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Everything posted by Beachbum

  1. Of course, the loss of life is tragic. That said, I think the timing was incredible. Obama blesses the industry as safe enough to allow more offshore drilling in areas where it has been banned up to now, then this happens! Yeah, those oil companies won't screw up the environment any at all. Once more, the almighty dollar reigns supreme. Even after the surface spill is contained/cleaned up, we're going to see storms wash tar up on the beaches for years after this one. I just love having to use turpentine to get it off me, bathing suit, surfboard, etc. when I get home ... :( As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
  2. Gun??? ... what gun?? As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
  3. NOW I understand why he turned the facts into such a convoluted mess ... habit!!! As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
  4. My jeep did something similar a while back, and it turned out to be a sensor that checks the flywheel position. The sensor had gone out, and as a result, it shut down the electrical ... lights and all ok, but nothing from the key. The bit about the lock on your's make me think that's not your problem, but these days, you never know what systems they tie together. As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
  5. You can't become a member of Team Cypres at Lost Prairie and get to sing the Team Cypres song without one. As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
  6. We have done that as part of our team fundraising. As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
  7. With most of the time, but as others have posted ... jump without when it has to go visit the shop for it's checkups. As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
  8. Congrats on the jump Rick (and a good cause!). We have had a Relay-for-Life team a number of years that is primarily skydivers, but I don't think anyone would donate to get us to jump, since we do it all the time anyway. Now, there might be some willing to donate to get us to NOT jump ... ;) ... LOL!! As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
  9. issue punishment on the way to altitude !! As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
  10. I saw this last night and figured someone with a lot more jumps would say something about it, and I'd let that happen since their opinions DO carry a bit more weight. Well, that didn't happen, so I will put in my 2 cents worth. I have to disagree with "pretty good job of checking your air-space". What happened to checking above, below, to the sides, behind, and all the angles in between?? Yes, looking in front of you is a good start, but not enough. Short of my mom with the eyes in the back of her head when I was a kid, I don't know anyone who can cover all that without moving their head ... ;) ... As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
  11. and I've been thinking it's time to get into FF a bit more ... what motivation! I could use at least 3 of the 4 ... ;) As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
  12. I haven't dared going near there during spring break in a LONG time, but used to be the ferry line would get pretty backed up too ... don't know which is worse! I'm not sure when yet, but plan on getting down there again for at least a couple of days again. As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
  13. His profile says Aggieland JR ... ;) ... I had about 6 weeks from ground school to first jump thanks to our weather this time of year, so yeah ... I get it. We'll probably meet if you're out there much, since I try to get up to visit the folks at SDA at least every couple of months. I'm due a trip up there soon (of course, IF the weather will cooperate!!). As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
  14. ok ... made a liar of myself ... I had to reply to this one! Hmmm ... and you think that everyone was paying attention, I guess. People ARE starting to wake up and be concerned. Yes, it is happening much later than should have been, but better now than never. As for the financial goals, elections are seldom won on very low budgets these days, and if it is to be an effective nationwide movement, that is a LOT of campaigns to try to finance. I don't read in SC with a lot of regularity and could have easily missed something, but you seem to always find fault with almost everything, and I have yet to see you offer any sound solutions. Do you have a viable alternative in mind that would help the people in the US regain control of our government? We'd REALLY like to know! You complain about GOOOH wanting to raise money, so we'd especially like to hear about it if what you have in mind would not require a lot of $$$. If you know of a plausible legal low cost solution, I can think of several million people who'd love to hear it. As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
  15. Ok ... I'm confused here. Maybe we didn't read the same website. How do you get that GOOOH is not non-partisan? Read the sections talking about candidate selection, and party affiliation. As for the posts inferring that GOOOH is just a single person ... well .... I think it would be a great step in the right direction to at least be giving the public as a whole a chance to pick their candidate as opposed to what takes place right now (party pretty much controlling who runs). I'm not going to get into the other stuff ... just wanted to see how y'all would react to this. I was tickled when she sent the link to me, since I've been advocating something along these lines for quite some time now. I think that getting things flushed out in D.C. would be a great start toward getting this country back on the track I believe our founding fathers intended for it.
