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    Raeford DZ
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  1. I will be leaving to go out of town on Saturday or else I would hit you up. I was out there today getting a few more jumps in. The day turned out to be rather nice. I will be jumping again tomorrow just to get my jump numbers up. This stuff is pretty fun and the crowd out there at Raeford is really a good group to hang out with. Good luck this weekend on your jumps. I hope the weather holds for you.
  2. Congrats. I just got my Cat A and Cat B jumps done today out at Raeford. We had to wait till late in the day for the winds to calm down, but I got two jumps in. It was absolutely awesome. I had my wife and son out there. I was so zoned in on executing my dive flow, that I didn't see much else. I love driving the canopy. I think I might be able to get a hold of it pretty quickly. I was able to stand up my landing on my second jump. It is exactly like my instructor told me. When I think that I am 10 feet off of the ground and ready to flare, wait about a 1/2 a second to a full second and then flare. I loved every minute of it. I too have lots of tunnel time and think that it helps a bunch. I have been able to get out of the plane and stable very quickly. I can't wait for my single instructor jump and then my solo's.
  3. The problem that I have with the Chicago Mayor and anybody that is for the banning of the right to bear arms, is that they never over accept the fact that gun crimes are committed by criminals using unregistered and illegal fireams. How many times are legally owned guns used in a crime by their legal owner? Very rarely does this ever occur. It is really quite sad.