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    Skydive Delmarva
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  1. It's an Icarus Crossfire 2 so it is ZP. I believe the DOM is 02 so it's probably been around. Right now the canopy is in FL but i don't know if it was jumped anywhere else.
  2. Currently, I am looking at purchasing a canopy with about 1000ish jumps on it and a brand new lineset installed. I've been told that that many jumps on a canopy (fabric not lines) can lead do decreased performance. I was just wondering what types of decreased performance I could expect. Openings? Glide? Flight? Turns? Dive? Swoop Distance? Flare? How will a 1000 jump canopy compare to new canopy performance wise? Thanks!
  3. haha i wish we could have gotten out lol... we had to land the cessna but expect to see us probably next weekend maytown.
  4. I went to Maytown Sport Parachute Club in PA for the 1st time (i know, BEER!) with 2 of my friends this past weekend. Just wanted to say that it was an awesome, small cessna dropzone in which we will be returning to. The local jumpers were very friendly and inviting and made us feel right at home. After a day of great jumps, when we planned on leaving it seemed as if my friend had lost the car keys. Everyone at the DZ was more than willing to help us look for the keys and even offered us rides home (which was over an hour an half trip) even though it was WAY out of their way. All in all to put the icing on the cake, the DZ ended up giving us cessna ride home to get a set of spare keys. Saved us tons of time and I was absolutly floored by this! Just wanted to say "thanks for the lift!" and let everyone know that this is an awesome DZ that i fully recommend checking out. If anyone from Maytown reads this post, we ,"the delmarva guys", left 2 cases of beer sitting right in front of the trailer for you all! Hopefully no whuffos stroll by and see it sitting there! Once again Thanks for everything Maytown Sport Parachute Club! -Zoo Crew
  5. those fan goggles sound ridiculous. the best goggles i have found are called CurvZ. they are like sunglasses w/ a bit of foam on the side against your face. They are awesome! very minimal fogging in the plane, and they defog instantaneously when the door opens on jump run. I usually wear them all day as sunglasses around the DZ and the entire plane ride. check the out online, many people at my DZ use them, you will love them. i know has them