlds. The Gov't gave us a bunch of flag pins to hand out. Danger
  23. Like others I am not willing to give up my Viper. Great canopy, with the softest openings I have had. If you're jumping in Southern Ontario, I can lend you my 120 to try. Danger
  24. Had to vote for Vader. The only living character in all the movies. Danger