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Everything posted by Danger

  1. That would be the corret guy. How serious is this?
  2. The needle is pretty narrow, but I have nothing to compare it against.
  3. What year did the face plate on the Altimaster II change from Steve Snyder Enterprises to SSE? I bought mine used 11 years ago and is has Steve Snyder on it. Thanks
  4. I have about 900 jumps on my 109, loaded very high (1.9). At this loading the canopy swoops like a dream. Openings are good and predictable if I don't pack it. What kind of specific info are you looking for?
  5. No deaths due to inexperience with a camera? A totally false statement. Jumper in Canada with less than 500 jumps died filming another skydiver. Deceased jumper was new to video and lost track of altitude when the person he was filming opened lower than planned. This happened last year. Danger
  6. There is also Mile High Parachuting in Arnprior. The following is a description from CSPA's website "Mile High Parachuting is located 40 minutes west of Ottawa at the South Renfrew Municipal Airport in Arnprior, Ontario. The regular season is from the first week in April to the last weekend in October. The Dropzone is located only minutes from the town of Arnprior and has all the amenities for visiting jumpers and their families" Contact Buck Walley at milehighparachuting@yahoo.ca Danger
  7. I am helping a co-worker go for a tandem skydive. Which DZ's would be recommended in this area for a tandem and video? I am an experienced skydiver but am not familiar with this area. Please respond with more than just a DZ name. Give me some details. Thanks
  8. I am just surprised Al Jazeera isn't already on the airwaves in the US. After all isn't the right to free speech in the Constitution. I may not agree with what you say but I will defend your right to say it. What are you scared of?
  9. I have always tried to make my year end video about an hour long. I usually segment the video into catagories. For example, crashes in the air and on the ground, student section, nighttime activities, girls section, on the road and of course all disciplines. One goal is to try to get as many people from the DZ on tape. Everyone wants to see themselves and this will also help sales. Danger
  10. I know how to scroll up. I am at the top of the page and I see nothing. FYI I am a former computer tech. Danger
  11. I have been on this site with 3 different computers, running 3 different operating systems from 3 different locations and none show polls. Could there be somthing in profile settings that would effect this? Danger
  12. pIII 933/1gb ram should be enough is there some setting i'm missing? Haven't seen polls for months. Danger
  13. Couldn't have said it better myself. Danger
  14. The was the second torn reserve I was talking about. Danger
  15. I believe everyone has the right to feel comfortable with their equipment. Whether it be Sigma, Strong, older vectors, etc, any rig has the possibility of malfunctioning. It could be a small design flaw (unlikely), pilot error or other problems. Strong's have been on the market for around 20 years with very few problems. The Sigma's have not been on the market long enough to to compare head to head. Both rigs serve their function very well. Although the Sigma does look nicer and is a newer design. That said some people won't jump a Racer as a personal rig because of velcro and/or the poptop. I jump one as my backup rig and have a great rigger that takes care of it for me. It is no more dangerous than any other rig on the market. If you are a cautious jumper and maintain the equipment to a high standard you reduce the risks associated with skydiving. However any piece of equipment has the ability to fail and cause serious results. To each their own. Danger
  16. I will give out an account of one because I was there filming. The other incident happened to a jumper from my DZ but happened at a Boogie on another Dz. The incident I witnessed was a double mal. The TM had a funky exit. At drogue toss they went unstable (on right side) and the drogue was in hand and released at this point. The drrogue went over arm. Similiar to if you toss your PC the wrong way. The bridle caught something and released the main. The TM was unaware of the main trailing behind them wrapping around the drogue bridle. Only at drogue release did the TM know what I was signalling about. Uneventful cutaway. Very calm TM. As the reserve deployed it torn between the 2nd and third cells, front to back, top and bottom skin. The only thing holding the cells on was the binding tape. Reserve was open arond 4500'. I opened between 3000' and 3500'. I turned the camera off (didn't want to film a fatality). The TM was able to get some control of the canopy around 750' (4 cells open and flying). They beat me to the ground ( I was jumping my 120). When I saw they were alive I restarted recording and landed beside them. Nothing more than a small cut on the TM's nose and the passenger had no idea anything was wrong. Luckily the TM had numerous round jumps and flew it like a round until he could get some control over it. This happened 3 years ago. All on video. Danger
  17. I believe she is also concerned about the reserves on the Strong systems. 2 TandemMaster friends of hers had reserve failures that resulted in multiple injuries to one couple and miracleously no injuries to the other pair. I know as I was ther for one of them and have the video to prove it. The reserve failed (split front to back, top and bottom) at 120mph. Danger
  18. Just wanted to say hi to the Tandem Mistress. Danger
  19. I have a concern regarding the canopy. According to PD's website, you would be placed in the Advanced catagory with your exit weight. With your weight at 164 lbs and 20 lbs of gear you should be looking at a 190-210 Spectre. Don't want to sound like a Canopy Nazi but with less than 10 jumps (you haven't finished AFF yet) you should look for something a little bigger. Also the reserve would fall into the same Advanced catagory. Danger
  20. Yup. They have a FXC on the main set for 2800 and one on the reserve set for (I Think) 1400. The reasoning is to help stop dual out situations. Danger
  21. Only once, but it was a big one. 135kph (85mph) in an 70kph (45mph) zone. It was heading to the DZ on a friday night hoping to catch the last load. Missed the load and got the ticket. Danger
  22. Stop using 400 iso and start using 100 speed. Because you are moving at the same relative speed as your subject there is no need to use the higher speed film. Also enlargements with 400 iso will look grainy. Blowups with 100 will remain sharp and clear up to poster size. Danger
  23. The Rebel G works great for skydiving. Compact, lightweight and has full manual settings. I use the 28mm lense to match up with my 0.6 video lense. Works great for 4way, tandem and big ways. Danger