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    Tennessee Skydiving Center
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    Freefall Photography

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  1. oh my gawd you are SO going to hell... see you there.
  2. Just a lurker adding 2 cents... BTW, you all are gut splitting funny and I've greatly enjoyed reading your posts. On a serious note, I'm with some of the others who said they'd be against the idea. Too much risk for a little outcome. Not to mention the fact that she would be --in a sense-- prostituting herself. Now, don't get me wrong folks, just listen to the analogy. She wants to sell one of the things that makes her a woman, something completely unique to her identity, for money. It's quite different than selling plasma, which I've had to do in leaner times. Now, this whole issue is harder to see in our western culture that has tried to completely seperate sex from procreation, but that's not so easy to do. She wants to sell that part of her that assists in the creation of a unique, unrepeatable human being for dough. There's something quite amiss about that. If anyone who reads this has done such a thing and I've offended, I beg forgiveness. I'm not trying to judge anyone but to answer the question from a philosophical bend. Well... looks like my 2 cents turned into 2 dollars... sorry
  3. LMAO!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Oh Jesus you kill me. I haven't laughed that good since I was a little girl, thank you!!!
  4. Working fine now. Damn. Rough one Glad you survived
  5. trying to watch the flick, getting nothing but an "access denied" msg. Haven't had any other probs watching other videos on line... please advise. -doodah
  6. they'd create quite a burble, eh? gives new meaning to the phrase "tit-whipped"
  7. LM Freakin AO!!!! You guys are just sick. Wouldn't you wanna be the tandem back seater to one of those poker babes???
  8. Hey, Congrats!! It's great you're going to do it. Ditto to everything others have said. It's so wonderful being in freefall and under canopy. My wife did a tandem a few years back, she was thrilled! Just remember to relax and enjoy the sensations.
  9. Thanks for the welcome. I've always loved how accepting and friendly other skydivers are (except a DZ owner I used to know...)
  10. just being a tease... accidentally hit the paperclip... sorry . I was at Eloy during Christmas week to help keep my motivation up for paying off those credit cards. What a blast! I just love it out there!
  11. whoops didn't mean to put those emoticons after my name
  12. Hi everybody! New to the forums and still new to wonderful world of skydiving. I started in 94 in Tennessee, made 30 jumps but had to take a long sebatical due to getting married , have a couple kids, go to graduate school, etc. etc. But the wait is almost over. Wife has agreed to let me buy a new rig once we get credit card bills paid down. YEA!!!!! When I finally do return, I'll be jumping at Archway Skydiving near St. Louis (Vandalia). Anyone jump there? Michael
  13. I work from home when not travelling doing pharmaceutical research. Hard to stay away from the site while at home, no boss looking over my shoulder. No access to the site while on the road. Pisser, that! BA in psych, 4 years post-grad school.