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Everything posted by Danger

  1. Interesting. It continues... I picked a two word combination from the string of words that looked like a persons name and googled. skydive labelle This also found sites for Skydive Space Centre, Team Dirty Sanchez, Skydive Monterey Bay, www.skydive-here.info. Seems like this person has designed more than one site. Danger
  2. Keep it up. I started at 210 and am sitting at 176 right now. The goal is 170. I've already bought a new canopy due to wing loading. 2-3 pounds per week works best. Danger
  3. You could try www.groundrushsports.com. The owner is based in Newmarket Ontario and has multiple dealerships. Danger
  4. I did something very similiar. Created an Excell spreadsheet with all my jumps on it. Some things I have discovered: 17 types of aircraft jumped 20 different canopy types, not including multiple sizes 22 different DZ's I also include notes, camera, competitions, etc. Danger
  5. I have jumped 21 different canopies types and the worst was a Typhoon 170 followed closey by the Turbo Z.
  6. I test jumped a Perche 122 back in 95. From what I remember it was an interesting canopy. Inflated stabilizers, tapered wing, great glide. Similiar flight characteristics to the Jonathon The canopy you are looking at could be over 10 years old. Danger
  7. The best one i've had was asked by a ... blonde. Go figure. The question ... When you jump, do you land on the ground? My answer ... Nope, land on a cloud and climb down the ladder. Danger
  8. So you have started a commercial operation you will be making money from and want us to supply you with free promotional photos for your advertising website? Since you are running Tandems, do any of your TI's have personal photos you could use? Danger
  9. Excuse me ... but students are not allowed to do RW. Ever! Maybe time to go read the PIM's again.
  10. I keep all my tape. Mini-dv, Digital 8, Hi-8. All the tapes are labeled and I have a binder with the videos logged. However, asking for something 4 years old may be a little hard. My descriptions in the binder may say "Tandem video/ TI name and cute redhead". The customer would need to describe their appearance for me to find it. Anything in D-8 or Hi-8 cannot be recovered as I don't have a machine that will play them. Danger
  11. Danger

    New Film

    Are any of the proceeds from this video going to help pay Lonnie's medical bills? Danger
  12. Being in the computer licensing industry, I would highly recommend Trend Micro's PC-cillin. Doesn't hog system resources, cheaper than Norton and protects your system better than freeware. Add Computer Associates Pest Patrol and you won't have any worries. Danger
  13. BOOOOO HISSSSSS The Leafs all the way!!! But I have been saying that for many, many years. Danger
  14. Danger

    Best Live Album

    3 Best in my opinion: Peter Frampton - Frampton Comes Alive Pink Floyd - Delicate Sound of Thunder Kiss - Alive 2 Honourable mentions: Any of the live Rush albums The Who - Live at Leeds Danger
  15. You are getting hosed and your instructors are getting drunk. I only see 2 legitimate firsts on your list. Fist solo - off student status First Dock - You dock on somebody Danger
  16. Instead of putting them on your jumpsuit, sew them somewhere else. I put mine on my gear bag. Maybe put them all on a jacket you wear around the DZ. Danger
  17. Actually Iran IS an Islamic Republic. This happened in 1979 when the ruling monarchy was overthrown. Get your facts right. Danger
  18. Has this Cypres been serviced by Airtec? If not you will need to send to them and pay for both the 4 yr and 8 yr inspection. Also you may need new batteries. A rigger cannot install this into your rig if the inspections have not been done by Airtec. Danger
  19. I have the Rebel and PC9 on top of my Flattop. Nothing overhangs. They are NOT sitting side by side but staggered. Video is in front left and still is on rear right of platform. Very balanced. Sorry no pics. Danger
  20. If you need to dock on the tandem to keep up, then you don't have the skills to shoot video for that tandem. You really need to know your limitations when flying camera. Different suits, weights, flying style will help capture the paying customers video. Talk to other video people locally and mentor under one if possible. Advise given by the TM may not always be in your best interest. Danger
  21. My PC109 has over 800 jumps, top mounted without a cover or box. No problems so far. Danger
  22. I have done some searching but have been unable to find a camera condom for a Rebel XT Digital. Does anybody make these in N. America? Website? I am getting memory card errors as soon as my camera hits the air on climbout. Thanks Danger
  23. Helmets don't just fly off if they catch wind. Sounds like it wasn't fastened correctly. What make/model of helmet was it? Danger
  24. Danger


    UltraMarathonMan is a wimp compared to this guy. Terry Fox Ran a marathon everyday for 143 days straight on one leg. Over $360 Million dollars has been raised in his name for cancer research. http://www.terryfoxrun.org/english/about%20terry%20fox/default.asp?s=1 Danger