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  1. In the early eighties there was also Bill Older, Then later Larry Boudreau, Craig Buxton and many others...
  2. Here's one from 1984 over Texel, Charles von Sury is left and I am right. Wilma is in the middle...
  3. Although this is an old thread here are my numbers; SCSA 215 - Zhills NSCSA 72 - ZHills
  4. Salut Jerome, I remember that one too, I was on it as well, the only pic I have ever seen was on the frontpage of "Skydiving" I think it was Norman Kent's. Would be great if it came out of the woodworks.
  5. ***the Night 40 way Hi Jack, did you go on the 56 way or so that we tried later that season out Silver Bullet (right hand door) and Southern Cross? The dive didn't build and I have no pics. Wim
  6. Hi there Bob, where would you place Jack? I think he wasn't on that dive unless I mistake Heidi for Jack.... The jumper on Yagers right leg may be Joey Pacquin? W.
  7. Since Papasmurf is not very tall and has a beard, i would guess Josh Wolfe?
  8. Ok, that 's a few names, I remember "Anvil" and in contradiction with what one may think he was quite a good skydiver. The one you refer to as "Wim from Holland" that would be me, from Belgium actually, but I am not on that dive but you got the girlfriend right, Mag was my girlfriend in those days. And it is Heidi in the base.
  9. Where is everyone that jumped at the Hills in it's golden days, the 40-way speed Easter meets were fabulous; I put a link for my webalbums on the bottom here, if you click it or probably copy and paste it, and then go to "Z'hills" for pictures taken in a roughly ten year period. If you recognize yourself or a buddy you can comment and add names I am still working on the captions. I was on Jerry Bird's teams all the time,
  10. Here's a couple pix of a nightdive, early eighties out of Southern Cross,at Hooper's "new" DZ; I'd like to find a few more names. Line of flight is Bill Brandon, on his left leg is Henry (Wings),right leg Joannie and tail is Jake Brake. Then, going clockwise, there is Heidi in the middle, Peter Gannaw left, Tony Uragallo right with Mitch"Dakota" closing. Then ,John Yager in the middle, Paul Juel on the left, on the right???, closing is I think Eric Bradley. Next diamond is me in the middle and M.J. on my left, Right wing????( maybe Larry Boudreau) and tail????. The pics were by PinK Floyd.
  11. Really small? (cheech voice) top Sorry about that...He just got bigger:)
  12. Any photos of Pink?***Quote He looked like this in the eighties.