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Everything posted by Danger

  1. Think of it as a new discipline - Para-hiking Danger
  2. 2 total reserve rides. 1st was around jump 700 and 2nd was around jump 1400. Considering I have over 2200 jumps, I guess I am due. Danger
  3. Every rig I have used for IAD had a spandex pocket sewn to the left side the container with the opening facing up. This provides easy access for the instructor to retrieve the PC before exit. It is also easier to retract and throw during emergency exits. Danger
  4. $1000 Canadian dollars. $600 US dollars. Currency conversion, shipping and duty taxes would negate the price difference. Danger
  5. Danger

    Ninja in the sky

    Well lets see ... I have a skydiving friend who is a black belt in Ninjitzu who is also a former (current?)member of the Gravity Pirates Freefly team. So you are a little late. Danger
  6. Don't worry Julie. I'll help get you back in the air. No need to step up to the student rigs. We'll find some transition gear for your first few jumps back. Danger
  7. A friend recently purchased a new Sony miniDV camera not realizing it is a PAL format. He intended to use the camera for tandem dvd's. Is there a piece of hardware that will convert the PAL signal to NTSC before the standalone DVD recorder? Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks Danger
  8. Danger

    Severance Pay

    Goose, Any severance you recieve is counted against any unemployment insurance you may receive. This happened to me several years ago. My severance was 18 weeks pay. I was not able to get UI until the 18 weeks passed. No double dipping. And yes this was in Canada.
  9. Great idea for starage but if you don't have a CF card in your camera ..how do you expect to capture the image?
  10. Danger


    "and cause less line wear for a reason" I have never heard that using elastics causes the lines to wear faster. Can you provide data on this? Danger
  11. With the rig on and leg straps tightened the booties should be fine.
  12. Is you reserve a DashM series 150 or Mirco Raven 150?
  13. Packerboy, you better check with the Tandem manufacture as I believe you need either a coach or instructor rating to become tandem certified.
  14. Since it is not auto detecting, connect everything turn the camera on, go to device manager and have the computer search for new hardware. Worked for me when my computer didn't detect my camera
  15. You want to stay with NTSC. Trying to find a PAL camera in Toronto will be a problem and resell of a PAL camera will also be an issue. Playback on a TV may be a problem.
  16. You will need a PAL camera. I had the same issue when I went to the Worlds in Australia.
  17. From the distance you are shooting try taking the wide angle off. Also remember the sun shines out of the Videopersons butt not the Tandem Masters. For video/stills you need the light to hit the subject in the face.
  18. Jeff Beck is still putting out great music. Listen to any of his last few CD's. His sound is kick ass. Try listening to Who Else, You Had It Coming or his newest Jeff.
  19. In one post you say you have 3 jumps and in another you say a friend with video is docking on you. Are you an experienced jumper or a student?
  20. First off stop using the Eskimo! This is a derogatory term. The word is Inuit. If you were living in the area where most Sealers come from you would be living in an area with around 16% unemployement. To say there are other options is just not correct. Do you think they like travelling in small boats through freezing cold rough water surronded by ice bergs? They do it because it provides an additional resource for money so they can put food on the table. Don't even get me started on your native Spain. The trawling fleets from Spain have been using illegal sized nets to fish on the edge and inside Canadian territorial waters.
  21. Please get your facts straight. The seals in question are decimating the fisheries industry on the NE coast of this continent. Many of the people involved in the hunt are fisherman who are struggling to put food on their tables. You would rather save a seal than feed a child. The proaganda you are spewing (skinning seals alive) is a myth. The videos you mention are 20-30 years old. Things have changed. Even Greenpeace has stated they are using outdated footage to stir up more dollars from people like you. It is estimated there are more seals today than before Europeans arrived in North America. Lastly the word Eskimo is a derogatory term. Please use Inuit when refering these people.
  22. Ditto. It is semi elliptical and when flown to it's limit is a good swooping canopy. It's all about how you fly the canopy.