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Everything posted by Beachbum
Thanks ... will get some and get it sewn on. As for other replies ... Yes, tracking is where I usually first figure out something may have gone amiss. I can track straight without problem usually, so when I notice I'm having a problem staying on heading my suspicions are aroused, and sure enough once I am under canopy and look down, one is off. I don't have to worry about nationals, etc. unless I can find a doc who can figure out my ear problem and fix it - hard to get that much experience at my jump rate ... LOL!!! Duct tape??? ... you mean DING tape (you ARE talking to an old surfer!!). Usually part of a roll living in my vehicle, but I didn't really want to get my booties all gummy. As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
I seem to lose a bootie during a jump fairly regularly (not always the same one). I don't know for sure at what point they come off (suspect it varies). I've kept the shoes that I used when measured for the suit and still jump in them (nice worn bottom so they don't catch if I need to slide!!). So .... looking for ways to help prevent this ... what do y'all do ... suggestions? As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
Science reinvents the economy: An economy in a computer
Beachbum replied to dreamdancer's topic in Speakers Corner
Not to mention that the program processing that data is only as good as the analysis up front to create the proper abilities in the program to handle that data correctly. With something as complex as world economics, that is a VERY tall order. The amount of ambiguity involved in economics would make it at best very difficult to create an accurate program. As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks? -
Thanks for the info! I wonder why the media never mentions this, but keeps spouting things like the piece I saw on the news about how the #'s are inaccurate? Is it possible that this is just part of what makes up the numbers that are actually released to the public (I looked thru that site, but couldn't see anything about that)? The info on the page you linked even states that it doesn't count anyone unemployed for less than 15 weeks, so under that definition, I am not quite yet unemployed. Try telling that to my bank accounts!! Personally, I don't really care about blame placement at this point. The fact is, we are experiencing hard times that were largely brought on by our government, and like it or not we have to rely on that same government to try to get us out of it. Sucks that the 2 parties (politicians AND public) insist on quibbling instead of working together to fix the mess. I certainly don't expect every aspect of the recovery plan to be successful. It's not like there are people out there with a lot of experience with this situation to call in for advice, so anything attempted is at best a calculated guess as to what will or won't work. With that in mind, yes, I expect more mistakes to be made. I can only hope that they get more right than they get wrong. Do I agree with the overall path so far? A resounding NO, but I'm sure as heck no economic expert, and I realize that I have to be a bit patient and at least wait to see if things improve, level off, or continue on the downslide before I draw any conclusions. As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
PneumothoraX!... Should l say NO to skydiving?
Beachbum replied to matej's topic in Skydivers with Disabilities
okay ... pulled out my logbook to get #'s so I don't lie ... LOL!! My first jump following the abrasive pleurodesis was in may of '06, and since the surgery I've now done 114 jumps. That # is a bit low because I've also got a problem with one ear getting fluid buildup, and am usually limited to 1 or 2 jumps per outing. My total is now at 169 ... hoping to hit 200 this year. Slow progress at that rate, but at least I still get to jump ... :) ... !!! Best of luck to you with your's ... and yes, please let us know if/when you get back in the air, and how your recovery is progressing. As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks? -
Speaking strictly from a non-instructor viewpoint, as someone who was taught the delta initially, to me, that T business makes no sense. Why teach a method of tracking that is not going to ever be part of your skydiving once you advance beyond that stage of development? To me, the main point I see emerging from this discussion is the need to ensure that a student is taught or at least made aware of the need to learn how to flat track eventually ... not just let them go off after student training thinking the delta is all they need, regardless of the method employed getting them to that point. "spinning like a frisbee, still hauling ass" ... LOL ... mental image is funny, but I am having problems visualizing how one could do this?? Think I might have to try it ... just start a spin that is slightly off level axis so you are sliding while spinning?? ... have to think it would make cool video, at the very least!!! As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
