From a fellow newbie's point of view, I just did my second tandem jump in July and let me tell you that it is very true what everyone on here say's that you see so much more on the 2nd jump.
My first jump was great, but I dont remember much, I was just completely sensory overloaded and had alot of trouble even breathing which looked funny as hell on the video lol. But on my 2nd jump I was not only able to see alot more but I was able to breath quite easily, and even felt very self aware. I remember acually thinking about how I was arching during freefall and had enough presence of mind that I could think. Now im hooked and once I have the cash Im going to start my classes and get my A license and from there my goal is to get my D license eventually.
If you never do a 3rd jump, def atleast do a 2nd you will not regret it.