I am so sorry that I was unable to attend. I felt more than obligated to be there. Lee and I had a little spat 2 days before Beezy's ashdive. He called me and told me that he was very sorry that he would not be able to attend Beezy's ashdive. I told him that I understood, and I didn't expect the world to stop based on my time schedule. I said I hated it because I had planned for him to video. He said he hated it too, but didn't expect the basta'd to go and die on him. As we talked he rattled on about this and that and a football game and Texas...
Then it clicked, and I said Lee "Don't you dare tell me you are missing Beezy's asdive to go to a G.D. football game." He said, "But, Tracie this is an important game!"
I said, "Lee, I'm not going to say another word about it. Let your heart be your guide. You decide what the right thing to do is, and if you're not at the dropzone, I will understand."
He said, "Tracie, someone's beeping my other line. I'll call you tomorrow." Yeah Right, I thought.
The next day he called me and said, "Alright you little cu__! I canceled my plane ticket and sold my football tickets... I hope your happy! I'll see you tomorrow!"
He's cursing me in heaven now for not being there after what he did for me and Beezy. Our daughter turned 6 on Friday. Her birthday party was scheduled for 11am - 1pm on Saturday, and I had planned to leave straight away to The Farm. Unfortunately, Beezy's father passed away and we have been deep in visitations and funeral activities this entire weekend here. I think I have a better excuse than his football game, and maybe Lee might even understand.
Mum and Pop Gerrard... My thoughts and prayers are with you. No parent should ever bury their child. I think that was what got Beezy's father in the end.
Brandy... Darling, call me anytime. I have not bothered you, because I know talking to me probably makes everything too real! That's how I felt (and still feel in some sense) about talking to Chris Martin's wife, Christy. I'm here when you're ready!
I hope you guys made a beautiful show yesterday, and I can't wait to see it! Yesterday it began to rain very suddenly. It was a fierce thunder shower that came from nowhere. I was on the front porch and saw a beautiful hawk sitting on top of Elsie's fort. I thought about how majestic it was and called Elsie out to see it. I kept thinking it would fly off any second, but it didn't. I guess it was trapped by the storm, and it sat there for over an hour. After the storm ended, Elsie and I walked out in the yard and looked at the horizon to see the most beautiful rainbow. She said that was the first rainbow she had ever seen. It wasn't until then that the hawk finally flew away.
-Tracie Shaw -Tracie Shaw