And that 9.4% unemployment is skewed also, since there are many people who do not show up in that number due to the manner it's calculated. I saw (think it was on ABC) an estimate of closer to 15% if you included those who have used up their unemployment, are only able to find part time but want/need full time, folks who have just given up looking for the time being, etc. I know I've joined the ranks thanks to an entire IT staff being outsourced to India in April, but the way I understand it, because I have not applied for unemployment (so far!), I would not be counted toward the unemployment #s the feds release. As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
too much free time ... we gotta help find you a job ... As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
Just one more reason added to the list of why I dislike politicians .... http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/6457063.html The amazing thing here is that Patterson is actually on the right side of a beach access issue for a change ... a big turnaround from most of his actions since he's been in office. As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
I have to respect her intelligence and abilities in the political arena, but I don't have to like the way she manages to come across as so incredibly smug a lot of the time. That is enough to make me dislike anyone (as if just being a politician wasn't already enough to do that!!). Yes, for a lot of people, it may be related to Bill, but I don't believe that applies to most. I think she generates the dislike all on her own. As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
I was thinking he meant like "electric Kool-aid" ... in which case Kool-aid was correct ... I'm old enough to remember ... well, sorta remember ... ... are flashbacks really remembering??? As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
Hi Adam, Well, you have obviously read this thread. If you search, you will find one or two others where we've discussed this more. As of now, I've had that lung collapse 3 times, and after the 3rd I had a procedure done called an abrasive pleurodesis. Since recovery from that I now have ... hmmm ... maybe 90 - 95 jumps? without any further problems. I am still cautious though! As for your situation, a lot depends on what caused the collapse, the treatment regimen, etc. ... but if they think the cause was blebs, and treatment is just reinflating via suction which it sounds like is happening, you will likely be advised not to jump for at least a year (is what my initial doc had me do). None of my collapses were related to jumping as far as could be determined, nor did they occur at a time near when I had jumped. The things to consider are your level of risk acceptance, and the fact that according to the docs and everything I could find researching on my own, the odds of a 2nd collapse are about 50%. If it happens a 2nd, odds for #3 are about 95%! I'd say discuss it in detail with your doc, and if you aren't happy with the responses, perhaps do what I had to do and find a flight surgeon who has at least some knowledge of skydiving to talk with about it (he was the one who told me about the availability of abrasive pleurodesis). Best of luck ... and feel free to holler if I can be any help. As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
Sorry ... I kinda thought the context made that one pretty clear it was the cactus type ... (but since you mention it, yes, there did seem to be a lot of the social commentary pin on buttons back then - favorite one I remember was "legalize freedom") ... and being a nonCalifornian, I can't really comment on Valley girls unless their stereotypes on TV are a realistic representation, in which case I'd have to say PLEASE tell me they are not in any way a product of hippies. To use a phrase I think I remember being attributed to them ... "gag me with a spoon" ... LOL!! What I'd like to know is why younger people seem to have the impression that being a hippie meant being a person with little to no personal hygiene, and for women to have not shaved legs, pits, whathaveyou. Where did this come from?? As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
You whippersnappers seem to have some major misconceptions here ... LOL!! I have to vote none of the above. I'm not at all sure what a "modernized hippie" is ... but first, you'd have to learn to spell patchouli correctly ... ;) ... It most certainly would not involve cessation of bathing or shaving ... hippies as a group were not unclean. For the most part, the flowers were real, not so much part of the clothing ... patches were because you couldn't afford new jeans because you spent it all on acid, buttons, shrooms, smoke, and of course munchies. Nobody knew the term "dreds" yet, so growing them certainly doesn't qualify you. and to Shropshire ... you're at least close with "man" ... but like, using like like that ... is like ... not hippie. That is like totally more modern ... also, any use of "dude" other than as a guy on a tourist ranch would disqualify someone. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!!! As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
