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Everything posted by Danger

  1. I jump a Bev Suit with the large wing/inner thigh clip. By doing up the clips then putting on my rig, this chokes off a portion of the wing to about 2/3 of its size. This is how I wear it most of the time. For those jumps with light weights (we have a 108lb tandem instructor) I clip the wings over the rig giving me the full wing. My other personal mod is to wear the thumb straps over my 2 middle fingers. This puts the strap up the centerline of my arm and allows me to flex the wing differently. Danger
  2. I bought my PC9 through Ebay last year. I got a great deal on a new unit. Luckily the seller lived in my hometown and I was able to pick it up directly from him. Box was sealed (brand new). There was no warrenty on it and it caos a budle when I had problems. I found out from Sony that you can purchase an extended warrenty with a phone call. Even with the repair it still cost less than going through a store. Danger
  3. The Flat-Top is the best I have used but I dream about a Wes helmet. Danger
  4. You should be wary about jumping your DV camera in the cold. If it is below 0C on the ground don't take your camera up. Check out the specs in your manual. Danger
  5. During a video dive I am always scanning the formation for just this reason. Anything flapping or anything that looks out of place gets my attention. I have also flown down to the formation to give signals just before breakoff when I have seen a floating pud. Danger
  6. In almost order: Markham Skydiving - Canada ZHills - USA SWOOP -Canada Grand Bend - Canada Newmarket Skydiving - Canada Jerry Birds' DZ in Florida - USA St. Catherines Parachute Club - Canada Ganonoque Parachute Centre - Canada Air Adventures - Canada The Ranch - USA Deland - USA The Ranch - Canada Skydive Chicago - USA Corowa - Australia Niagara Skydive Centre - Canada + a bunch of demos Danger
  7. Having 2 rigs makes me able to use one rig for myself to pull the handles before a repack. The other rig I get someone just off student status to pull the handles. This method keeps me current and gives a junior jumper the opportunity to test their procedures and give them a feel for it. Danger
  8. I've jumped a C185 on floats several times. Danger
  9. Fast Times At Ridgemount High. Do I win a prize? Danger
  10. I outswoop the Stiletto 97 with higher and lower wing loadings than myself. I believe a large part of the swoop is the technique and flying skill of the pilot. Danger
  11. I have to disagree with this statement as I regularly outswoop Stilettos with my 109 Safire. Danger
  12. I did video for an all female 4-way team called Angel Falls. They were a Canadian team and won the Intermediate gold medal at the '98 Nationals. Danger
  13. I have around 1000 jumps on velcroed(?) toggles and never had a problem. Comparing that with 750+ jumps on velcroless toggles, and around 40 toggle pops. How do you figure velcro is a safety issue? The geographical area is the same for all jumps (Toronto, Canada), so that doesn't come into play. I have had my rigger change my velcro on the rig that needs it and he has also made modifications to the other rig to stop the toggle from popping. So both have required maintenance. And toggle pops on a loaded canopy with a couple of line twists can be a critical situation. You should see the video. Overall both systems require a small amount of maintenance and can usually be done at a repack. Danger
  14. I have 2 rigs. Rig 1: Reflex, Safire 109, Raven Dash M 120, BOC, Soft handles for cutaway and reserve Rig 2: Racer (early/mid 90's), Viper 120, Micro Raven 150, BOC,D-ring reserve handle I have no problems switchching between rigs. I always run through my emergency procedures on every load. Danger
  15. Danger

    lowest pulled

    1200' for me. Lost altitude awareness on an 8 way. 1400" was the lowest I've exited a plane. Both of them were with my Cruiselite. Gawd, wouldn't do that now. Danger
  16. Fly Ins Welcome!(UNICOM FREQUENCY 123.2) 09-27 Asphalt Runway 60' x 3500'Not numbered 05-24 30' x 2600'Grass runway parallel to 05-24Elevation 600'ASL. Traffic advised, Flight over Aerodrome is restricted Due to parachuting activity 100 Octane and Jet A fuel Available
  17. Both my rigs have this simple modification. It is used to stow your brake lines during the pack job. Do a double bite on the brake lines and then wrap the tail like you normally would. This mod helps to lessen the chance of line overs by keeping your steering lines in the center of your pack job. For the 3 seconds it takes to stow, you may save yourself from lineovers. Danger
  18. The rock bottom? It all depends on your skill level and how much time and effort will be going into the team. When I started flying camera I paid for my own jumps. After getting around 20-30 team jumps the team picked up my jump ticket. I was able to make a dedication to a team for over a year and all I asked for was my slot. This team went to the Worlds with me. After that I have been able to ask for a little more. Pack jobs and travel to training camps. Until you have proved yourself in competition and been around a while slot is a pretty good deal. Danger
  19. The Bonehead Flattop fits most of your requirements. I've had mine for 4 full seasons and it works great. Jeannie is also a great person to talk to at Bonehead and is very helpful. Danger
  20. I see you're from Illinois. Ever get Jim Belushi to do a Tandem Danger C-2112
  21. > Any advices for my first camera jump? Yea, DON'T DO IT!!! There is no reason for someone with your experience to be in the air with a camera on. Find someone with at leat 500 camera jumps and talk to them. Find yourself a mentor. Danger
  22. My piss is stronger than American beer. Danger
  23. Take a look at the Canon EOS Rebel. Works great, has all the features you need and has a 2.5mm jack. Danger
  24. It will depend on where you exiting from. Personally I leave from the rear of the door. A good count and body motion from the tandem master is crucial. I leave when they leave. Upon letting go of the plane both of my hands go to my leg straps. This eliminates any wing drag allowing me to drop more. For the first couple of sends I use my shoulders to fly. Legs are tucked up until needed to drive at the tandem. After several seconds my hands come back into use. Danger