  16. A friend sent this url to me ... just curious how many of y'all have seen it, and what some of the hardcore from both sides of the fence think about it. As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
  17. It's been a few years since I did AFF, and I know that training has improved with the development and implementation of the ISP since then, but I was never instructed relative to climbing exits while a student. I can't remember it even being mentioned back then. I only got educated about it reading on here, then asking questions of more experienced folks at the dz. Maybe it would be a good idea to include something specifically about it in the ISP (or IS there now?)? As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
  18. Found this ... worth a try: 1. Obviously, make sure that the IP addresses that you're getting for your DNS servers are correct. To verify that, open a DOS window, type the following command at the DOS prompt, and then hit Enter: ipconfig /all 2. Download and run the (free) WinsockXPFix program. As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
  19. You probably would have caught it already, but worth a check if you didn't ... another thing you might check is to be sure that folder and file names copied with the same case ... I got bit by that once moving stuff to a unix system, when things all copied lower case. As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
  20. Hmmm ... you know, there just may be a valid point in the depths there. I wonder just how much money congress alone could save the taxpayers by telecommuting?? Airfares (or private plane rentals!), high dollar lodging and office space in D.C., a lot of meal expenses since they'd be home much more (well, at least the ones not paid for by lobbyists) ... etc. The technology exists to be sure it really IS them voting! Speaking of lobbyists, that might be a good way to limit their effectiveness. Just don't concentrate the politicians in one place ... LOL!!! As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
  21. 2 from a PAC750 on the 2nd ... was still recovering on the 1st ... LOL!! First was with a newly licensed jumper, second a 10 way. This weekend, it's gonna be COLD (anything below 40 is cold for south Texas, and it's supposed to be in the teens overnight!!!), but I might get out sunday for a bit. As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
  22. I totally understand the deadline bit. What I have a problem with is even the outside possibility that ALL their evidence could be dumped as a result of one resume for an expert witness not being on time (believe I was told the witness was late getting it to them TO turn in). And I know, a deadline IS a deadline, but I was told it was literally only a few minutes late. As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
  23. Can't claim to know all about it, but from talking with Todd the other day, at least part of it was about expert evidence. If I understood correctly, they were JUST late submitting a resume for an expert witness, and as a result that witness couldn't be used apparently. The other side was trying to have ALL their evidence tossed as a result. That makes no sense whatsoever to me, but we have to remember, this IS lawyers ... ;) ... Hopefully the judge saw the request for what it was - total bs ... and still allowed all the other evidence to remain. I haven't heard any more than y'all about the result. As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
  24. This is in response to the entire thread ... only picked Nanook's to hit "reply" to because of the quote further down. So there is no question about my stance, I would favor legalization, and think the end result over time would be beneficial in terms of impact in both the financal and criminal arenas. Would there be an instantaneous "cure" ... heck no ... but I firmly believe it would be a big step in the right direction. The legalities would have to be battled out between state and fed, yes ... but that is the case with many issues, and is certainly no reason to NOT do it. First off, to address the comparison to prohibition. I think there are certainly parallels that apply, but I have to agree with AggieDave that there isn't a totally direct comparison because of reasons I haven't seen actually verbalized here (tho some posts have touched on it less directly). The main difference is that the criminal activity related to prohibition was almost entirely about alcohol, so removing laws pertaining to it's illegality did effectively remove that element. The criminal activity related to importation/sale of drugs is just that ... drugs as a whole, not JUST weed. Legalizing, or decriminalizing pot will only remove one part of their business, so they will continue on with the coke, herion, 'script drugs, etc. Now, because I am a beach lover, I have to comment about the Nanook post about the trashed beaches and his perceived negative effect on tourists. I (duh ... Beachbum!!) have spent a lot of time at beaches, and my observations over the years are that in areas with heavy tourism, the tourists are the major source of trash left on the beaches. When I lived in N.C., you could watch in late afternoon in front of the tourist hotels, and as those folks left the beach to return to their respective hotels, there was always a very distinct line of trash left behind to mark where they'd had their chairs set up. For the most part, the locals (including those dreaded dope smoking surfers) sure as heck didn't do that. And yes, I was often in a position to see vehicles they climbed into if not returning to a hotel, so could see who had local plates on their cars versus out of state or inland area plates (N.C. has city plates on the front end). Sad thing was, there were trash barrels nearby, but these people weren't willing to utilize them, I guess. Must have been that the weed they were smoking made them too lazy, eh?? ... ;) ... I've witnessed the same thing here in Texas, but a bit differently, since much of the beach area I utilize here is hotel free (thank goodness!). It seems to me that locals and regular beach users are much more apt to take care of the beach, and those who view it strictly as a "once in a while" visit display much less care. Perhaps things are different in Cali, but I think to blame all trashing of beaches on any one group of people is ludicrous. *** There is just no way around controlling them without affecting everyone else. Quoted this one because I am just curious ... why do you feel the need to control anyone with respect to this issue? Do you also spend time trying to devise ways to control those who drink alcohol? As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
  25. I had the same problem when I first started jumping. I used to scuba dive, but had to stop about 10 years ago because I began to have problems equalizing (particularly my right ear) ... and that happened after a couple of decades of diving. I got the fluid buildup, the whole works. Tried OTC meds, even a couple of prescription meds, to not avail. I found an ENT guy who worked with pilots in 'Nam to look at it. They did a CT of my sinuses, even put little bitty cameras up my nose to look around, and never found a cause. SO, like Glide mentioned he does ... I just get one or two jumps a day most of the time. I jump, wait a while to see how the ear seems to be doing, then jump again if I think it's ok (or near it!). I DO start trying to clear it as soon as I'm under canopy (or even in freefall if I think about it). Sometimes, I even get to the ground and can still hear ok ... :) ... then I'm pretty sure I'm good for the next one. Recently, I took part in formation load scrambles, and did 6 jumps in one day ... paid for it though ... LOL ... grounded for a couple of weeks. I hope your's is only a temporary problem. As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?