I'd have to agree with Tom ... from my viewpoint, yes the teacher screwed up, but I don't believe it's a 1st amendment issue. Several people mentioned things along this line of thought. I don't have kids, but I have looked at some textbooks used here (Houston - CyFair) thanks to a neighbor. I can't blame teachers for blurring lines - a 9th grade math book I was shown that is being used contained quite a variety of stuff besides just math. It seemed like every 3rd or 4th page there was something on what used to be considered social studies, civics, a little biology and even some geography. That type of book would certainly tend to lead a class away from the particular subject the class is supposed to teach! Anyone involved in education on here that knows if this type of book is common now? As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
It's really all just a ploy on his part to help stimulate that sectionf of the economy ... As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
Thanks to an entire IT dept. being outsourced to India, I'm not buying diddly besides a few rides to altitude ... As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
and Sergeant Pepper too! Would almost wonder if they deployed via a yellow submarine ... As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
Just heard on the noon news that we now have a confirmed fatality in Houston from it. This was a "toddler" who was sent here from Mexico City via Brownsville though, not a local. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/6398202.html My opinion, yes ... they do oversensationalize on tv news (not just this issue!), but such seems the standard these days. I understand the need to report on this, and provide information (hopefully accurate), but we don't need nearly half of the news broadcast dedicated to it at this point!! Personally, I like to see some variety in the news even when there is something particularly important (or deemed so by media) going on that needs coverage. As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
Of course when Republicans say such things they are evil warmongering imperialists, interfering in the foreign affairs of sovereign nations. But when Democrats say it, they're heroes! Not to worry, because it's all okay now. The democrats have protested at the embassy, so we can all sleep soundly tonight, because they've made a symbolic stand against genocide. Don't worry at all about the fact that they haven't actually done a damn thing to stop it - that's not what counts. Don't get the idea that I completely support EITHER party (their intelligence levels aside, I'm convinced that most politicians are going to act like idiots, no matter what party!!) .... with that said .... Why is it that so many stalwarts of both parties always blame the other no matter what? If people are going to bash this administration for what it hasn't done about Darfur, I think they should at least attempt to keep in mind the prior administration's lack of action on the same issue. Both parties are continually guilty of doing what is politically expedient and ignoring what is right or wrong. As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
I haven't been up there much yet this year since they didn't have a plane midweek until they got Daffy back in the air recently, so not up on who all is around right now. AggieDave, or Todd (dzo at Aggieland) would be the best bets to know who all is still a student and jumping. I know that they tried to get the club going again a couple of years ago, but it never worked out. I don't know details, but think they couldn't collect enough participants. You can always recruit student jumpers ... I know Todd would appreciate it ... LOL!! The folks who tried it last time were talking with Kay about being the sponsor, and she might still be willing to do it if you can come up with the students to make it happen. She and I may meet out there to jump one afternoon this week if the weather cooperates, if you would like to show up and talk to her about it. As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
Anyone with Triathlon 7cell 190-210ish?
Beachbum replied to npgraphicdesign's topic in Gear and Rigging
Educational thread for me too ... thanks y'all! PopsJumper - Based on that info, I'm guessing it was due to forgetting to reset it after positioning the nose. I was initially taught to halve the slider nose to tail and have done it that way since. I'll experiment with the exposure on the nose side as you suggested ... thanks again! As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks? -
Anyone with Triathlon 7cell 190-210ish?
Beachbum replied to npgraphicdesign's topic in Gear and Rigging
Could you give us a bit more specific information on this aspect please? I've got a tri also (also loaded just barely over 1:1), and a few months ago managed to pack myself a real slammer, and never could figure out just what I'd done wrong. I always try to keep the slider against the stops. How much movement from that position does it actually take to have how much effect? As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks? -
How many hundreds of cases would need to be ordered to keep them afloat a bit longer? I know most skydivers detest beer, but I bet a concerted campaign effort would generate at least a few orders. Sure hate to seem them have to fold. As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
heeeyyyyyyy now ... just 'cause I'm skinny doesn't mean I can't eat a lot too!!! As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?